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Cartographica Helvetica

Namenregister (Hefte 1–48)
Index of names (vol. 1–48)
Index des noms (no. 1–48)

zusammengestellt von
compiled by
compilé par

Markus Oehrli

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

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Aa, Pieter van der (1659–1733): 27 (2003) 18

Aaron bar Chaim ha-Levi Schalit Aharon ben Ḥayyim hal-Lewi Šalit

Abbadie, Antoine d' (1810–1897): 31 (2005) 32

ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān aṣ-Ṣūfī [Azophi] عبد الرحمن الصوفي ‎ (903–986): 42 (2010) 39–40, 45–46

Abel, Gottlieb Friedrich (*1763): 7 (1993) 4, 8

Abraham ben Samuel Zacuto Avraham ben Šemuʾel Zakkut

Abū ʿl-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl ibn ʿAlī أبو الفداء إسماعيل ابن علي ‎ (1273–1331): 24 (2001) 21, 25–26; 25 (2002) 53

Acidalius, Valens (1567–1595): 22 (2000) 5, 10

Acosta, José de (1539?–1600): 28 (2003) 38

Adam, Albrecht (1786–1862): 26 (2002) 24

Addison, John [II] [19. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 22

Adelburger, Johann Ernst [18. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 38

Adrichem, Christiaan van (1533–1585): 13 (1996) 36; 23 (2001) 6; 42 (2010) 33–34; 43 (2011) 35

Aegeri, Carl von (†1562): 15 (1997) 36

Aegerter, Leo (1875–1953): 15 (1997) 5

Aellen, Markus (1934–1999): 25 (2002) 24

Aeppli, August (1859–1938): 20 (1999) 28, 30, 32

Aerni, Klaus (1932–2014): 16 (1997) 23

Agassiz, Louis (1807–1873): 1 (1990) 7; 25 (2002) 16

Aggere, Petrus ab [16. Jh.]: 43 (2011) 29, 36, 38

Agnellus [von Ravenna] [9. Jh.]: 14 (1996) 35

Agnese, Battista (†1564): 8 (1993) 23–25, 27–28, 30; 15 (1997) 40

Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (64–12): 7 (1993) 38–39, 42

Aguirre y Montúfar, Carlos (1778–1816): 47 (2013) 3

Aharon ben Ḥayyim hal-Lewi Šalit [Aaron bar Chaim ha-Levi Schalit] אהרן בן ח״ם הלוי של׳ט ‎ [?]: 4 (1991) 24

Ailly, Pierre d' (1350–1420): 11 (1995) 39

Aitzing, Michael von (1530?–1598): 13 (1996) 36; 23 (2001) 6, 10

Albe, Bacler d' Bacler d'Albe, Louis Albert Ghislain de

Albericus [von Trois-Fontaines] [13. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 29

Alberti, Leandro (1479–1552): 4 (1991) 17; 13 (1996) 36; 38 (2008) 7

Alberti, Michael (1682–1757): 33 (2006) 18

Albertin, Johann Heinrich (1713–1790): 1 (1990) 3; 22 (2000) 22–23; 29 (2004) 9, 14

al-Bīrūnī al-Bīrūnī

Alexander, James Edward (1803–1885): 30 (2004) 38–39, 41

Algoet, Lievin (1490?–1547): 13 (1996) 35

al-Ḫwārīzmī al-wārīzmī

al-Idrīsī al-Idrīsī

ʿAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad aš-Šarafī aṣ-Ṣafāqsī علي ابن أحمد ابن محمد الشرفي الصفاقسي ‎ [16. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 43; 15 (1997) 39–40

ʿAlī Maǧar Reʿīs علي مجر رئيس ‎ [16. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 39–40

al-Kāšġarī al-Kāšġarī

Allard, Carel (1648–1709): 5 (1992) 17; 17 (1998) 22; 44 (2011) 46

Allard, Huych (1620–1691): 8 (1993) 46; 17 (1998) 21–22

Almagià, Roberto (1884–1962): 5 (1992) 3; 10 (1994) 14

al-Masʿūdī al-Masʿūdī

• Alphen aan den Rijn: Canaletto: 11 (1995) 18–19

Altermatt, Johann Baptist (1764–1849): 1 (1990) 27; 11 (1995) 11, 13–14

Altmann, Johann Georg (1695–1758): 25 (2002) 12; 29 (2004) 43

Altmannshausen, Johann Ernst von (1581–1662): 19 (1999) 30

Amberger, Christoph (†1562?): 45 (2012) 10

Amberger, Friedrich Gustav «Fritz» (1869–1948): 15 (1997) 34

Ambühl, Johann Ludwig (1750–1800): 8 (1993) 9

Ambühl [Collinus], Kaspar [16. Jh.]: 19 (1999) 7

Amerbach, Basilius (1533–1591): 7 (1993) 16 (P); 10 (1994) 12

Amerbach, Bonifacius (1495–1562): 7 (1993) 16

Amman, Ignaz Ambros von (1753–1830): 7 (1993) 3–6, 8, 10; 27 (2003) 6–7, 12; 34 (2006) 23

Amrein, Kaspar Constantin (1845–1898): 18 (1998) 11; 20 (1999) 19, 23

Amrein-Troller, Wilhelm (1872–1946): 18 (1998) 5, 8

• Amsterdam: Blaeu: 4 (1991) 17; 5 (1992) 17; 34 (2006) 30–31

• Amsterdam: Buffa & Compagnie: 44 (2011) 47

• Amsterdam: Covens & Mortier; Mortier, Covens & Zoon: 1 (1990) 29; 42 (2010) 37; 44 (2011) 47

• Amsterdam: Hondius: 5 (1992) 17; 6 (1992) 5; 34 (2006) 30

• Amsterdam: Janssonius: 5 (1992) 17; 8 (1993) 38; 34 (2006) 30–31

• Amsterdam: Ottens: 5 (1992) 17; 44 (2011) 48–49

Anaxagoras [von Klazomenai] Αναξαγόρας [5. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 11, 13

Anaximandros [von Milet] Αναξίμανδρος [6. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Anaximenes [von Milet] Αναξιμένης [6. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Andersson, Charles John (1827–1867): 30 (2004) 38–39, 41, 44

Andreae, Jakob [I] (1528–1590): 23 (2001) 6

Andréossy, ... [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Andrews, John (1736–1809): 42 (2010) 22, 25

Andrews, John Harwood (1927–2019): 17 (1998) 38

Angély, Pierre d' [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 25

Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (1457–1526): 28 (2003) 35

Anguissola, Leandro (1653–1720): 48 (2013) 16–17

Anich, Peter (1723–1766): 2 (1990) 16; 8 (1993) 47–48; 19 (1999) 37–41 (P), 45; 25 (2002) 12; 29 (2004) 9; 35 (2007) 5

Anker, Albert (1831–1910): 25 (2002) 25–29 (P), 32–33; 26 (2002) 21

Anker, Moritz (1874–1931): 25 (2002) 27–29 (P), 33; 26 (2002) 21

Anse, Luggert van [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 46

Anselmier, Gaston (1840–1909): 39 (2009) 8

Anselmier, Jules (1815–1895): 1 (1990) 16; 2 (1990) 28

Anthoniszoon, Cornelis [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32, 35; 16 (1997) 36; 27 (2003) 49

• Antwerpen: Plantijn: 4 (1991) 17; 16 (1997) 31; 17 (1998) 26; 22 (2000) 3, 5, 10; 39 (2009) 42

• Antwerpen: Silvius: 4 (1991) 17

Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697–1782): 12 (1995) 36; 24 (2001) 27; 31 (2005) 22; 40 (2009) 3

Apel, Jakob [II] (†1620): 25 (2002) 35

Apian [Bienewitz], Peter (1495–1552): 6 (1992) 12; 12 (1995) 27, 29, 34; 16 (1997) 33, 36; 24 (2001) 10; 28 (2003) 36, 40; 38 (2008) 8, 11

Apian [Bienewitz], Philipp (1531–1589): 7 (1993) 15–17; 13 (1996) 32; 17 (1998) 32, 34; 24 (2001) 15; 35 (2007) 5; 37 (2008) 42; 42 (2010) 20–21

Aratos [von Soloi] Αρατος [3. Jh. BC]: 42 (2010) 40

Archimedes [von Syracus] Αρχιμήδης (†212 BC): 16 (1997) 36

Archytas [von Tarent] Αρχύτας [4. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Arden-Close, Charles Frederick (1865–1952): 30 (2004) 32–33

Ardüser, Johannes (1585–1665): 10 (1994) 25

Argentré, Bertrand d' (1519–1590): 24 (2001) 30–33, 35

Arias Montano, Benito (1527–1598): 13 (1996) 34

Aristarchos [von Samos] Αρίσταρχος [3. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Aristoteles [von Stageira] Αριστοτέλης (384–322): 4 (1991) 17; 5 (1992) 13; 7 (1993) 43; 12 (1995) 31; 16 (1997) 40

Arnberger, Erik (1917–1987): 37 (2008) 35

Arouet, François Marie Voltaire

Arrowsmith, Aaron [I] (1750–1823): 28 (2003) 13; 30 (2004) 24, 28; 40 (2009) 4; 47 (2013) 8

Arrowsmith, John (1790–1873): 30 (2004) 25, 28–29, 38; 37 (2008) 21–22

Arx, Ildefons von (1755–1833): 32 (2005) 8

Arzachel az-Zarqālī

Asaph [Judaeus] [11. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 41

Ashley, Robert (1565–1641): 42 (2010) 44

Asper, Hans (1499?–1571): 3 (1991) 25; 15 (1997) 24–25

Aster, Friedrich Ludwig (1732–1804): 44 (2011) 4

Aubigné, Agrippa d' (1552–1630): 12 (1995) 6, 10

Aubigné, Nathan d' (1601–1669): 1 (1990) 23

Auer, Conrad Martin Carl (1839–1898): 4 (1991) 14–15

Auer, Johann Conrad (1812–1856): 4 (1991) 3–10, 12, 14; 14 (1996) 5

Auge, Johann Andreas (1711–1805): 30 (2004) 36

• Augsburg: Chatelet: 25 (2002) 9

• Augsburg: Seutter; Lotter; Probst: 6 (1992) 27; 21 (2000) 4, 31–32; 25 (2002) 2–10; 26 (2002) 23–25; 34 (2006) 21; 35 (2007) 24–26, 28–29

• Augsburg: Will; Walch: 26 (2002) 23, 27–29; 36 (2007) 3–9

• Augsburg: Wolff; Probst: 35 (2007) 21–26, 28–29

Augustinus [von Hippo] (354–430): 12 (1995) 35

Ausfeld, Johann Carl (1782–1851): 3 (1991) 35; 7 (1993) 4, 8

Aventinus [Turmair], Johannes (1477–1534): 3 (1991) 16, 20; 16 (1997) 36; 27 (2003) 49; 35 (2007) 5; 42 (2010) 20

Avis, Henrique de (1394–1460): 18 (1998) 41, 45, 47; 45 (2012) 15

Avraham ben Yaʿaqov [Abraham bar Jakob] אברהם בן יעקב ‎ [17. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 37

Avraham ben Šemuʾel Zakkut [Abraham ben Samuel Zakkut; Abraham Zacuto] אברהם בן שמואל זכות ‎ (1452–1515?): 18 (1998) 42

Awerzger, Arnold (1907–1976): 28 (2003) 18

Aytta, Viglius Zuichemus ab (1507–1577): 16 (1997) 38; 27 (2003) 47, 53; 39 (2009) 42

Azophi ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān aṣ-Ṣūfī

az-Zarqālī az-Zarqālī


Bachmann, David (1802–1847): 15 (1997) 30, 36

Bachofen, Hans Ulrich (1598–1670): 10 (1994) 25

Bachofen, Johann Heinrich [II] (1821–1889): 1 (1990) 16; 3 (1991) 6

Bäck, Elias (1679–1747): 17 (1998) 22; 35 (2007) 21, 23

Backenberg, Franz Heinrich von (1754–1813): 10 (1994) 43, 48

Bacler d'Albe, Louis Albert Ghislain de (1761–1824): 8 (1993) 9; 18 (1998) 24; 26 (2002) 28; 29 (2004) 9; 31 (2005) 15–17 (P)

Baegert, Johann Jakob (1717–1772): 28 (2003) 6, 8

Baerle, Kasper van Barlaeus, Caspar

Baeschlin, Carl Fridolin (1881–1961): 19 (1999) 24; 29 (2004) 20

Bagrow, Leo [Bagrov, Lev Semenovič] Багров, Лев Семёнович (1881–1957): 17 (1998) 22

Bahre, Hans Georg [17. Jh.]: 34 (2006) 28, 34

Bailey, William [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 28

Baines, Thomas (1820–1875): 30 (2004) 39, 41

Balboa, Vasco Núñez de (1475–1519): 6 (1992) 4, 6

Baldinger, Gustav (1905–1944): 29 (2004) 23, 26

Baldung Grien, Hans (1484?–1545): 20 (1999) 13; 45 (2012) 19

Ballino, Giulio [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32

Balmat, Jacques (1762–1834): 39 (2009) 13

Balmer, Heinz (1928–2016): 17 (1998) 38

Baltensperger, Jakob (1883–1949): 29 (2004) 25; 46 (2012) 9–12

Balzer, Johann Heinrich (1738–1799): 44 (2011) 43

Ban, Ulrich [II] [16. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 23, 36

Barack, Karl August (1827–1900): 1 (1990) 18–19

Barbari, Jacopo de' (†1516): 15 (1997) 23–24

Barbey, Albert (1852–1926): 37 (2008) 26

Barbié du Bocage, Jean-Denis (1760–1825): 25 (2002) 37, 42, 45

Barich, Carl (1859–1931): 40 (2009) 24–26, 30

Barlaeus, Caspar [Baerle, Kasper van] (1584–1648): 6 (1992) 16; 8 (1993) 44, 46

Barrow, John (1764–1848): 30 (2004) 23–24

Barthélémy, Jean-Jacques (1716–1795): 25 (2002) 37

• Basel: Henricpetri: 4 (1991) 18; 7 (1993) 12, 14

• Basel: Thurneisen: 2 (1990) 34; 3 (1991) 12

• Bassano del Grappa: Remondini: 44 (2011) 43

Basse, Nikolaus (†1601): 13 (1996) 31

Baṭṭūṭa, Ibn Ibn Baṭṭūṭa

Bauer, Karl (1864–1928): 31 (2005) 10

Baumann, Oskar (1864–1899): 30 (2004) 4, 15, 18; 40 (2009) 3 (P), 6–10, 12–14

Bayard, François David (*1785): 41 (2010) 11

Beatus [von Liébana] (†798): 7 (1993) 41

Beautemps-Beaupré, Charles-François (1766–1854): 46 (2012) 17–22

Bebel, Johann [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 36; 32 (2005) 4

Beck, Eduard (1820–1900): 16 (1997) 27

Beck, Johann Georg (1676–1722): 35 (2007) 22

Becker, Fridolin (1854–1922): 7 (1993) 22–23, 25, 30; 8 (1993) 19; 15 (1997) 3–10 (P); 18 (1998) 11; 20 (1999) 30, 32; 21 (2000) 6; 31 (2005) 3–4; 39 (2009) 6

Becker, Rudolf Zacharias (1752–1822): 38 (2008) 37

Beckwith, Edward Griffin (1818–1881): 47 (2013) 15–16, 18

Beda [Venerabilis] (672?–735): 42 (2010) 43

Beer, Johann Christoph (1638–1712): 35 (2007) 11, 13

Behaim, Martin (1459–1507): 6 (1992) 2; 11 (1995) 40; 14 (1996) 20, 23; 18 (1998) 46

Behaim, Paulus [III] (1592–1637): 38 (2008) 39

Beham, Sebald (1500–1550): 16 (1997) 33

Behr, Benjamin Ursinus, Benjamin

Behrens, Wilhelm Heinrich (†1871): 45 (2012) 28

Behrmann, Walter Emmerich (1882–1955): 17 (1998) 37

Beich, Daniel (†1700}: 42 (2010) 22

Beke, Charles T. (1800–1874): 45 (2012) 27

Beke, Pieter van der (†1567): 16 (1997) 33, 37

Bel, Pierre (1742–1813): 1 (1990) 20; 22 (2000) 32–36; 25 (2002) 28; 26 (2002) 21

Beling, Erik (†1700): 44 (2011) 20

Belleforest, François de (1530–1583): 13 (1996) 35

Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas [I] (1703–1772): 12 (1995) 38, 40–41

Bembé, Wilhelm Bimbé, Wilhelm

Benedicti, Hieronymus (1756?–1809): 36 (2007) 10

Benz, Anna Maria (1694–1738): 42 (2010) 5, 12

Benzelius, Erik [II] (1675–1743): 44 (2011) 22, 30

Benzoni, Girolamo (1519–1570): 28 (2003) 38

Berann, Heinrich Cäsar (1915–1999): 38 (2008) 18

Berch, Carl Reinhold (1706–1777): 44 (2011) 30–31

Berchtold, Joseph Anton (1780–1859): 11 (1995) 16–17

Berey, Nicolas [I] (1606–1665): 12 (1995) 38; 35 (2007) 9

Berey, Nicolas [II] (†1667): 12 (1995) 38

Berger, Daniel (1744–1824): 27 (2003) 14, 25

Berghaus, Heinrich (1797–1884): 27 (2003) 23–24, 32–33; 43 (2011) 27

Berghaus, Hermann (1828–1890): 20 (1999) 26; 25 (2002) 17; 29 (2004) 30; 45 (2012) 28, 36

• Berlin: Reimer: 20 (1999) 25; 26 (2002) 8; 30 (2004) 7, 15; 40 (2009) 25–26, 28

• Berlin: Schropp: 3 (1991) 3; 27 (2003) 16–17

Berlinghieri, Francesco (1440–1500): 12 (1995) 29; 18 (1998) 44

• Bern: Eidgenössisches topographisches Bureau; Eidgenössische Landestopographie: 44 (2011) 35; 46 (2012) 10; 48 (2013) 4–10

• Bern: Eidgenössisches Vermessungsinspektorat; Eidgenössische Vermessungsdirektion: 46 (2012) 9–12

• Bern: Kümmerly & Lamarche; Kümmerly & Frey: 1 (1990) 34, 36; 29 (2004) 40; 38 (2008) 18–19

• Bern: Müllhaupt & Sohn: 3 (1991) 12; 4 (1991) 14; 7 (1993) 21

Bernardin [von Bordeaux] [17. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 23

Bernegg, Fortunat und Theophil Sprecher von Sprecher von Bernegg, Fortunat und Theophil

Bernhard, Hans Jacob [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 25

Bernoulli, Carl Christoph (1861–1923): 7 (1993) 15–16; 10 (1994) 12

Bernoulli, Daniel (1700–1782): 11 (1995) 22

Bernoulli, Johannes [II] (1710–1790): 36 (2007) 12

Berry, William (1639–1718): 35 (2007) 9

Bert, Pierre Bertius, Petrus

Bertelli, Fernando [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32, 34; 32 (2005) 14

Bertelli, Luca [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34

Berthier, Louis-Alexandre (1753–1815): 41 (2010) 9 (P), 12

Bertius, Petrus [Bert, Pierre] (1565–1629): 6 (1992) 5–7

Bertre, Jacques-Antoine (1776–1834): 31 (2005) 22

Bertuch, Friedrich Justin (1747–1822): 27 (2003) 16; 39 (2009) 17, 19, 24–25; 43 (2011) 19–27

Berzelius, Jöns Jakob von (1779–1848): 9 (1994) 32

Besson, Jean [17. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 22

Betschmann, Otto (1884–1959): 38 (2008) 13–19 (P)

Bèze, Théodore de (1519–1605): 13 (1996) 32

Bianchi, Giovanni Paolo (1586–1645): 5 (1992) 18

Bianco, Andrea [15. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8; 9 (1994) 13–14; 14 (1996) 42; 18 (1998) 43, 46

Bickel, Hans [20. Jh.]: 31 (2005) 10

Bieber, Friedrich Julius (1873–1924): 40 (2009) 6

Bieder, Max (1906–1994): 22 (2000) 11–18 (P); 38 (2008) 17

Bienewitz, Peter und Philipp Apian, Peter und Philipp

Bimbé, Wilhelm [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 25

Bion, Nicolas (1653?–1733): 26 (2002) 39

Birasco, Paolo [19. Jh.]: 46 (2012) 19

Birmann, Samuel (1793–1847): 34 (2006) 9

al-Bīrūnī, Abū ʿr-Raiḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad أبو الريحان محمد ابن أحمد البيروني ‎ (973–1048): 24 (2001) 21, 23; 25 (2002) 53

Blaeu, Cornelis (1610–1656): 5 (1992) 17

Blaeu, Joan [I] (1596–1673): 5 (1992) 17; 6 (1992) 16; 8 (1993) 44, 46; 11 (1995) 18

Blaeu, Willem Janszoon (1571–1638): 4 (1991) 17; 5 (1992) 17, 20, 38; 6 (1992) 13; 8 (1993) 38; 11 (1995) 18–19; 12 (1995) 13, 19; 24 (2001) 26; 33 (2006) 17

Blanc, E. [19. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 14

Blauner, Niklaus (1713–1791): 36 (2007) 12

Blödner, Cyriacus (1672–1732): 34 (2006) 17, 26; 35 (2007) 22; 41 (2010) 25; 42 (2010) 3, 5–16

Blödner, Leopold Eberhard Christoph (*1703/04): 42 (2010) 5, 8

Blondeau, Alexandre [19. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 9

Blotnitzki, Leopold Stanislaus (1817–1879): 48 (2013) 6

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1752–1840): 9 (1994) 32

Blumenthal, Anton [16. Jh.]: 34 (2006) 28

Blumer, Walter (1888–1987): 32 (2005) 6–8; 43 (2011) 18

Bluntschli, Niklaus (†1605): 15 (1997) 36

Bobek, Hans (1903–1990): 28 (2003) 14

Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–1375): 3 (1991) 16

Bock, Hans (†1624): 2 (1990) 25

Bodenehr, Gabriel [I] (1634–1727): 17 (1998) 22; 26 (2002) 23; 42 (2010) 37

Bodenehr, Gabriel [II] (1673–1765): 35 (2007) 21–22, 28; 41 (2010) 26–27, 38–39; 48 (2013) 21, 24

Bodenehr, Georg Conrad (1673–1710): 35 (2007) 22

Bodenehr, Johann Georg (1631–1704): 44 (2011) 46; 48 (2013) 15

Bodmer, Hans Jacob [I] (1585–1629): 15 (1997) 37

Bodmer, Hans Jacob [II] (1617–1676): 15 (1997) 37

Bodmer, Heinrich (1621–1689): 15 (1997) 37

Bodmer, Samuel (1652–1724): 1 (1990) 18, 20, 31; 6 (1992) 37; 19 (1999) 7–10, 14; 22 (2000) 37–38, 41; 32 (2005) 20, 23

Boece, Hector (1465?–1536): 16 (1997) 36

Boehler, Heinrich [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 17, 21, 48

Böhm, Andreas (1720–1790): 15 (1997) 13; 26 (2002) 39

Bohnenberger, Johann Gottlieb Friedrich von (1765–1831): 7 (1993) 3–8, 10; 14 (1996) 4; 27 (2003) 6–7, 12; 34 (2006) 23

Boileau de Bouillon, Gilles (1525–1563): 32 (2005) 12, 14

Bollin, Rudolf Jacob (1770–1844): 29 (2004) 36

Bomberg, Daniel [16. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 23

Bonacker, Wilhelm (1888–1969): 42 (2010) 6, 11

Boni, Giuseppe (†1871): 14 (1996) 42

Bönisch, Fritz (1923–2007): 17 (1998) 36

Bonjour, Claude [17. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 3

Bonne, Charles Rigobert (1771–1839): 41 (2010) 9

Bonne, Rigobert (1727–1794): 12 (1995) 27

Bonpland, Aimé [Goujaud, Aimé Jacques] (1773–1858): 39 (2009) 15; 47 (2013) 3

Bonstetten, Albrecht von (1442?–1504?): 16 (1997) 39–40, 42, 45

Borchers, Philipp (1887–1949): 28 (2003) 18

Borda, Jean-Charles (1733–1799): 36 (2007) 24

Bordone, Benedetto (†1531): 8 (1993) 28; 19 (1999) 32

Borel, François (1842–1924): 32 (2005) 30

Borel, Maurice (1860–1926): 20 (1999) 29

Borgonio, Giovanni Tommaso (1620–1683): 2 (1990) 13–14; 29 (2004) 6, 8–9

Bos, Henderikus (1881–1970): 9 (1994) 40

Bosma, Benjamin [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 35

Bosshard, Albert (1870–1948): 15 (1997) 5

Bouguereau, Maurice [16. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 24

Bourcet, Pierre-Joseph de (1700–1780): 2 (1990) 15–16

Bourguet, Louis (1678–1742): 38 (2008) 23

Bourguignon d'Anville Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'

Bourrit, Marc Théodore (1739–1819): 13 (1996) 29

Bowen, Emanuel (1693?–1767): 24 (2001) 27

Brack, Johann Jakob (1824–1867): 1 (1990) 13; 2 (1990) 31, 34–35

Brahe, Tycho (1546–1601): 22 (2000) 4; 42 (2010) 50

Brandard, Robert (1805?–1862): 16 (1997) 30

Brander, Georg Friedrich (1713–1783): 48 (2013) 21–22

Brant, Sebastian (1458?–1521): 48 (2013) 25

Branting, Hjalmar (1860–1925): 19 (1999) 21

Braun, Georg (1542–1622): 11 (1995) 2; 13 (1996) 32, 34–36; 15 (1997) 35–36; 38 (2008) 3–9; 40 (2009) 32; 43 (2011) 29–30, 34–36, 38, 40

• Braunschweig: Westermann: 37 (2008) 5, 8, 10, 12

Bregenzer, Walter (1929–2019): 46 (2012) 9, 12

Breitinger, David [II] (1763–1834): 16 (1997) 20–21; 23 (2001) 30

Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel (1719–1794): 12 (1995) 25; 36 (2007) 28

Brendanus [von Clonfert] [6. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 18, 21; 23 (2001) 3

Brenner, Henrik (1669–1732): 44 (2011) 22

Brenner, Johann Jakob (1712–1774): 11 (1995) 28–29

Bressanini, Rinaldo (1803–1864): 1 (1990) 16; 3 (1991) 4; 8 (1993) 17; 13 (1996) 6; 17 (1998) 10–11, 15; 48 (2013) 3

Breydenbach, Bernhard von (1440?–1497): 23 (2001) 6; 38 (2008) 3

Bridel, Gustave (1827–1884): 32 (2005) 27–28

Brink, Carel Frederik ten [18. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 36–37

Brjus, Jakob Vilimovič Брюс, Яков Вилимович [Bruce, James Daniel] (1669–1735): 44 (2011) 18–19, 21, 24

Brochard, Bonaventure [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 36

Brockedon, William (1787–1854): 16 (1997) 30

Broillet, Charles (1915–1997): 46 (2012) 9

Bronckhorst, Jan van Noviomagus, Johannes

Brongniart, Alexandre (1770–1847): 9 (1994) 33

Brouscon, Guillaume [16. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 30–32, 35

Bruce, Jacob Brjus, Jakob Vilimovič

Bruckner, Daniel (1707–1781): 21 (2000) 4

Brückner, Eduard (1862–1927): 20 (1999) 32

Bruder, Carl (*1811): 12 (1995) 42, 44

Brüggemann, Ludwig Wilhelm (1743–1817): 8 (1993) 40

Bruggen, Johann van der [18. Jh.]: 48 (2013) 20

Brune, Guillaume (1763–1815): 18 (1998) 21

Brunn, Isaac [17. Jh.]: 34 (2006) 30

Brunnfeld, Helmreichen von Helmreichen von Brunnfeld, Virgil von

Bruno, Christoph [16. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 16

Bruppacher, Heinrich (1758–1835): 19 (1999) 9–11, 14

Bruzen de La Martinière, Antoine-Augustin (1662–1746): 12 (1995) 35

Buache, Philippe (1700–1773): 1 (1990) 23; 18 (1998) 26; 38 (2008) 22–23

Bucelinus, Gabriel (1599–1681): 19 (1999) 27–30 (P), 32–36; 21 (2000) 23, 33

Buch, Christian Leopold von (1774–1853): 8 (1993) 20; 9 (1994) 32–33, 36–37; 27 (2003) 20, 23, 33; 39 (2009) 15

Büchel, Emanuel (1705–1775): 11 (1995) 22

Buchwalder, Antoine-Joseph (1792–1883): 1 (1990) 4–5; 3 (1991) 2, 7; 8 (1993) 11–12; 11 (1995) 11, 13–14, 16–17; 14 (1996) 27, 33; 32 (2005) 25, 36; 34 (2006) 10; 41 (2010) 13

Büeler, Johann Jakob (1753–1819): 25 (2002) 9

Bües Meislahn, Christian (1874–1948): 28 (2003) 26

Buffa, Antonio Giuseppe [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 47

Buffa, Giovanni [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 47

Bugniet des Croisettes, Ferdinand Wilhelm von (1726–1806): 35 (2007) 7

Bullinger, Heinrich [II] (1504–1575): 3 (1991) 25; 15 (1997) 30

Buna, Wilhelm C. [18. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 32

Bünting, Heinrich (1545–1606): 23 (2001) 6–7, 10–12

Buondelmonti, Cristoforo [15. Jh.]: 14 (1996) 40

Burchardus [von Monte Sion] [13. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 18

Burchell, William John (1781–1863): 30 (2004) 24

Bureus, Andreas (1571–1646): 44 (2011) 17

Burgdorfer, Johann Jakob (1763?-1844): 29 (2004) 37

Burghauss zu Stolz, Sigismund von (1574–1611): 22 (2000) 4, 8

Burgklechner, Matthias (1573–1642): 2 (1990) 11–12; 23 (2001) 10; 34 (2006) 27; 35 (2007) 5, 7; 37 (2008) 42

Burgkmair, Hans [I] (1473–1531): 20 (1999) 13; 43 (2011) 34, 38; 48 (2013) 26

Burgkmair, Thoman (†1523): 27 (2003) 51

Bürkli, David [II] [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 25

Bürkli, Julius [19. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 9

Burton, Richard Francis (1821–1890): 30 (2004) 11; 45 (2012) 35

Büsching, Anton Friedrich (1724–1793): 3 (1991) 33, 36; 21 (2000) 6; 25 (2002) 6, 9; 36 (2007) 34

Busse, Friedrich Gottlieb von (1756–1835): 3 (1991) 33


Cabos, Jean Joseph (1778–1813): 41 (2010) 11

Caboto, Sebastiano (†1557): 6 (1992) 10; 13 (1996) 16; 16 (1997) 31–32; 28 (2003) 38; 43 (2011) 32

Cabral, Pedro Álvares [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8, 11–12, 15; 18 (1998) 47; 45 (2012) 15

Caccia, Franz Anton (1651–1725): 42 (2010) 32, 34

Cà da Mosto, Alvise da (†1483): 9 (1994) 14; 45 (2012) 15–16, 20–22

Caesar, Gaius Iulius (100–44): 5 (1992) 13; 10 (1994) 38; 12 (1995) 29; 29 (2004) 44

Caffarelli, François Marie Auguste (1766–1849): 46 (2012) 19

Calin de Marienberg, Dominik Franz [17. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 32–34

Calvin, Johannes [Cauvin, Jean] (1509–1564): 23 (2001) 7–8

Camerarius, Joachim (1500–1574): 16 (1997) 36

Camesina, Albert von (1806–1881): 20 (1999) 5, 8

Camocio, Giovanni Francesco (1501–1575): 13 (1996) 34; 32 (2005) 4

Camões, Luís de (1525?–1580): 18 (1998) 41, 44

Campbell, John (1766–1840): 30 (2004) 24

Canisius, Petrus (1521–1597): 10 (1994) 38

Cantino, Alberto [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 10; 18 (1998) 47; 28 (2003) 34

Canzler, Friedrich Gottlieb (1764–1811): 36 (2007) 4, 6

Cão, Diogo [15. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 41–42, 47

Capitaine, Louis (1749–1797): 41 (2010) 4

Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan (1606–1682): 11 (1995) 46

Carignano, Giovanni Mauro da [14. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 24; 18 (1998) 45

Carl, Rupert (1682–1751): 21 (2000) 28–30

Carle, Ludwig Fryg [II] gen. Carle, Ludwig

Carmine, Joseph [Giuseppe] (*1749): 44 (2011) 43–48

Carmine, Joseph Anton (*1788): 44 (2011) 43

Caroly, Francesco de [18. Jh.]: 2 (1990) 14

• Carouge: Eidgenössisches topographisches Bureau: 48 (2013) 3–4

Carr, Richard [17. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 16

Carré, V. [19. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 5

Cartier, Jacques (1491–1557): 13 (1996) 16

Cary, John [I] (1755–1835): 2 (1990) 14; 26 (2002) 21; 39 (2009) 23–24

Cary, William (1759–1825): 36 (2007) 24

Casati, Gaetano (1838–1902): 40 (2009) 7

Casaubon, Isaac (1559–1614): 7 (1993) 14; 13 (1996) 36

Cassas, Louis-François (1756–1827): 25 (2002) 45

Cassini, Giovanni Battista de (†1715): 21 (2000) 24

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico [I] (1625–1712): 12 (1995) 19, 39; 41 (2010) 3

Cassini, Jacques [II] (1677–1756): 12 (1995) 19

Cassini, Jean-Dominique [IV] (1748–1845): 7 (1993) 3; 36 (2007) 33–34

Cassini de Thury, César-François [III] (1714–1784): 7 (1993) 3; 8 (1993) 40; 11 (1995) 26; 12 (1995) 19; 14 (1996) 3; 17 (1998) 7; 27 (2003) 6; 29 (2004) 9, 12; 31 (2005) 23; 41 (2010) 3–4, 6, 14

Castelli, Ignaz Franz (1781–1862): 27 (2003) 26

Castorff, Benedikt (1677–1730): 6 (1992) 33, 36

Cavalieri, Giovanni Battista (1525?–1601): 13 (1996) 36

Cavendish, Thomas (1560–1592): 28 (2003) 38

Caverio, Nicolò de [16. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 20

Caymox, Balthasar (1561–1635): 24 (2001) 14–15, 17–18

Céard, Robert (1781–1860): 48 (2013) 4

Čelebī, Evliyā Evliyā Čelebī

Cellarius, Andreas (1596–1665): 27 (2003) 53

Cellarius, Daniel [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 36

Cellini, Benvenuto (1500–1571): 15 (1997) 34

Celtis [Pickel], Konrad (1459–1508): 18 (1998) 44; 20 (1999) 3

Chabrier, Jean Baptiste (*1769): 41 (2010) 11

Chaley, Joseph (1795–1861): 13 (1996) 7–8

Champlain, Samuel de (1574–1635): 28 (2003) 38

Chandler, Richard (1738–1810): 25 (2002) 38

Chanlaire, Pierre G. (1758–1817): 18 (1998) 21

Chapman, James (1831–1872): 30 (2004) 39, 41

Charlevoix, Pierre-François-Xavier de (1682–1761): 12 (1995) 40

Charpentier, Jean de (1786–1855): 9 (1994) 33, 37–38

Chatov, Aleksandr Ilʹič Хатов, Александр Ильич (1780–1846): 21 (2000) 8

Chauvigné-Jaillot, Renou de Renou de Chauvigné-Jaillot, Jean Baptiste

Chavanne, Joseph (1846–1902): 40 (2009) 16

Cherler, Paul (1541–1600): 15 (1997) 24

Chevalier, Etienne [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 23, 25–26, 28

Chevrier, Etienne Auguste (*1773): 41 (2010) 11

Chini, Eusebio Kino, Eusebio Francisco

Chodowiecki, Daniel (1726–1801): 27 (2003) 13, 25

Choiseul-Gouffier, Marie Gabriel Auguste Florent de (1752–1817): 25 (2002) 37–38, 40–46

Cholet, Etienne [17. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 23

Choppin d'Arnouville, Antoine (1778–1861): 34 (2006) 9; 41 (2010) 11

Chrzánowski, Wojciech (1793–1861): 8 (1993) 41

al-Chwārīzmī al-wārīzmī

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43): 21 (2000) 17

Ciermans, Jean (1602–1648): 11 (1995) 47

Claeszoon, Cornelis (†1609): 11 (1995) 19; 13 (1996) 37

Clark, William (1770–1838): 47 (2013) 9, 18

Claudianus, Nicolaus [Kulhánek, Mikuláš] (†1522): 6 (1992) 23; 7 (1993) 18

Clausner, Jakob Joseph (1744–1797): 18 (1998) 4, 7, 15; 26 (2002) 33–34, 37, 39; 33 (2006) 6, 9; 39 (2009) 13

Clermont, Jacques (1752–1827): 9 (1994) 4

Cless, Jean-Henri (1774–1812): 31 (2005) 15

Clobucciarich, Johannes (1545–1605): 34 (2006) 27

Close, Charles Frederick Arden-Close, Charles Frederick

Clusius, Carolus [L'Ecluse, Charles de] (1526–1609): 7 (1993) 14, 16–17; 11 (1995) 19; 13 (1996) 35

Cluverius [Klüwer], Philipp (1580–1623): 5 (1992) 17–19; 22 (2000) 35

Coaz, Johann Wilhelm Fortunat (1822–1918): 2 (1990) 36; 4 (1991) 12; 16 (1997) 6

Cock, Hieronymus (1518?–1570): 32 (2005) 12, 14

Coelho, Gonçalo [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8

Coke, Thomas (1697–1759): 39 (2009) 30

Colin, Jonas-Henri (1814–1890): 9 (1994) 9

Collimitius, Georgius Tannstetter, Georg

Collin, Etienne [19. Jh.]: 46 (2012) 21

Collinus, Kaspar Ambühl, Kaspar

Columbus, Bartolomäus [Colón, Bartolomé] (†1514): 6 (1992) 2; 11 (1995) 41

Columbus, Christoph [Colón, Cristoforo] (1451–1506): 4 (1991) 17, 20; 6 (1992) 2–4, 8–9, 13, 27; 11 (1995) 36, 38–41; 12 (1995) 33; 14 (1996) 20; 18 (1998) 41–42, 47; 23 (2001) 23; 24 (2001) 3, 6; 28 (2003) 33–35, 37; 45 (2012) 15

Conradus [von Megenberg] (1309–1374): 28 (2003) 33

Consoni, Joseph [19. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 22

Contarini, Ambrogio (1429–1499): 47 (2013) 37–38, 40–41

Contarini, Giovanni Pietro [16. Jh.] 13 (1996) 34

Conti, Niccolò dei (1395?–1469): 9 (1994) 15; 18 (1998) 42

Cook, James (1728–1779): 40 (2009) 4

Cooley, William Desborough (1795–1883): 45 (2012) 29–30, 32, 34

Coolidge, William Augustus Brevoort (1850–1926): 37 (2008) 24, 27

Copernicus, Nikolaus Kopernikus, Nikolaus

Coquilhat, Camille (1853–1891): 40 (2009) 14

Corabœuf, Jean-Baptiste (1777–1859): 31 (2005) 22

Coradi, Gottlieb (1847–1929): 38 (2008) 13, 16–18

Coradi, Oswald G. (1883–1950): 38 (2008) 13, 16–18

Cornuau, Pierre (1740–1822): 41 (2010) 4

Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria (1650–1718): 2 (1990) 13; 5 (1992) 17; 17 (1998) 39, 41; 35 (2007) 9

Corputius, Johannes [Corput, Johan van den] (1542–1611): 11 (1995) 2–10

Corte-Real, Gaspar (†1501?): 13 (1996) 16

Corte-Real, Miguel Vaz (†1502?): 13 (1996) 16

Cortés, Hernán (1485–1547): 6 (1992) 7; 12 (1995) 34; 28 (2003) 35

Corvinus, Johann August (1683–1738): 35 (2007) 22

Cosa, Juan de la (†1510): 6 (1992) 9; 18 (1998) 47; 24 (2001) 5

Cotta, Johann Friedrich von (1764–1832): 7 (1993) 6, 10; 27 (2003) 7

Coudenhove, Richard [19. Jh.]: 40 (2009) 6

Cousin, Gilbert (1506–1572): 32 (2005) 12–14

Couttet, Marie Joseph [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 20

Covens, Johannes [II] (1722–1794): 44 (2011) 48

Covilhã, Pero da [15. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 41–42

Cranach, Lucas (1472–1553): 3 (1991) 22–23, 25, 27; 9 (1994) 40–43; 20 (1999) 13; 23 (2001) 5

Cratander, Andreas (†1540): 16 (1997) 34

Crato, Johannes (1519–1585): 27 (2003) 52

Credner, Rudolf (1850–1908): 30 (2004) 6

Cresques, Abraham [14. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 45; 24 (2001) 29–30

Crest, Micheli du Micheli du Crest, Jacques-Barthélemy

Creuzer, ... [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 36–37

Criginger, Johannes (1521–1571): 7 (1993) 18

Croisettes, Bugniet des Bugniet des Croisettes, Ferdinand Wilhelm von

Cromberger, Jacob (1473?–1528): 28 (2003) 38–39

Cromberger, Johannes [16. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 39

Crome, August Friedrich Wilhelm (1753–1833): 3 (1991) 33 (P), 35–37

Cruche, Pierre Eskrich, Pierre

Cruikshank, George (1792–1878): 27 (2003) 26

Cuenet, P. [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Culmann, Carl (1821–1881): 32 (2005) 27

Curione, Celio Secondo (1503–1569): 4 (1991) 18

Cusanus [Krebs], Nicolaus (1401?–1464): 6 (1992) 18; 8 (1993) 37; 16 (1997) 33–34; 42 (2010) 20

Cuspinianus, Johannes (1473–1529): 37 (2008) 35, 37

Custer, Jakob Laurenz (1755–1828): 8 (1993) 9

Cuvier, Georges de (1769–1832): 9 (1994) 33

Cysat, Johann Leopold (1601–1663): 2 (1990) 25–26; 4 (1991) 31, 33; 22 (2000) 35

Cysat, Renward (1545–1614): 2 (1990) 20–22 (P)


Dähler, Johann Carl (1823–1890): 48 (2013) 5

Dainville, François de (1909–1971): 21 (2000) 23

Dalorto [Dulcert], Angelo [14. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 23–27; 12 (1995) 34

Danckerts, Justus [I] (1635–1701): 8 (1993) 38; 35 (2007) 22; 44 (2011) 47

Danckwerth, Caspar (1607?–1672): 17 (1998) 22

Danti, Ignazio (1536–1586): 10 (1994) 17

Dapper, Olfert (1636–1689): 35 (2007) 11; 42 (2010) 34, 36

Dasypodius, Conrad [Hasenfratz, Konrad] (1531–1601): 7 (1993) 13

Daumiller, Frédéric de (1799–1879): 34 (2006) 12

Daussy, Pierre (1792–1860): 46 (2012) 18

Davidson, Thomas [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 36

Decken, Carl Claus von der (1833–1865): 30 (2004) 3, 6, 8

Dedekind, Johann Moritz [17. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 34

Deisch, Matthäus (1718?–1789): 25 (2002) 3

Delambre, Jean-Baptiste (1749–1822): 14 (1996) 5; 36 (2007) 15

Delarageaz, Louis-Henri (1807–1891): 4 (1991) 12

Delcros, François-Joseph (1777–1865): 9 (1994) 8; 29 (2004) 36; 32 (2005) 36; 34 (2006) 12; 36 (2007) 21; 41 (2010) 11–12, 14

Delisle, Claude (1644–1720): 12 (1995) 39

Delisle, Guillaume (1675–1726): 3 (1991) 36; 4 (1991) 32; 8 (1993) 39; 9 (1994) 4; 12 (1995) 19, 22–25, 38–41; 24 (2001) 27; 25 (2002) 3; 26 (2002) 25; 28 (2003) 5; 35 (2007) 22–23; 40 (2009) 3; 43 (2011) 44–45; 44 (2011) 17, 21, 26

Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas (1688–1768): 24 (2001) 27; 44 (2011) 21, 27, 30–31

Delisle de la Croyére, Louis (1685–1741): 44 (2011) 21

Delitsch, Otto (1821–1882): 21 (2000) 40

Delort, Amy [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Delsol, Théodore (1819–1870?): 3 (1991) 9–10; 9 (1994) 10; 13 (1996) 5

Demokritos [von Abdera] Δημόκριτος (460?–370?): 5 (1992) 13

Dent, Clinton Thomas (1850–1912): 37 (2008) 26

Denzler, Jacques (1902–1986): 16 (1997) 11; 29 (2004) 26

Denzler, Johann Heinrich (1814–1876): 1 (1990) 6–7, 9, 13; 2 (1990) 27, 36; 16 (1997) 6, 11–12; 44 (2011) 40; 48 (2013) 5

Derendinger, Johann Josef (1734–1798): 11 (1995) 13

Derschau, Hans Albrecht von (1755?–1824): 38 (2008) 37–39

Desceliers, Pierre (1487–1553): 12 (1995) 32

Desjardins, Constant (1787–1876): 21 (2000) 39

Desmadryl, Adolphe (*1799): 41 (2010) 11

Desor, Edouard (1811–1882): 38 (2008) 30

Des Roques, Guillaume Levasseur (1668?–1730): 1 (1990) 20, 23

Deutecum, Johan und Lucas van Doetichum, Johan und Lucas van

Deventer, Jacob van (1505?–1575): 11 (1995) 2; 16 (1997) 36; 17 (1998) 36; 27 (2003) 49; 40 (2009) 32–33

Dias, Bartolomeu (†1500): 6 (1992) 2; 9 (1994) 14; 12 (1995) 32; 18 (1998) 41, 45, 47

Dickenmann, Johann Rudolf Dikenmann, Johann Rudolf

Diderot, Denis (1713–1784): 27 (2003) 28; 28 (2003) 5

Didier-Georges, ... (†1806): 41 (2010) 11

Diercke, Carl (1842–1913): 20 (1999) 29; 37 (2008) 5, 8–9, 11–15

• Dietikon: Graf: 14 (1996) 44

Dietz, Franz Maximilian [19. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 32

Diezinger, Rudolf (1770–1847): 4 (1991) 4; 23 (2001) 36–37

Dikenmann, Johann Rudolf (1832–1888): 13 (1996) 7; 23 (2001) 34

Diodoros [Siculus, von Agyrion] Διόδωρος [1. Jh. BC]: 28 (2003) 37

Dippes, Leonard [16. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 9

Disteli, Martin (1802–1844): 11 (1995) 12–13

Doetichum, Johan van [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34–35

Doetichum, Lucas van [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34–35

Dolomieu, Déodat [Sylvain Guy Tancrède] de (1750–1801): 38 (2008) 25

Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel (1677–1750): 5 (1992) 13; 11 (1995) 49; 12 (1995) 19; 24 (2001) 38, 40; 26 (2002) 14

Dosio, Giovanantonio (1533–1611): 13 (1996) 36

Drentwett, Abraham [II] (1647?–1729): 25 (2002) 3

Drogenham, Gerrit [17. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 46

Dryander [Eichmann], Johannes (1500–1560): 24 (2001) 10

Drygalski, Erich von (1865–1949): 30 (2004) 6

Dubas, Jean (1918–2003): 10 (1994) 41

Duchetti, Claudio [16. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 6, 8; 13 (1996) 34

Dufour, Guillaume Henri (1787–1875): 1 (1990) 4–10 (P), 13, 16; 2 (1990) 27–28, 36, 38; 3 (1991) 2, 4, 7–9; 4 (1991) 3–9, 12; 7 (1993) 21; 8 (1993) 10–12, 14–18; 9 (1994) 8–10; 11 (1995) 11–12, 14, 17, 23; 13 (1996) 3, 5–8; 14 (1996) 5; 16 (1997) 4; 17 (1998) 3, 6, 9–12, 15; 18 (1998) 12; 19 (1999) 13; 26 (2002) 32; 29 (2004) 18–20, 37; 32 (2005) 18, 26; 33 (2006) 6; 34 (2006) 10; 36 (2007) 20; 37 (2008) 22; 38 (2008) 30; 48 (2013) 3

Dulcert, Angelo Dalorto, Angelo

Dulion, Jacques Auguste (1776–1799): 31 (2005) 22

Dumas, Mathieu (1753–1837): 46 (2012) 21

Dumesnil, Charles Joseph (*1782): 41 (2010) 11

Dumur, Jules (1840–1920): 29 (2004) 18; 48 (2013) 6

Dunker, Baltasar Anton (1746–1807): 4 (1991) 33; 18 (1998) 14, 25

Dupérac, Etienne (†1604): 10 (1994) 17

Duperrey, Louis-Isidore (1786–1865): 27 (2003) 32

Du Plessis-Gouret, André (1633–1719): 1 (1990) 20

Durand de Villegagnon, Nicolas (1510–1571): 28 (2003) 38

Dürer, Albrecht (1471–1528): 16 (1997) 36–37; 17 (1998) 30; 39 (2009) 37; 41 (2010) 21; 42 (2010) 40–42, 44–52; 47 (2013) 45

Dürst, Arthur (1926–2000): 3 (1991) 27; 9 (1994) 40; 43 (2011) 19

Duval, Pierre (1619–1683): 5 (1992) 20, 33; 19 (1999) 6, 8, 10, 14; 35 (2007) 11

Duvivier, Hilarius (†1643): 37 (2008) 42


Ebel, Johann Gottfried (1764–1830): 13 (1996) 23, 25–30 (P); 18 (1998) 3, 13; 38 (2008) 28–29

Ebeling, Christoph Daniel (1741–1817): 3 (1991) 33

Eberhard, Philipp (1563–1627): 5 (1992) 23

Eberle, Joseph Meinrad (1809–1896): 8 (1993) 13–14, 16

Ebersberger, Johann Georg (1695–1760): 12 (1995) 19; 26 (2002) 14; 33 (2006) 18

Eberstein, Ernst Albrecht von (1862–1907): 30 (2004) 4

Ebster, Fritz (1901–1979): 28 (2003) 14, 18–21

Eckebrecht, Philipp (1594–1667): 43 (2011) 41

Eckerlin, Augusto (1773–1843): 46 (2012) 19

Eckert-Greifendorff, Max (1868–1938): 8 (1993) 22; 30 (2004) 16

• Edinburgh: Bartholomew: 1 (1990) 32; 29 (2004) 30

• Edinburgh: Johnston: 27 (2003) 33; 37 (2008) 22

Eeckhout, Albert van den (†1666): 8 (1993) 44

Egenolff, Christian (1502–1555): 16 (1997) 34

Egloffstein, Friedrich Wilhelm (1824–1885): 47 (2013) 13–16 (P), 18–24

Egmondt, Cornelius ab [17. Jh.]: 40 (2009) 32

Eichen, Jakob J. Ėjchen, Jakov Jakovlevič

Eichler, Matthias Gottfried (1748–1821): 16 (1997) 27; 25 (2002) 3

Eichmann, Johannes Dryander, Johannes

Eichstädt, Lorenz (1596–1660): 8 (1993) 44

Eiffel, Gustave (1832–1923): 39 (2009) 5

Eimmart, Georg Christoph [I] (1603–1658): 34 (2006) 28

Einhard (†840): 14 (1996) 35, 38

Eisenschmid, Johann Caspar (1656–1712): 12 (1995) 22

Eitzing, Michael von Aitzing, Michael von

Ėjchen, Jakov Jakovlevič Эйхен, Яков Яковлевич (1770–1843?): 21 (2000) 8

Elcano, Juan Sebastián de (†1526): 8 (1993) 28; 12 (1995) 34

Eliyyahu ben Ašer Lewi [Elia ben Ascher Levi; Elia Levita] אליהו בן אשר לוי ‎ (1469–1549): 4 (1991) 25

Elsevier [Elzevier], Lodewijk [III] (1604–1670): 11 (1995) 45

Elwe, Jan Barend [18. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17

Emin Paşa, Mehmet Schnitzer, Eduard

Ender, Thomas (1793–1875): 25 (2002) 14

Enderli, Johann Heinrich (1828–1872): 1 (1990) 13; 2 (1990) 28, 31

Engelbrecht, Christian (1672–1735): 48 (2013) 15–18, 20

Engelhardt, Friedrich Bernhard (1768–1854): 27 (2003) 18

Ėngelʹman, Petr Ivanovič Энгельман, Пётр Иванович (*1765): 21 (2000) 8–9

Engelmann, Godefroy [II] (1788–1839): 3 (1991) 8

Epailly, Anatole François (1769–1856): 27 (2003) 6–7

Epiphanios [von Salamis] Επιφάνιος (†403): 23 (2001) 8

Erasmus [von Rotterdam] (1469?–1536): 32 (2005) 13; 42 (2010) 43

Eratosthenes [von Kyrene] Eρατοσθένης [3. Jh. BC]: 7 (1993) 43; 21 (2000) 17; 46 (2012) 40

Erhardt, Jakob (1823–1901): 45 (2012) 27–34 (P)

Erich, Adolar (1559?–1634): 25 (2002) 34–36

Erich, Samuel (1617–1682): 25 (2002) 36

Erlinger, Georg (†1541): 6 (1992) 23–26; 9 (1994) 39; 43 (2011) 34; 48 (2013) 25–34, 36, 38–39

Erman, Adolf (1806–1877): 27 (2003) 33

Ertl, Anton Wilhelm (1654–1715?): 42 (2010) 22

Escher, Johann Caspar (1709–1744): 29 (2004) 45

Escher, Konrad (1899–1988): 29 (2004) 5

Escher, Salomon (1743–1806): 18 (1998) 26

Escher von der Linth, Arnold (1807–1872): 8 (1993) 20, 22; 14 (1996) 15, 17; 15 (1997) 4; 31 (2005) 4; 38 (2008) 30–35

Escher von der Linth, Hans Conrad (1767–1823): 9 (1994) 32, 34, 36; 13 (1996) 25, 29; 14 (1996) 12–18 (P); 17 (1998) 3; 18 (1998) 13, 24, 26; 23 (2001) 27–30 (P), 32–33, 35, 37; 29 (2004) 5–6, 8–10, 14; 38 (2008) 32

Eschmann, Johannes (1808–1852): 1 (1990) 4–7 (P), 13, 16; 2 (1990) 27; 4 (1991) 4, 12; 6 (1992) 29; 8 (1993) 9, 11–20 (P); 11 (1995) 16–17; 16 (1997) 4; 17 (1998) 6; 29 (2004) 36, 40; 34 (2006) 10–13 (P)

Eskrich [Cruche], Pierre [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32

• Esslingen: Dannheimer: 25 (2002) 29

Esslinger, Johann Martin (1793–1841): 23 (2001) 27

Etzlaub, Erhard (†1532): 6 (1992) 18–21, 23–25; 7 (1993) 43; 9 (1994) 39; 16 (1997) 34; 19 (1999) 35; 24 (2001) 9; 26 (2002) 20; 38 (2008) 39; 42 (2010) 20–21; 48 (2013) 26, 28, 34, 36–37

Eudoxos [von Knidos] Εύδοξος [4. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13; 7 (1993) 43; 23 (2001) 12

Euktemon [von Athen] Ευκτήμων [5. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Evliyā Čelebī [Evliya Çelebi] اوليا چلبي ‎ (1611–1683?): 15 (1997) 41

Exchaquet, Abram Henri (1742–1814): 1 (1990) 20


Faber, Samuel (1657–1716): 41 (2010) 40

Fabricius, Paul (1529?–1589): 8 (1993) 37

Faden, William (1749–1836): 2 (1990) 15; 30 (2004) 25; 39 (2009) 12–13

Faille, Jean-Charles della (1597–1652): 11 (1995) 45–47, 49

Falquet, Louis (1854–1939): 4 (1991) 14

Fäsi, Johann Conrad (1727–1790): 18 (1998) 5

Favarger, André (1896–1977): 48 (2013) 4

Favoli, Hugo (1523–1585): 13 (1996) 36

Favre, Alphonse (1815–1890): 38 (2008) 30

Federmann, Daniel [16. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 17–18; 13 (1996) 36

Federmann, Nikolaus (1505?–1542): 4 (1991) 17

Feer, Johannes (1763–1823): 1 (1990) 4–5; 8 (1993) 9–10, 12; 10 (1994) 29; 14 (1996) 13; 16 (1997) 13, 15; 17 (1998) 6; 23 (2001) 28, 36; 29 (2004) 18, 36; 32 (2005) 20; 41 (2010) 13

Feh, Gustav Adolf (1872–1937): 2 (1990) 38

Fer, Nicolas de (1646–1720): 9 (1994) 4

Fernándes, João [15. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 16

Fernández de Enciso, Martín [16. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 38; 30 (2004) 3

Fernel, Jean (†1558): 12 (1995) 29, 32

Fernique, Albert (1841–1898): 20 (1999) 29

Ferraris, Joseph-Jean-François de (1726–1814): 3 (1991) 35

Ferrer de Blanes, Jaime [15. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 24

Feuerstein, Arnold (1881–1942): 17 (1998) 37

Feyerabend, Sigmund (1528–1590): 4 (1991) 18

Figdor, Albert (1843–1927): 13 (1996) 21

Filippi, Filippo de (1869–1938): 31 (2005) 6

Fillow, Louis [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Finckh, Georg Philipp (1608?–1679): 17 (1998) 32; 35 (2007) 5

Fine, Oronce [Finaeus, Orontius] (1494–1555): 12 (1995) 27, 29–36 (P); 16 (1997) 33–34, 36

Finsler, Hans Conrad (1765–1839): 1 (1990) 4, 6, 13; 8 (1993) 10; 11 (1995) 14; 14 (1996) 31, 33; 17 (1998) 6; 29 (2004) 18; 36 (2007) 15; 41 (2010) 8, 13

Finsterwalder, Sebastian (1862–1951): 28 (2003) 14

Fischer, Frid. [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Fischer, Josef (1858–1944): 28 (2003) 34

Fischer, Wilhelm Ludwig von (1784–1859): 4 (1991) 12

Flamand, Claude (1570?–1626): 1 (1990) 23

Fleischer, Gerhard (1769–1849): 3 (1991) 36

Fleischmann, Daniel Clamer Christian [18. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 27

Flinders, Matthew (1774–1814): 43 (2011) 26

Flötner, Peter (†1546): 39 (2009) 42

Flotron, André [I] (1893–1968): 48 (2013) 11

Flurl, Mathias von (1756–1823): 38 (2008) 22

Foetterle, Franz (1823–1876): 28 (2003) 13, 15

Folino, Bartolomeo [18. Jh.]: 36 (2007) 5

Fonteny, Jacques de [17. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 24

Foppert, Rudolf (1810–1880): 2 (1990) 38; 3 (1991) 12

Forlani, Paolo [16. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 6, 8; 13 (1996) 34; 32 (2005) 4, 14

Fornaro, Johann Adolph (1813–1852): 8 (1993) 13–14

Forsell, Carl Gustaf af (1783–1848): 21 (2000) 40

Forster, Aimé (1843–1926): 29 (2004) 40

Fouquier, ... (†1727): 1 (1990) 23

Fracanzano [von Montalboddo] [16. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 37; 45 (2012) 15, 20

Fraisse, William (1803–1885): 32 (2005) 26–27

Fra Mauro Mauro [von Venedig]

Francisci, Erasmus (1627–1694): 35 (2007) 11

Franciscus [Smunck, Frans] (†1565): 12 (1995) 34; 28 (2003) 35

Francken, Frans [II] (1581–1642): 17 (1998) 25–26, 30

Franco, Giacomo (1550?–1620): 13 (1996) 34

Frank, Melchior (1557–1625): 15 (1997) 24

• Frankfurt am Main: de Bry: 28 (2003) 38–39

• Frankfurt am Main: Ravenstein: 1 (1990) 33

Franz, Johann Michael (1700–1761): 8 (1993) 40; 12 (1995) 19–21, 24–25; 26 (2002) 14–15, 20; 33 (2006) 18–19; 34 (2006) 23; 41 (2010) 30

• Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder: 32 (2005) 33, 35–36

Frémont, John Charles (1813–1890): 47 (2013) 14–15

Frese, Daniel (1540?–1611): 38 (2008) 7–8, 10

Freshfield, Douglas William (1845–1934): 37 (2008) 26–27

Frey, Johann Jakob (1783–1849): 11 (1995) 16–17; 16 (1997) 4, 10–11; 23 (2001) 36, 38

Frey, Johann Rudolf (*1670): 22 (2000) 23, 25–26

Frey, Willibald [19. Jh.]: 40 (2009) 20

Freytag, Gustav (1852–1938): 21 (2000) 43–44

Friderich, Johannes [17. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 4, 8–9, 11

Friderich, Valentin (†1640/41): 1 (1990) 20; 12 (1995) 3–6, 8–9, 11

Friedrich, Joseph Andreas [18. Jh.]: 48 (2013) 19

Fries, Hans Kaspar (1739–1805): 16 (1997) 21

Fries, Lorenz (†1531?): 6 (1992) 11–12; 16 (1997) 32; 28 (2003) 36–38, 40; 45 (2012) 17, 19–20, 22; 47 (2013) 39, 41, 43–44, 47–48

Frisch, Johann Leonhard (1666–1743): 44 (2011) 26

Frisch, Philipp Jakob (1704–1753): 44 (2011) 26

Frisius, Rainer Gemma Gemma Frisius

Fritz, Samuel (1654–1725): 28 (2003) 6, 8–11

Fröbel, Julius (1805–1893): 7 (1993) 4

Froben, Hieronymus (1501–1563): 16 (1997) 36

Fröhlich, Huldrich [16. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 17

Frontinus, Sextus Iulius [1. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 38

Froriep, Ludwig Friedrich von (1779–1847): 39 (2009) 21, 23–26

Froschauer, Christoph [I] (1490?–1564): 3 (1991) 22, 25; 5 (1992) 36; 15 (1997) 36; 45 (2012) 7, 11

Froschauer, Christoph [II] (1532–1585): 15 (1997) 27 (P), 32

Fryg [II] gen. Carle, Ludwig (†1600?): 15 (1997) 25, 27, 35

Fuchs, Johann Conrad [18. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 22

Füchsel, Georg Christian (1722–1773): 38 (2008) 22

Fugger, Anton (1493–1560): 16 (1997) 31

Fugger, Jakob (1567–1626): 41 (2010) 23

Fülleborn, Friedrich (1866–1933): 30 (2004) 14

Funck, David (1642–1709): 24 (2001) 15; 33 (2006) 17

Fürst, Paul (1608?–1666): 24 (2001) 14–15, 19

Furtenbach, Joseph (1591–1667): 22 (2000) 21

Füssli, Johann Heinrich (1745–1832): 13 (1996) 25, 29–30

Füssli, Johann Melchior (1677–1736): 2 (1990) 4, 6; 16 (1997) 15; 19 (1999) 9

Füssli, Johann Rudolf (1709–1793): 15 (1997) 30, 37


Gaebler, Adolf (*1878): 37 (2008) 15, 17, 20

Gaebler, Eduard (1842–1911): 20 (1999) 29; 37 (2008) 3–15 (P), 17, 19–20

Gaebler, Edwin (1875–1918): 37 (2008) 15, 17

Gaebler, Friedrich [20. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 5

Gaebler, Hermann (*1854): 37 (2008) 3, 12–13

Gaebler, Robert [19. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 19

Gaebler, Walther [20. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 5

Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642): 5 (1992) 11, 13, 15

Gall, Carl [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 16, 18, 25

Galle, Filips (1537–1612): 6 (1992) 5; 13 (1996) 36; 17 (1998) 31

Gallus [17. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 23

Galton, Francis (1822–1911): 30 (2004) 38, 41

Galvão, Duarte (†1517): 18 (1998) 42

Gama, Vasco da (1469?–1524): 6 (1992) 2; 12 (1995) 32; 18 (1998) 41–44 (P), 47–48; 24 (2001) 26; 45 (2012) 15

Gardelle, Robert [II] (1682–1766): 11 (1995) 21

Gardner, W.R. [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 21–24

Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752–1830): 3 (1991) 33

Gastaldi, Jacopo [Giacomo] (1500?–1566): 7 (1993) 15–16, 18–19; 8 (1993) 28; 13 (1996) 34; 16 (1997) 36; 17 (1998) 26; 24 (2001) 25–26; 43 (2011) 32

Gauermann, Jakob (1773–1843): 25 (2002) 14

Gaultier, Barthélemy [17. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 5–7

Gaultier, Léonard (1561?–1635?): 33 (2006) 24–25, 30–33

Gaurico, Luca (1476–1558): 42 (2010) 40

Gavard, Alexandre (1845–1898): 20 (1999) 30

Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (1778–1850): 27 (2003) 32; 39 (2009) 15, 20, 22

Gedda, Petter (1661–1697): 44 (2011) 20

Geelkercken, Nicolaas van (1585?–1656): 5 (1992) 17–18, 20

Gemma Frisius (1508–1555): 10 (1994) 2; 11 (1995) 5–7, 10; 20 (1999) 8; 28 (2003) 36, 40; 38 (2008) 11; 43 (2011) 33, 36

• Genf: Eidgenössisches topographisches Bureau: 48 (2013) 4

• Genf: Roto-Sadaq: 38 (2008) 19

Georges-Picot, François (1870–1951): 19 (1999) 18

Georgius [von Trapezunt] [15. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 39–40, 44

Gerard, Loggin Ivanovič Герард, Логгин Иванович (*1757): 21 (2000) 8–9

Gerardi, Maffeo (1405–1492): 9 (1994) 14

Gerardus [von Cremona] (1114?–1187): 42 (2010) 39

Gerasimov, Dmitrij Герасимов, Дмитрий [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 33; 47 (2013) 39, 42

Gerbel, Nikolaus (†1560): 16 (1997) 36; 37 (2008) 41

Gerbertus [von Aurillac] (†1003): 23 (2001) 19

German, Marcin [17. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 42–43

Gerster, Albert (1929–2000): 22 (2000) 27

Gerster, Johann Sebastian (1833–1918): 20 (1999) 19–24 (P)

Gervasius [von Tilbury] [12. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 28–32; 7 (1993) 41

Gessner, Christian Friedrich (1701–1756?): 44 (2011) 27

Gessner, Johannes (1709–1790): 11 (1995) 28

Gessner, Konrad (1516–1565): 1 (1990) 30; 32 (2005) 13

Gessner, Salomon (1730–1788): 15 (1997) 37

Geyser, Christian Gottlieb (1742–1803): 3 (1991) 34–35

Gherardo, Maffeo Gerardi, Maffeo

Ghim, Walter (1530–1611): 5 (1992) 4, 9; 10 (1994) 3

Giauque, Fernand (1895–1973): 48 (2013) 12

Giess, Wilhelm (1910–2000): 30 (2004) 51

Gigas, Johannes Michael (1582?–1637): 23 (2001) 10

Gilbert, William (1544–1603): 11 (1995) 44–45

Gillray, James (1756–1815): 27 (2003) 26

Gilly, David (1748–1808): 8 (1993) 41

Gimbernat y Grassot, Carlos (1768–1834): 38 (2008) 25–27

Giovio, Paolo (1483–1552): 16 (1997) 33; 47 (2013) 39, 42

Giraldi, Giacomo [15. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 37

Giraldus [von Wales] [12. Jh.]: 20 (1999) 35

Girardet, Abraham Louis (1772–1820): 29 (2004) 36

Girava, Jerónimo de (†1556): 13 (1996) 32

Giŭrkowsky, Basile [Журковский, Василий?] [20. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 20

Giustiniani, Marcantonio [16. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 24, 26

Glareanus, Henricus [Loriti, Heinrich] (1488–1563): 3 (1991) 18; 6 (1992) 12; 28 (2003) 34; 32 (2005) 3–5

Gleditsch, Johann Friedrich [I] (1653–1716): 33 (2006) 18

Gleich, Franz Xaver [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 43

Gleyre, Charles (1806–1874): 25 (2002) 25

Gliemann, Theodor (1793–1828): 17 (1998) 23

Glockendon, Albrecht [II] (†1545): 16 (1997) 34; 38 (2008) 39

Glockendon, Georg [I] (†1514): 6 (1992) 20; 14 (1996) 20; 38 (2008) 39

• Glogau: Flemming: 8 (1993) 40

Gobat, Albert (1843–1914): 20 (1999) 29

Gobat, Pierre (†1832): 34 (2006) 10

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832): 4 (1991) 32; 9 (1994) 33; 18 (1998) 3; 21 (2000) 39; 27 (2003) 21, 25; 39 (2009) 11–26

Gohl, Theodor (1844–1910): 48 (2013) 9

Goldbach, Christian Friedrich (1763–1811): 43 (2011) 20

Goliath, Cornelis [17. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 14; 8 (1993) 46

Goll, Johann Jakob (1809–1861): 3 (1991) 7; 17 (1998) 6, 9–12, 15; 23 (2001) 28, 32; 48 (2013) 3

Gordon, Robert Jacob (1743–1795): 30 (2004) 37–38

• Gotha: Hellfarth: 25 (2002) 17; 45 (2012) 30, 35

• Gotha: Perthes: 20 (1999) 26; 25 (2002) 11, 15, 18; 27 (2003) 33; 28 (2003) 14–15; 29 (2004) 27, 30–34; 30 (2004) 39; 40 (2009) 4, 13, 17; 45 (2012) 29; 46 (2012) 25–31

Gottfried, Johann Ludwig (1584?–1633): 15 (1997) 34

Götzinger, Wilhelm (1864–1938): 20 (1999) 28, 32

Götzinger, Wilhelm Leberecht (1758–1818): 10 (1994) 42–43, 48

Gourmont, Jérôme de (†1558): 6 (1992) 25; 12 (1995) 27; 16 (1997) 35

Graaff, Cornelis Jacob van de (1734–1812): 30 (2004) 35–36

Graf, Johann Heinrich (1852–1918): 43 (2011) 11, 18

Graf, Josef (1811–1871): 1 (1990) 13; 2 (1990) 31, 34–35

Graff, Anton (1736–1813): 10 (1994) 42, 48; 44 (2011) 4

Graffenried, Kurt Franz von (1838–1919): 32 (2005) 28

Gramberg, Gerhard Anton (1744–1818): 3 (1991) 33

Grantham, James (1827–1896): 30 (2004) 29

Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de (1517–1586): 10 (1994) 3

Grapheus [Schrijver], Alexander [16. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 10

Gregorii, Johann Gottfried (1685–1770): 27 (2003) 25

Grenacher, Franz (1900–1977): 41 (2010) 23; 42 (2010) 11

Grimaldi, Francesco Maria (1618–1663): 5 (1992) 13

Grimm, Mauritz (1634–1706): 11 (1995) 13

Grimm, Siegmund (†1530?): 15 (1997) 36

Grimminger, Adolf (1802–1877): 2 (1990) 34

Gripenhielm, Carl (1655?–1694): 44 (2011) 17–18

Grob, Richard (1912–1992): 41 (2010) 14

Grodecki, Wacław (1535?–1591): 8 (1993) 37

Gros, Jacques (1858–1922): 48 (2013) 11

Grosjean, Georges (1921–2002): 4 (1991) 35

Gross, Emanuel (1681–1742): 1 (1990) 20

Gross, Michael [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 25

Grover, George Edward (1840–1893): 30 (2004) 30

Grün, Dionys von (1819–1896): 40 (2009) 9

Gruner, Gottlieb Sigmund (1717–1778): 11 (1995) 29–30; 38 (2008) 23–25; 39 (2009) 12

Gruner, Johann Rudolf (1680–1761): 38 (2008) 23

Gruner, Johann Samuel (1766–1824): 38 (2008) 27–28

Grüninger, Johannes (†1531?): 6 (1992) 21; 45 (2012) 17–20, 22; 47 (2013) 42–45, 47; 48 (2013) 30, 35

Gruterus, Janus (1560–1627): 22 (2000) 4–5, 10

Guéroult, Guillaume (1507?–1569): 38 (2008) 3

Guettard, Jean-Étienne (1715–1786): 38 (2008) 22–23, 25–26, 28

Guex, François (1861–1918): 20 (1999) 32

Guhl, Theo (1880–1957): 46 (2012) 10–11

Guicciardini, Francesco (1483–1540): 4 (1991) 17

Guicciardini, Giovan Battista (1508–1589): 4 (1991) 17; 23 (2001) 10; 43 (2011) 36

Guicciardini, Lodovico (1521–1589): 4 (1991) 17–18, 20; 7 (1993) 14; 13 (1996) 36

Guido [von Pisa] [12. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 41

Guisan, Jean-Samuel (1740–1801): 19 (1999) 12, 14

Gujer, Jakob [19. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 9

Guler von Wynegg, Johannes Peter [III] (1562–1637): 2 (1990) 13; 48 (2013) 9

Gunnison, John Williams (1812–1853): 47 (2013) 15–16, 18

Gurnitz, Hans Siegmund Otto zu (†1666): 34 (2006) 30–32

Güssfeldt, Paul (1840–1920): 28 (2003) 14

Gutiérrez, Diego [I] (1485?–1554): 43 (2011) 32

Guyer-Zeller, Adolf (1839–1899): 39 (2009) 7; 45 (2012) 39–42, 44–46 (P), 48

Gwalther, Rudolf [I] (1519–1586): 15 (1997) 37

Gyger, Hans Conrad (1599–1674): 1 (1990) 2, 20; 2 (1990) 3, 5, 7, 24–25; 5 (1992) 23, 26–28; 6 (1992) 29, 37; 10 (1994) 25–29, 32; 16 (1997) 13; 18 (1998) 11; 19 (1999) 3, 6, 8, 14; 21 (2000) 4; 22 (2000) 22–23, 28–29, 35, 37–38; 33 (2006) 8; 35 (2007) 31–39 (P); 43 (2011) 3–5 (P), 7–12, 14–17

Gyger, Hans Georg (1627–1687): 1 (1990) 2; 21 (2000) 4; 43 (2011) 3, 16

Gyldén, Claes Wilhelm (1802–1872): 21 (2000) 40

Gyōki [Bosatsu] 行基 (668–749): 10 (1994) 20–22


Haack, Hermann (1872–1966): 21 (2000) 43; 40 (2009) 21; 46 (2012) 27, 29, 33

Haas, Wilhelm [II] (1741–1800): 18 (1998) 24; 29 (2004) 9; 36 (2007) 27–31 (P), 34

Haas, Wilhelm [III] (1766–1838): 18 (1998) 21, 24–26; 36 (2007) 27–28 (P), 30–33, 35

Haase, Johann Matthias Hase, Johann Matthias

Haberer-Sinner, Otto (1866–1941): 48 (2013) 9

Häberli, Hans Jakob (1697–1766): 6 (1992) 33

Häberlin, Walter (1909–1995): 46 (2012) 9

Habsburg, Johann von (1782–1859): 25 (2002) 14

Hacq, J.M. [19. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 9–10; 13 (1996) 5

Hacquet de la Motte, Belsazar (1739?–1815): 25 (2002) 12

Hagenbuch, Johann Caspar (1700–1763): 29 (2004) 43–47

Ḥāǧǧī Aḥmad حاجي أحمد ‎ [16. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 40

Hahn, Carl Hugo (1818–1895): 30 (2004) 40–41

Hahn, Theophilus (1842–1905): 30 (2004) 40–41

Haidinger, Wilhelm Karl von (1795–1871): 28 (2003) 13

Hall, Henry (1815–1882): 30 (2004) 25, 28

Halle, Johann Samuel Ludwig (1763–1829): 3 (1991) 33

Haller, Albrecht von (1708–1777): 1 (1990) 30; 11 (1995) 23, 25, 28–29; 13 (1996) 25; 16 (1997) 3; 18 (1998) 6; 25 (2002) 12

Haller, Gottlieb Emanuel von (1735–1786): 4 (1991) 33; 16 (1997) 45

Haller, Johannes (1573–1621): 2 (1990) 3; 10 (1994) 25; 13 (1996) 24; 15 (1997) 36

Hamersveldt, Everard Sijmonszoon [17. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17–18

Handtke, Friedrich (1815–1879): 8 (1993) 40

Hangest-Genlis, Maximilien van Yvoy, Maximilien

Hanhart, Johann Jakob (1718–1806): 15 (1997) 20

Hanno [von Karthago] [5. Jh. BC]: 24 (2001) 21; 25 (2002) 53

Hansson [Svart, Örnehufvud], Olof (1600–1644): 44 (2011) 17

Hardegger, Kammel von Kammel von Hardegger, Dominik

Hardy, René-Henri L'Hardy, René-Henri

Hardy, Rolland Lee (1920–2009): 43 (2011) 47

Harrach, Ferdinand Bonaventura von (1637–1706): 42 (2010) 5

Härry, Hans (1895–1980) 46 (2012) 9, 12

Hartl, Heinrich (1840–1903): 8 (1993) 47; 19 (1999) 42

Hartmann, Friedrich Wilhelm (1809–1874): 8 (1993) 12, 17; 32 (2005) 26–27

Hartmann, Georg (1489–1564): 20 (1999) 10

Hartnack, Daniel (1642–1708): 35 (2007) 11

Hartung, Moritz (1818–1854): 1 (1990) 9

Hartzheim, Franz (1684–1728): 21 (2000) 24–27

Hartzheim, Joseph von (1694–1763): 12 (1995) 25

Hase, Johann Matthias (1684–1742): 3 (1991) 36; 12 (1995) 19, 23; 26 (2002) 14; 34 (2006) 23; 40 (2009) 3; 41 (2010) 39

Haselberg, Johann [16. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 27–28, 30–38, 42

Hasenfratz, Konrad Dasypodius, Conrad

Hassenstein, Bruno (1839–1902): 30 (2004) 4, 6; 40 (2009) 30; 46 (2012) 26, 28–33, 35–36

Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolf (1770–1843): 1 (1990) 3–4; 18 (1998) 26; 32 (2005) 18; 34 (2006) 4–6 (P), 8–9, 12–13; 36 (2007) 11–25 (P); 41 (2010) 7, 10, 12

Hattu, Jan [17. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 18–20

Hauber, Eberhard David (1695–1765): 3 (1991) 36; 27 (2003) 25; 34 (2006) 20–23; 42 (2010) 8–9

Hauer, Oswald [17. Jh:]: 34 (2006) 30

Haupt, Gottfried Jacob [18. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 22; 35 (2007) 24

Hausch, Friedrich [19. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 4

Hauslab, Franz von (1798–1883): 9 (1994) 42; 21 (2000) 40–41; 25 (2002) 16

Hautt, David (1603–1677): 2 (1990) 25; 4 (1991) 31

Heber, Johann Jacob (1666–1724): 15 (1997) 16; 41 (2010) 34

Hebler, Niklaus (1728–1796): 32 (2005) 23

Hecht, Gabriel (1664–1745): 6 (1992) 34, 36

Heckler, Karl (1911–1954): 28 (2003) 18–19

Hedin, Sven (1865–1952): 46 (2012) 25–33 (P), 36

Heer, Oswald (1803–1883): 8 (1993) 19; 38 (2008) 32

Heer-Bétrix, Leo (1835–1890): 39 (2009) 6; 45 (2012) 40

Hefti, Andreas (1862–1931): 7 (1993) 21–25 (P), 29–31; 15 (1997) 5

Hegner, Salomon (1789–1869): 23 (2001) 35; 32 (2005) 23, 25

Heidegger, Johann Conrad (1710–1778): 29 (2004) 45

Heidegger, Johann Heinrich (1738–1823): 15 (1997) 37

Heidegger, Johannes [II] (1715–1779): 15 (1997) 30, 37

Heim, Albert (1849–1937): 7 (1993) 30; 15 (1997) 4–5; 30 (2004) 6; 31 (2005) 4; 38 (2008) 31; 39 (2009) 3, 6–7

Hein, Erwin (1905–1989): 28 (2003) 17–18

Hein, Franz (1839–1897): 40 (2009) 24–26, 30

Heinersdorf, Joachim [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Heinfogel, Conrad (†1517): 42 (2010) 40

Heinrich [der Seefahrer] Avis, Henrique de

Heinrich [von Mainz] (†1153): 7 (1993) 41

Heinrich [von Portugal] Avis, Henrique de

Heintz, Daniel [II] (1574–1633): 12 (1995) 3, 5, 8

Heinzmann, Johann Georg [II] (1757–1802): 38 (2008) 26

Hekataios [von Milet] Eκαταίος [6. Jh. BC]: 7 (1993) 38

Helbling, Robert (1874–1954): 29 (2004) 20

Held, Leonz (1844–1925): 7 (1993) 30; 8 (1993) 19; 15 (1997) 3; 20 (1999) 23, 32; 29 (2004) 18–20; 31 (2005) 4; 48 (2013) 8–9

Heliodoros [von Emesa] Hλιόδωρος [3. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 36

Heller, Karl Bartholomäus (1824–1880): 28 (2003) 13

Helmert, Friedrich Robert (1843–1917): 17 (1998) 36

Helmreichen von Brunnfeld, Virgil (1805–1852): 28 (2003) 13

Helwig, Martin (1516–1574): 7 (1993) 12–13, 18; 8 (1993) 37

Hemmerich, Gerlach (1879–1969): 26 (2002) 4–5 (P), 7–8

Henel von Hennenfeld, Nicolaus (1584–1656): 22 (2000) 9

Hennenberger, Kaspar (1529–1600): 8 (1993) 37–38

Hennet, Théodore Hippolyte (1819–1879): 8 (1993) 13–14, 16

Henricpetri [Petri], Adam (1543–1586): 37 (2008) 39

Henricpetri [Petri], Heinrich (1508–1579): 4 (1991) 17; 16 (1997) 36; 32 (2005) 13; 45 (2012) 11–12

Henricus [Martellus Germanus] [15. Jahrhundert]: 11 (1995) 40; 18 (1998) 45–47; 42 (2010) 19–20

Henry, Maurice (1763–1825): 9 (1994) 8; 12 (1995) 27; 29 (2004) 36; 34 (2006) 9, 12; 41 (2010) 10–12, 14

Henze, Adolf (1814–1883): 37 (2008) 3–4

Henzi, Samuel (1701–1749): 11 (1995) 23

Herberstein, Sigismund von (1486–1566): 4 (1991) 17; 16 (1997) 33; 20 (1999) 3

Herbort, Christian (†1545): 45 (2012) 8–9

Herbst, Johannes Oporinus, Johannes

Herder, Bartholomäus (1774–1839): 32 (2005) 37

Herfst, J.J. [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 29

Hermannus [von Reichenau] (1013–1054): 23 (2001) 19

Herodot [von Halikarnassos] Hρόδοτος [5. Jh. BC]: 7 (1993) 38; 18 (1998) 41; 24 (2001) 21; 25 (2002) 53

Herport, Albrecht (1641–1730): 1 (1990) 20

Herport, Johann Anton (1702–1757): 1 (1990) 20

Hertel, Georg Leopold (1741–1778): 25 (2002) 4

Hertenstein, Jakob [19. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 30–31

Herwagen, Johannes (1497?–1558/59): 3 (1991) 16; 16 (1997) 36

Herwart, Hans Paul (1519–1586): 27 (2003) 52–53

Herwart, Johann Heinrich (1520–1583): 27 (2003) 52

Herz, Johann Daniel (1693–1754): 41 (2010) 44

Hettner, Alfred (1859–1941): 28 (2003) 14

Hevelius [Hewelcke], Johannes (1611–1687): 5 (1992) 11–13; 11 (1995) 44, 48

Hevenesi, Gábor (1656–1715): 48 (2013) 24

Heyden, Gaspard van der [16. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 34

Heyden, Jacob van der [17. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 15–16; 34 (2006) 30

Heyer, Alfons (1859–1914): 10 (1994) 10

Heyl, Gerhard (1924–1995): 17 (1998) 34

Heyns, Pieter (1537–1598): 13 (1996) 36

Higden, Ranulph (†1364): 9 (1994) 17–19

Hipparchos [von Nikaia] Ίππαρχος [2. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13; 23 (2001) 19; 24 (2001) 22; 42 (2010) 39

Hipschmann, Siegmund Gabriel (1639–1683): 35 (2007) 12–18

Hirschvogel, Augustin (1503–1553): 7 (1993) 18; 11 (1995) 2; 20 (1999) 3–12 (P)

Hirtzgarten, Matthias Hirtzgartner, Matthias

Hirtzgartner, Matthias (1574–1653): 2 (1990) 13

Hirzel, Hans Jacob (1710–1783): 29 (2004) 45

Hoernes, Rudolf (1850–1912): 27 (2003) 34

Hoevel, Jan Noviomagus, Johannes

Hofer, Johann Jakob (1828–1892): 13 (1996) 30

Hoff, Bert van't (1900–1979): 5 (1992) 3

Hoff, Karl Ernst Adolf von (1771–1837): 9 (1994) 32–33, 37

Hoffmann, Friedrich (1797–1836): 38 (2008) 32

Hoffmann, Johann [I] (1629–1698): 35 (2007) 9–19 (P)

Hoffmann, Johann [II] (*1670): 35 (2007) 10

Hoffmann, Maria Magdalena (†1712): 35 (2007) 10

Hoffmann-Feer, Eduard (1892–1980): 36 (2007) 28

Hofmann, Albert Max [20. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 49, 52

Hofmann, Leopold Friedrich von (1822–1885): 40 (2009) 6

Hofmann, Walther (1920–1993): 28 (2003) 20–21

Hofmeister, Johannes (1721–1800): 15 (1997) 30, 32–34, 37

Hogenberg, Abraham [17. Jh.]: 40 (2009) 32; 43 (2011) 35

Hogenberg, Frans (1538–1590): 7 (1993) 16; 11 (1995) 2; 13 (1996) 32, 34–36; 15 (1997) 35–36; 38 (2008) 3–4, 6, 9; 40 (2009) 32; 43 (2011) 29–30, 35–36, 40

Höggmayr, Angelus (1680–1739): 21 (2000) 26–29

Höhnel, Ludwig von (1857–1942): 30 (2004) 3; 31 (2005) 32; 40 (2009) 6

Hoinckhusen, Bertram Christian von (1651–1722): 17 (1998) 38

Hollar, Wenzel (1607–1677): 40 (2009) 32

Holloway [Elphinstone-Holloway], William Cuthbert (1787–1850): 30 (2004) 25

Holste, Lukas (1596–1661): 5 (1992) 17

Holtzwurm, Abraham [17. Jh.]: 34 (2006) 27–28, 34

Holtzwurm, Israel (†1617): 2 (1990) 12; 18 (1998) 37–38, 40; 25 (2002) 11; 34 (2006) 27–32; 37 (2008) 42

Holub, Emil (1847–1902): 40 (2009) 6

Holzhalb, Adolf Rudolf (1835–1885): 15 (1997) 4

Holzhalb, Johann Rudolf (1723–1806): 29 (2004) 43

Holzwurm, Abraham und Israel Holtzwurm, Abraham und Israel

Homann, Johann Baptist (1664–1724): 3 (1991) 36; 6 (1992) 27; 8 (1993) 32, 35, 39, 42; 9 (1994) 4; 12 (1995) 19, 22; 17 (1998) 22; 17 (1998) 37; 24 (2001) 15, 37–40 (P); 25 (2002) 3; 26 (2002) 14; 33 (2006) 17–18, 20; 35 (2007) 10; 41 (2010) 38; 43 (2011) 44–45; 44 (2011) 24

Homann, Johann Christoph (1703–1730): 12 (1995) 19; 26 (2002) 14; 33 (2006) 17–20

Homem, Diogo [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13–14

Homem, Lopo [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13

Homer Όμηρος [8. Jh. BC]: 4 (1991) 17; 7 (1993) 35, 38; 25 (2002) 37–43

Hondius, Henricus (1597–1651): 5 (1992) 17; 40 (2009) 32; 42 (2010) 35, 37

Hondius, Jodocus [I] (1563–1612): 6 (1992) 5, 13; 8 (1993) 37–38; 10 (1994) 2; 33 (2006) 17; 40 (2009) 32

Hondius, Jodocus [II] (1593–1629): 5 (1992) 17–18, 20; 8 (1993) 4, 6, 38

Hondius, Willem [17. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 42

Honter, Johannes [János] (1498–1549): 7 (1993) 18; 42 (2010) 53

Hooghe, Romeyn de (1645–1708): 24 (2001) 30, 34–35

Hop, Hendrik (1716–1771): 30 (2004) 36

Horner, Johann Caspar (1774–1834): 1 (1990) 4, 13; 8 (1993) 12

Hörnlimann, Jakob (1846–1933): 29 (2004) 22

Hotz, Johann Heinrich (1822–1883): 15 (1997) 30, 34

Hotz, Johann Konrad Hotze, Friedrich von

Hotze, Friedrich von [Hotz, Johann Konrad] (1739–1799): 21 (2000) 3, 11, 14

Hoyau, Germain [16. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 23, 27

Hoyos, Ernst [II] (1856–1940): 40 (2009) 6

Huber, Albert (1863–1913): 20 (1999) 30

Huber, Caspar Ulrich (1825–1882): 13 (1996) 30

Huber, Daniel (1768–1829): 11 (1995) 13; 41 (2010) 13

Huber, Ernst [II] (1916–2008): 29 (2004) 26

Huber, Eugen (1849–1923): 46 (2012) 6

Huber, Hieronymus (†1790): 33 (2006) 8

Hübner, Johannes (1668–1731): 24 (2001) 39 (P)

Hübschmann, Siegmund Gabriel Hipschmann, Siegmund Gabriel

Hudson, Pierre Husson, Pierre

Hueber, Blasius (1735–1814): 2 (1990) 16; 8 (1993) 47–48; 19 (1999) 37–42 (P), 44–45; 29 (2004) 9, 11; 35 (2007) 4–5; 41 (2010) 32

Hueber, Magnus (1771–1856): 19 (1999) 40

Hues, Robert (1553–1632): 41 (2010) 19

Hugi, Franz Josef (1791–1855): 11 (1995) 12–13 (P), 16–17

Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859): 1 (1990) 30; 8 (1993) 20, 44; 9 (1994) 33, 21 (2000) 39; 27 (2003) 32; 28 (2003) 13, 22; 39 (2009) 14–20, 22, 24, 26; 47 (2013) 3 (P), 5–9, 19

Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835): 27 (2003) 23

Hundeshagen, Johann Christian (1783–1834): 9 (1994) 35–37

Hupel, August Wilhelm (1737–1819): 8 (1993) 42

Hürlimann, Christian (1927–2018): 1 (1990) 15

Hurter, Johann Christoph (*1576/77): 34 (2006) 20; 44 (2011) 46

Huser, Walter [19. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 37

Husson, Pierre (1678–1733): 5 (1992) 17

Hutter, Franz Xaver (1755–1820): 26 (2002) 26; 36 (2007) 3–4, 6

Hutter, Joseph (1790–1866): 36 (2007) 3

Huttich, Johannes (1488?–1544): 45 (2012) 17; 47 (2013) 44–45, 47

Huygens, Christiaan (1629–1695): 11 (1995) 47

al-Ḫwārīzmī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā أبو عبد الله محمد ابن موسى الخوارزمي ‎ [9. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 19

Hyginus, Gaius Iulius [1. Jh. BC]: 7 (1993) 38; 42 (2010) 42


Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad أبو عبد الله محمد ابن بطوطة ‎ (1304–1377?): 18 (1998) 42–43

Ibn Māǧid as-Saʿdī, Aḥmad أحمد ابن ماجد السصي ‎ [15. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 42

Ides, Evert Ysbrants (1657–1708?): 44 (2011) 18

al-Idrīsī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdallāh ibn Idrīs أبو عبد الله محمد ابن محمد ابن عبد الله ابن إدريس الادريسي ‎ (1099?–1166?): 7 (1993) 39, 41; 24 (2001) 21–24; 25 (2002) 53

Illés, Stephan [István] [19. Jh.]: 34 (2006) 35–40 (P)

Imfeld, Xaver (1853–1909): 7 (1993) 22; 8 (1993) 19; 15 (1997) 3, 5, 8; 16 (1997) 7; 18 (1998) 11; 20 (1999) 19; 38 (2008) 14–15; 39 (2009) 3–10 (P); 45 (2012) 40, 48

Imhof, Eduard (1895–1986): 4 (1991) 34; 7 (1993) 23; 15 (1997) 5; 17 (1998) 37–39; 20 (1999) 30, 32–33; 21 (2000) 43–44; 28 (2003) 25; 29 (2004) 21; 48 (2013) 12

Imhof, Gottlieb (1904–1948): 29 (2004) 23 (P)

Imobersteg, Gottfried (1855–1941): 29 (2004) 19

Indikopleustes, Kosmas Kosmas [Indikopleustes]

Inglis, Harry Robert Gall [19. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 35

Innys, John (1695?–1778): 39 (2009) 30

Irminger, Karl Friedrich (1813–1863): 23 (2001) 27

Isaak ben Samuel Bassan Yiṣḥaq ben Šemuʾel Bašan

Iselin, Frédéric (1880?–1970): 19 (1999) 24

Isengrin, Michael (1500–1557): 16 (1997) 36

Isidorus [von Sevilla] (560?–636): 7 (1993) 36, 41; 21 (2000) 17–18

Israel, Nico (1919–2002): 3 (1991) 26; 9 (1994) 41; 11 (1995) 18

Iustinus, Marcus Iunianus [3. Jh.]: 47 (2013) 41

Ives, Joseph C. (1829–1868): 47 (2013) 19–21


Jäck, Heinrich [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 25

Jäck, Karl (1763–1809): 27 (2003) 15–18

Jäck, Wilhelm [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 25

Jacky-Tayler, Wilhelm (1833–1915): 44 (2011) 39–41

Jacobszoon, Jacob [17. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 5

Jacobus Angelus [von Scarperia] (†1410?): 47 (2013) 43

Jacot-Guillarmod, Charles (1868–1925): 15 (1997) 5; 29 (2004) 20; 31 (2005) 3–8 (P), 10–13

Jacot-Guillarmod, Jules (1868–1925): 31 (2005) 5–8, 11

Jacotin, Pierre (1765–1827): 31 (2005) 22–27, 30

Jäger, Fritz (1881–1966): 30 (2004) 6, 15, 44, 47

Jaillot, Alexis-Hubert (1632?–1712): 2 (1990) 13; 12 (1995) 13, 38–41; 19 (1999) 3, 6, 8, 14; 21 (2000) 6; 35 (2007) 9, 12, 22; 36 (2007) 30; 42 (2010) 14; 44 (2011) 46–47

Jakob ben Abraham Yaʿaqov ben Avraham

Janssonius, Johannes [I] (†1630?): 6 (1992) 13; 8 (1993) 38; 12 (1995) 13

Janssonius, Johannes [II] (1588–1664): 5 (1992) 17, 20, 38; 6 (1992) 5; 8 (1993) 38–39; 42 (2010) 37; 43 (2011) 10

Jaques, Cristóvão [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13

Jardine, Robert F. (1894–1982): 19 (1999) 19

Jasche, Ernst Christian (1730–1787): 34 (2006) 34

Jenichen, Balthasar (†1599): 13 (1996) 32, 34

Jenkinson, Anthony (1529–1611): 17 (1998) 26

Jeppe, Carl (1870–1900): 30 (2004) 31–32

Jeppe, Friedrich (1834–1898): 30 (2004) 29–31

Jervois, William Francis Drummond (1821–1897): 30 (2004) 25

João [von Lissabon] [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13

Jode, Gerard de (1509?–1591): 5 (1992) 37; 6 (1992) 13; 7 (1993) 12, 15–16; 13 (1996) 34–36; 20 (1999) 3; 32 (2005) 4–5

Johann von Österreich Habsburg, Johann von

Johannes [Philoponus] [6. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 19

Johannes [von Plano Carpini] (†1252): 47 (2013) 38

Johannes [von Sacrobosco] (†1256): 12 (1995) 30; 28 (2003) 33

John [von Mandeville] (†1372): 23 (2001) 6

Johnston, Alexander Keith [I] (1804–1871): 37 (2008) 22, 25

Johnston, Alexander Keith [II] (1844–1879): 37 (2008) 25

Johnston, Henry Hamilton (1858–1927): 30 (2004) 3

Jolivet, Jean [16. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 17; 13 (1996) 35

Jomard, Edme-François (1777–1862): 31 (2005) 22

Jonghe, Clement de (1624?–1677): 8 (1993) 46

Jordt, Hans (1737–1827): 17 (1998) 21–22

Josef ben Jakob Yosef ben Yaʿaqov

Josephus, Titus Flavius [1. Jh.]: 47 (2013) 41

Junker, Wilhelm (1840–1892): 40 (2009) 7–8

Jussieu, Bernard de (1699–1777): 38 (2008) 23

Justo, Jakob Yaʿaqov ben Avraham


Kaerius, Petrus Keere, Pieter van den

Kalbermatter, Johannes (†1551): 5 (1992) 31, 33, 35–36, 38–40; 45 (2012) 8, 10

Kallimachos [von Kyrene] Καλλίμαχος [3. Jh. BC]: 16 (1997) 36

Kallippos [von Kyzikos] Κάλλιπος [4. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Kaltenhofer, Peter [15. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 51

Kammel von Hardegger, Dominik (1844–1915): 40 (2009) 6

Kandt, Richard (1867–1918): 30 (2004) 11

Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804): 27 (2003) 28

Kappeler, Moritz Anton (1685–1769): 38 (2008) 23

al-Kāšġarī, Maḥmūd ibn al-Ḥusain ibn Muḥammad محمود ابن الحسين ابن محمد الكاشغري ‎ [11. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 43

Kasthofer, Karl Albrecht (1777–1853): 11 (1995) 16–17

Kästner, Abraham Gotthelf (1719–1800): 36 (2007) 12; 43 (2011) 20

Kauffer, François (1751?–1801): 25 (2002) 45

Kauffer, Michael [I] (1655?–1730): 41 (2010) 37

Kauffer, Michael [II] (1685–1727): 35 (2007) 28, 30; 41 (2010) 37–46; 44 (2011) 45

Kaufflin, M.L. [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Kayser, Georg Heinrich (1778–1819): 26 (2002) 27

Keere, Hendrik van den (†1580): 23 (2001) 6

Keere, Pieter van den (1571–1646?): 7 (1993) 15; 8 (1993) 4, 6–7

Keferstein, Christian (1784–1866): 9 (1994) 33

Kehr, Georg Jacob (1692–1740): 44 (2011) 27

Keil, Franz (1822–1876): 25 (2002) 17

Keiser, Ludwig (1816–1890): 15 (1997) 4

Keizer, Jacob [18. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17; 44 (2011) 27, 46

Keller, Heinrich [IV] (1778–1862): 13 (1996) 23, 27, 29–30 (P); 14 (1996) 25–33 (P); 20 (1999) 25; 32 (2005) 36; 38 (2008) 28

Keller, Rudolf [19. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 9

Keltenhofer, Stephan (1511?–1563): 27 (2003) 47, 50–53

Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630): 5 (1992) 11, 13, 15; 22 (2000) 4–5; 24 (2001) 26; 34 (2006) 27–28; 43 (2011) 41

Kersten, Bruno (*1910): 38 (2008) 18

Kersten, Otto (1839–1900): 30 (2004) 3–4, 6

Keyser, Jacob Keizer, Jacob

Keyser, Johann Ludwig Keiser, Ludwig

Khölbl, Benedikt (†1569): 20 (1999) 4

al-Khwārazmī al-wārīzmī

Kiepert, Heinrich (1818–1899): 8 (1993) 20; 37 (2008) 3

Kiepert, Richard (1846–1915): 30 (2004) 15, 17; 40 (2009) 26

Kiesewetter, Gottfried [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 27

Kilian, Christoph Gustav (1724–1776): 25 (2002) 3, 5, 10

Kilian, Georg Christoph (1709–1781): 25 (2002) 3; 35 (2007) 21; 41 (2010) 38; 48 (2013) 15, 18, 24

Kino, Eusebio Francisco [Chini, Eusebio] (1645–1711): 28 (2003) 4–6, 9

Kinsbergen, Jan Hendrik van (1735–1819): 27 (2003) 14

Kinzl, Hans (1898–1979): 28 (2003) 14, 18–21

Kiprijanov, Vasilij Onufrievič Киприянов, Василий Онуфриевич [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 19, 21

Kirchebner, Anton (1750–1831): 19 (1999) 37, 39–42, 44–45; 41 (2010) 32

Kirchebner, Jakob [18. Jh.]: 19 (1999) 40

Kirchebner, Veit [18. Jh.]: 19 (1999) 40

Kircher, Athanasius (1602–1680): 27 (2003) 28

Kirilov, Ivan Kirillovič Кирилов, Иван Кириллович (1689–1737): 44 (2011) 20–21, 27

Kitchin, Thomas (1718–1784): 4 (1991) 32

Klaproth, Martin Heinrich (1743–1817): 9 (1994) 33

Kleber, K. [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 23

Klein, J.B. [18. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 23

Kleiner, Salomon (1700–1761): 48 (2013) 24

Kleinschmidt, Franz Heinrich (1812–1864): 30 (2004) 40

Kleostratos [von Tenedos] Κλεόστρατος [6. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Kloeden, Karl Friedrich von (1786–1856): 27 (2003) 18, 25

Klose, Wilhelm (1790–1860): 4 (1991) 12

Klute, Fritz (1885–1952): 30 (2004) 6–7, 9

Klüwer, Philipp Cluverius, Philipp

Knapp, Charles (1855–1921): 20 (1999) 32

Knebel, Karl Ludwig von (1744–1834): 18 (1998) 3

Kneubühler, Peter (1944–1999): 15 (1997) 35

Kniep, Johann (1779–1809): 25 (2002) 14

Knoepfli, Albert (1909–2002): 21 (2000) 17

Kobbe, Theodor von (1798–1845): 27 (2003) 21

Köbel, Jakob (†1533): 16 (1997) 34

Kobelt, Karl (1891–1968): 29 (2004) 20

Koberger, Hans [I] (†1543): 45 (2012) 17, 22; 47 (2013) 44–45, 47

Kobold, Fritz (1905–1985): 29 (2004) 20 (P)

Koch, K. [18. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 21

Koch, Johann Rudolf (1832–1891): 29 (2004) 39

Koechlin, Maurice (1856–1946): 45 (2012) 41–43

Koegel, Henri (1816–1867): 7 (1993) 21; 48 (2013) 5

Koeman, Cornelis (1918–2006): 11 (1995) 18; 27 (2003) 38; 30 (2004) 35

Kohberg, Paul Friedrich Wilhelm (*1862): 15 (1997) 7

Köhler, Johann David (1684–1755): 41 (2010) 40

Kohlschütter, Ernst (1870–1942): 30 (2004) 15–17, 19

Kok, Jacob Pieterszoon (†1788): 3 (1991) 35

Köke, Friedrich (1823–1882): 21 (2000) 42

Kolbe, Karl (1777–1842): 27 (2003) 23; 43 (2011) 23, 27

Kollauer, Johann [16. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 44

Kolleffel, Johann Lambert (1706–1763): 34 (2006) 23; 41 (2010) 25–28, 30, 32–35; 48 (2013) 20–21

Kollek, Theodor «Teddy» [Qolleq, Ṭeddi] קולק, טדי ‎ (1911–2007): 3 (1991) 26

Koller, Johann Georg (†1737): 42 (2010) 34–35, 37

Kolumbus, Bartolomäus und Christoph Columbus, Bartolomäus und Christoph

Kolunić-Rota, Martin (1520?–1583): 13 (1996) 34

Konsag [Konščak], Ferdinand (1703–1759): 28 (2003) 6, 8

Kopernikus, Nikolaus (1473–1543): 5 (1992) 13; 12 (1995) 31; 16 (1997) 36; 39 (2009) 32

Kopp, Franz Xaver [19. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 23

Körner, Hans Heinrich (1755–1822): 18 (1998) 24

Körner, Helmut J. (1926–2010): 28 (2003) 21

Kościuszko, Tadeusz (1746–1817): 36 (2007) 7

Kosmas [Indikopleustes] Κοσμάς [6. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 34, 37–38, 43; 21 (2000) 18

Kraft, Hermagoras [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 33

Krapf, Johann Ludwig (1810–1881): 30 (2004) 3, 11; 45 (2012) 27 (P), 33

Krates [von Mallos] Κράτης [2. Jh. BC]: 21 (2000) 17; 41 (2010) 20

Kraus, Johann Thomas (1696?–1775?): 25 (2002) 2

Krause, Carl [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 41

Krausen, Edgar (1912–1988): 21 (2000) 23

Krauss, Paul (*1861): 30 (2004) 4

Krebs, Nicolaus Cusanus, Nicolaus

Kromer, Martin [Marcin] (1512–1589): 4 (1991) 18; 13 (1996) 32, 35–36

Krumm, Martin (1540–1577): 2 (1990) 26

Kühtze, Paul (1676–1719): 41 (2010) 39

Kulhánek, Mikuláš Claudianus, Nicolaus

Kümmerly, Hermann (1857–1905): 4 (1991) 33–34; 7 (1993) 22

Kuntz, Julius (1865–1940): 30 (2004) 48, 50

Kurts, E. (†1845): 10 (1994) 48

Kurz, Marcel (1887–1967): 31 (2005) 8, 10

Küsell, Matthäus (1629–1681): 41 (2010) 40

Kutter, Wilhelm Rudolf (1818–1888): 32 (2005) 19, 26–27, 30


La Borde, Jean-Benjamin de (1734–1794): 19 (1999) 10, 14

La Condamine, Charles-Marie de (1701–1774): 28 (2003) 8–9; 39 (2009) 13, 15

Ladame, Henri [II] (1838–1926): 32 (2005) 30

Laet, Jan de (1581?–1649): 8 (1993) 46

Lafreri, Antonio (1512–1577): 16 (1997) 31

La Hire, Philippe de (1640–1718): 12 (1995) 19

Laidoner, Johan (1884–1953): 19 (1999) 24

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de (1744–1829): 38 (2008) 26

La Martinière, Bruzen de Bruzen de La Martinière, Antoine-Augustin

Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728–1777): 43 (2011) 46

Lambertus [von Saint-Omer] [12. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 17, 21

Lambien, Anton (1635–1683): 2 (1990) 13; 5 (1992) 32; 25 (2002) 22–23; 45 (2012) 12

Lamsvelt, Jan (1664?–1743?): 44 (2011) 46

Landtwing, Franz Fidel (1714–1782): 33 (2006) 3, 8–9

Lang, Ferdinand [18. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 25

Lang, Georg [16. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 39

Lange, H. [20. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 17

Lange, Henry [Heinrich] (1821–1893): 20 (1999) 29; 21 (2000) 40; 37 (2008) 4–5, 8, 12, 19

Langendorff, Hugo von (1876–1955): 26 (2002) 4

Langenes, Barent [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 5

Langeveld, Dirk Meland [18. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17

Langhans, Paul (1867–1952): 28 (2003) 14; 40 (2009) 13, 17–21 (P), 23–26, 28–30

Langheld, Wilhelm (1867–1917): 30 (2004) 14

• Langnau am Albis: Dorfpresse Gattikon: 22 (2000) 23

Langren, Jacob Floris van (†1610): 5 (1992) 17

Langren, Michael Florent van (1598–1675): 5 (1992) 14; 11 (1995) 44–49

Langweil, Antonín (1791–1837): 34 (2006) 40

La Nicca, Richard (1794–1883): 23 (2001) 35–36; 32 (2005) 17, 21, 23, 25–27 (P), 31

Lanz, Andreas (1740–1803): 1 (1990) 20; 14 (1996) 11–12; 32 (2005) 23–24

Laʾor, ʿEran לאור, ערן ‎ (1900–1990): 3 (1991) 26–27; 9 (1994) 43

La Ramière, Pradès de Pradès de La Ramière, Pierre

Lathuille, François (1776–1806): 31 (2005) 22

Latini, Brunetto [13. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 24

Latrobe, Christian Ignatius (1757–1836): 30 (2004) 24

• Lausanne: Payot & Cie.: 20 (1999) 30

Lavater, Hans Jakob (1658–1739): 10 (1994) 28–30

Lavater, Johann Jakob (1694–1759): 29 (2004) 43

Lazarus [Secretarius] [16. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 37; 37 (2008) 35, 37; 39 (2009) 37, 41

Lazius, Wolfgang (1514–1565): 16 (1997) 36; 17 (1998) 38; 34 (2006) 27; 37 (2008) 35 (P), 37–43

Leardo, Giovanni [15. Jh.]: 14 (1996) 42

Lebzeltern, Mathias Josef [18. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 43

Le Cesne, Bienheureux-Désiré-François-Réel (1772–1827): 31 (2005) 22

Le Chevalier, Jean-Baptiste (1752–1836): 25 (2002) 37–41, 45–46

Le Clerc, Jean [IV] (1560–1621?): 5 (1992) 18; 33 (2006) 22–24, 30, 32

L'Ecluse, Charles de Clusius, Carolus

Lecourbe, Claude Jacques (1759–1815): 18 (1998) 6

Legler, Gottlieb (1823–1897): 14 (1996) 16; 23 (2001) 28, 35–36, 38

Lehmann, Johann Georg (1765–1811): 8 (1993) 17; 10 (1994) 43, 45–46, 48; 14 (1996) 6; 17 (1998) 11

Lehmann, Johann Gottlob (1719–1767): 38 (2008) 22

Lehmann, Richard (1845–1942): 20 (1999) 29

Leibbrand, Walter (1921–2013): 26 (2002) 19 -->

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716): 27 (2003) 25

Leipoldt, Gustav (1850–1938): 21 (2000) 40

• Leipzig: Crusius: 3 (1991) 35

• Leipzig: Gaebler: 37 (2008) 3–6, 8–15, 17

• Leipzig: Göschen: 3 (1991) 35

• Leipzig: Lang: 37 (2008) 6–7, 14, 17

• Leipzig: Velhagen & Klasing: 37 (2008) 5

Leiste, Christoffel Hieronymus (1747–1804): 30 (2004) 37

Leizel, Balthasar Friedrich [18. Jh.]: 36 (2007) 9

Lelewel, Jan Paweł [Jean] (1796–1847): 32 (2005) 19, 24–26

Lelewel, Joachim (1786–1861): 17 (1998) 37; 24 (2001) 24

Le Maire, Jacob (1585–1616): 28 (2003) 37

Le Michaud d'Arçon, Jean Claude (1733–1800): 41 (2010) 4–8 (P), 14

Lent, Carl (1867–1894): 30 (2004) 4, 6

Lenz, Oscar (1848–1925): 40 (2009) 3 (P), 5–10, 12, 14

León y Zamorano, Juan José de [19. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 13

Leonhard, Carl Caesar von (1779–1862): 9 (1994) 32

Leonhard, Richard (1870–1916): 27 (2003) 34

Leontʹev, Nikolaj Stepanovič Леонтьев, Николай Степанович (1862–1910?): 31 (2005) 32–34, 36–37

Leopold, Joseph Friedrich (1668–1727): 17 (1998) 22; 35 (2007) 21

Le Père, Jacques-Marie (1763–1841): 31 (2005) 22

Lerman, Dragutin (1863–1918): 31 (2005) 31

Le Rouge, Georges-Louis [18. Jh.]: 2 (1990) 13; 25 (2002) 6

Le Roy, Henri (1579–1651): 5 (1992) 20; 42 (2010) 37

Léry, Jean de (†1613): 28 (2003) 38

Lesseps, Ferdinand de (1805–1894): 31 (2005) 22

Le Tellier, Nicolas [17. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 23

Le Testu, Guillaume (1509–1572): 6 (1992) 14

Leth, Hendrik de (1703–1766): 17 (1998) 23; 44 (2011) 46, 48

Letronne, Antoine Jean (1787–1848): 9 (1994) 9

Leu, Hans Jakob (1689–1768): 26 (2002) 31; 41 (2010) 40

Leu, Johannes (1714–1782): 29 (2004) 45

Leu, Thomas de (†1612): 33 (2006) 21

Leuckfeld, Johann Georg (1668–1726): 23 (2001) 6

Leupin, Ernst (1882–1950): 29 (2004) 20

Leupold, Jakob (1674–1727): 32 (2005) 21

Leutenegger, Karl (1875–1923): 46 (2012) 7

Leuzinger, Heinrich (1858–1937): 23 (2001) 35

Leuzinger, Rudolf (1826–1896): 7 (1993) 22–23; 8 (1993) 19–20; 15 (1997) 3, 5; 16 (1997) 6–7; 29 (2004) 40; 46 (2012) 6, 10–12

Le Vaillant, François (1753–1824): 30 (2004) 37–38

Levita, Elia Eliyyahu ben Ašer Lewi

Lewis, Meriwether (1774–1809): 47 (2013) 18

L'Hardy, René-Henri (1818–1899): 9 (1994) 10; 13 (1996) 3

L'Hardy-Dufour, Anne-Octavie (1818–1891): 1 (1990) 4

Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742–1799): 36 (2007) 12

Lichtenstein, Hinrich [Martin Karl Heinrich] (1780–1857): 30 (2004) 24

Liebe, Gottlob August (1746–1819): 3 (1991) 36–37

Liechtenstern, Theodor von (1799–1848): 37 (2008) 4–5, 8, 19

Liefrinck, Hans (1518?–1573): 39 (2009) 27, 34

Liesveldt, Jacob van (†1545): 3 (1991) 26–27; 27 (2003) 47, 49

Liesveldt, Jan van [16. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 47

Ligorio, Pirro (†1583): 13 (1996) 34

Lilio, Zaccaria [Lilius, Zacharias] [15. Jh.]: 20 (1999) 13, 16

Linck, Wenzel [18. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 11

Lindemann, Otto [20. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 17

Linschoten, Jan Huygen van (1563–1611): 24 (2001) 26, 28

Linth, Escher von der Escher von der Linth, Arnold und Hans Conrad

Lips, Johann Heinrich (1758–1817): 21 (2000) 8

Lipsius, Justus (1547–1606): 17 (1998) 26, 30

Lisaert, Pieter [IV] (1595–1629?): 17 (1998) 25

Littrow, Joseph Johann von (1781–1840): 1 (1990) 5

Livingstone, David (1813–1873): 30 (2004) 11

Llull, Ramón (†1315?): 9 (1994) 26; 18 (1998) 45

Locher, Eduard (1840–1910): 45 (2012) 41–42, 49

Locher, H. [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Lochmann, Jean-Jacques (1836–1923): 20 (1999) 23; 29 (2004) 18; 31 (2005) 3–4; 48 (2013) 7

Loder, Matthäus (1781–1828): 25 (2002) 14

Löffler, Heinz (1927–2006): 28 (2003) 20

Lomonosov, Michail Vasilʹevič Ломоносов, Михаил Васильевич (1711–1765): 27 (2003) 28

• London: Longman: 37 (2008) 22, 24

• London: Stanford: 37 (2008) 21–22, 24–27, 30–33

Longman, Charles James (1852–1934): 37 (2008) 26

Longman, William (1813–1877): 37 (2008) 25–26

Loots, Johannes (1665–1726): 44 (2011) 20

Lopes, Gregorio (1490?–1550): 6 (1992) 15

López de Gómara, Francisco [16. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 38

Loqmān ibn Ḥusain al-ʿĀṣūrī لقمان ابن حسين العصري ‎ (†1601): 15 (1997) 40–41

Lorichs, Melchior [16. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 4–5

Loriti, Heinrich Glareanus, Henricus

Löscher, Valentin Friedrich [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 19

Lotter, Andreas (1722–1795): 25 (2002) 4, 6

Lotter, Gabriel (1776–1857): 25 (2002) 4, 9

Lotter, Georg Friedrich [I] (1744–1801): 25 (2002) 4, 7–9; 26 (2002) 24; 35 (2007) 25–26

Lotter, Georg Friedrich [II] (1787–1864): 25 (2002) 4, 9

Lotter, Gustav Conrad (1746–1776): 25 (2002) 4, 7; 26 (2002) 24; 35 (2007) 26

Lotter, Matthäus Albrecht (1741–1810): 25 (2002) 4, 7–9; 26 (2002) 24, 27; 35 (2007) 26

Lotter, Philipp Conrad (*1776): 25 (2002) 4, 7; 26 (2002) 24

Lotter, Tobias Conrad (1717–1777): 8 (1993) 32–33; 11 (1995) 28; 17 (1998) 22; 21 (2000) 28, 32; 25 (2002) 2–9; 26 (2002) 23–24; 27 (2003) 30; 35 (2007) 25–26, 28; 36 (2007) 3

Louis, Herbert (1900–1985): 28 (2003) 14

Louis [von Montréjean] [17. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 23

Loveday, Richard Kelsey (1854–1910): 30 (2004) 30

Lowitz, Georg Moritz (1722–1774): 26 (2002) 14–15, 20, 22

Luberas von Pott, Johann Ludwig (1687–1752): 44 (2011) 20

Lubin, Augustin (1624–1695): 21 (2000) 24–25

Lubin, Eilhard (1565–1621): 8 (1993) 38, 40

Luchino, Vincenzo (†1571): 32 (2005) 4

Lüderitz, Adolf (1834–1886): 30 (2004) 36, 43

Lugtenburg, Johannes van [18. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17, 20

Lüthardt, Niklaus Ludwig Friedrich (1790–1861): 16 (1997) 4

Luther, Martin (1483–1546): 9 (1994) 42; 23 (2001) 8

Lüthi, Emanuel (1843–1924): 37 (2008) 26

Lutz, Rudolf (1828–1896): 48 (2013) 5

• Luzern: Nietlispach: 38 (2008) 18

Lyell, Charles (1797–1875): 27 (2003) 33


Maack, Reinhard (1892–1969): 30 (2004) 49, 52

Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527): 38 (2008) 9

Maciej [von Miechów] (1457?–1523): 47 (2013) 40–41

Mackinder, Halford John (1861–1947): 30 (2004) 8; 37 (2008) 27

Maclear, Thomas (1794–1879): 30 (2004) 28

Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius [5. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 36; 21 (2000) 17

Mädler, Johann Heinrich (1794–1874): 11 (1995) 48–49

Madrignano, Arcangelo (†1529): 45 (2012) 15

Magalhães, Fernão de (1480?–1521): 8 (1993) 23, 28, 31; 12 (1995) 32–34; 13 (1996) 11; 28 (2003) 35; 43 (2011) 32; 47 (2013) 37

Magenhöfer, Gustav [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Maggini, Giuseppe (1857–1926): 38 (2008) 14

Maggiolo, Giovanni Antonio (1525–1588): 13 (1996) 11

Maggiolo, Jacopo [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 11–12, 16

Maggiolo, Vesconte (1475?–1551?): 8 (1993) 24; 13 (1996) 9–17; 28 (2003) 37; 45 (2012) 20

Magnus, Olaus [Månsson, Olof] (1490–1557): 2 (1990) 9–10; 4 (1991) 17; 8 (1993) 28; 16 (1997) 32, 37; 28 (2003) 37

Mair, Alexander (1843–1895): 30 (2004) 29

Majer, Johann (1641–1712): 34 (2006) 20

Malines, François de Franciscus

Mallet, Henri (1727–1811): 18 (1998) 24, 27; 29 (2004) 6, 9, 12–13; 41 (2010) 6–7

Malocello, Lancelotto [14. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 24

Maltzan, Hermann Friedrich von (1843–1891): 40 (2009) 18

Manasser, Daniel (†1637): 24 (2001) 16

Manilius, Marcus [1. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 40

Mansfeld, Johann Ernst (1739–1796): 2 (1990) 16; 8 (1993) 47; 19 (1999) 38, 43

Månsson, Olof Magnus, Olaus

Manuel, Rudolf Gabriel (1749–1829): 1 (1990) 20

Maraldi, Giovanni Domenico (1709–1788): 41 (2010) 3

Marcel, Gabriel (1843–1909): 10 (1994) 10, 12

Marchand, Johann Christian (1680–1711): 41 (2010) 38

Marcus [von Benevento] [15. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 20; 47 (2013) 39; 48 (2013) 37

Mare, Johann Karl [Maré, Jean-Charles] (1772–1835): 27 (2003) 13–26

Mare, Karl [I] (1805–1841): 27 (2003) 23

Mare, Karl [II] (*1847): 27 (2003) 23

Mareuse, H. [19. Jh.]: 41 (2010) 11

Marienberg, Calin de Calin de Marienberg, Dominik Franz

Mariette, Pierre [II] (1634–1716): 35 (2007) 9

Marinoni, Giovanni Jacopo de (1676–1755): 48 (2013) 16–17

Marinos [von Tyros] Μαρίνος [2. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 22–23; 46 (2012) 40

Markgraf, Georg (1610–1644): 6 (1992) 14, 16; 8 (1993) 44–46

Marno, Ernst (1844–1883): 40 (2009) 6

Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinando (1658–1730): 48 (2013) 17

Martel, ... [19. Jh.]: 41 (2010) 11

Martianus Capella [5. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 41, 43

Martin, Henno (1910–1998): 30 (2004) 49

Martin, Johannes [16. Jh.]: 2 (1990) 26

Martini, Martino (1614–1661): 28 (2003) 4

Martini, Martinus (1566/67–1610): 2 (1990) 21–22; 10 (1994) 35; 15 (1997) 24

Martire, Pietro Anghiera, Pietro Martire d'

Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von (1794–1868): 28 (2003) 13, 22

Martyr ab Angleria, Peter Anghiera, Pietro Martire d'

Masquelier, Louis Joseph (1741–1811): 18 (1998) 14

Masséna, André (1758–1817): 16 (1997) 19; 18 (1998) 6; 21 (2000) 3, 11, 14

al-Masʿūdī, Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥusain أبو الحسن علي ابن الحسين المسعودي  ‎ (†956): 18 (1998) 46

Matal, Jean-Natale Metelllus, Johannes

Matern, Johan Anton (1683–1767): 44 (2011) 23–24, 26–27

Matthaeus [von Paris] (†1259): 6 (1992) 17; 7 (1993) 41; 9 (1994) 17; 26 (2002) 20

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea (1501–1577): 5 (1992) 37

Matutinović, Lujo (1765–1844): 46 (2012) 23

Maunsell, Francis Richard (1861–1936): 19 (1999) 21

Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de (1698–1759): 11 (1995) 21

Maurer, Rudolf (1872–1963): 23 (2001) 35

Mauro [von Venedig] (†1459?): 9 (1994) 13–15; 14 (1996) 42, 44; 18 (1998) 43, 46

Maximilianus [Transylvanus] (†1538?): 47 (2013) 37

Maximin a Guchen [17. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 23

Maximos [Planudes, von Nikomedia] Μάξιμος (†1310?): 24 (2001) 23

Mayer, Christian (1719–1783): 14 (1996) 3

Mayer, Tobias (1723–1762): 3 (1991) 35; 8 (1993) 39; 12 (1995) 19–25 (P); 26 (2002) 13–15 (P), 17–21; 34 (2006) 23; 43 (2011) 43–45, 47; 48 (2013) 21–23

Maynard, Henri [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 20

Méchain, Pierre (1744–1804): 36 (2007) 15

Mechel, Christian von (1737–1817): 18 (1998) 15, 24–25; 39 (2009) 15–16, 18, 23, 26

Megiser, Hieronymus (1554?–1618?): 18 (1998) 37; 34 (2006) 28–30

Meichsner, Johann Georg [18. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 6–7

Meier, Jacques (1891–1968): 23 (2001) 35

Meier, Otto (1903–1992): 29 (2004) 22

Meier, Peter (1932–1999): 23 (2001) 35

Meili, Carl (1871–1919): 15 (1997) 5

Meisenbach, Georg (1841–1912): 47 (2013) 21

Meiss, Hans von (1771–1804): 29 (2004) 9

Meiss, Hans Friedrich von (1712–1782): 45 (2012) 12

Meiss, Hans Konrad (1764–1845): 16 (1997) 13–14

Meister, Leonhard (1741–1811): 18 (1998) 6, 17

Mejer, Johannes (1606–1674): 17 (1998) 22

Mekenkamp, Peter G.M. (1951–2013): 8 (1993) 47–49; 17 (1998) 36

Mela, Pomponius [1. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 23; 47 (2013) 40–41

Mellin, Ludwig August von (1754–1835): 8 (1993) 42

Mellinger, Johannes (1538?–1603): 13 (1996) 34

Mengden, ... von [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 33

Mengden, Jurij Andreevič Менгден, Юрий Андреевич [Mengden, Georg von] (†1703): 44 (2011) 18

Menges, Otto Wilhelm von (1908–1943): 26 (2002) 6–7

Mentelle, Edme (1730–1815): 18 (1998) 21

Menzel, Adolph von (1815–1905): 27 (2003) 20–21

Mercator, Arnold (1537–1587): 11 (1995) 2; 33 (2006) 17; 40 (2009) 31–33, 38–39

Mercator, Bartholomäus (1540–1568): 11 (1995) 7

Mercator, Gerard (1512–1594): 2 (1990) 12, 24–25; 3 (1991) 20; 5 (1992) 3–6, 8–9; 6 (1992) 5, 13, 27; 7 (1993) 12, 15–20; 8 (1993) 37–39; 10 (1994) 2–6 (P), 8–10, 12, 14, 16–18, 34, 39; 11 (1995) 2, 5, 7, 26; 12 (1995) 13, 19; 13 (1996) 34–36; 15 (1997) 39, 41; 16 (1997) 33; 17 (1998) 36, 39–40; 18 (1998) 37; 23 (2001) 6; 24 (2001) 25; 27 (2003) 38; 28 (2003) 38, 40; 32 (2005) 4; 33 (2006) 11, 17; 34 (2006) 27; 39 (2009) 38; 40 (2009) 31–32; 41 (2010) 20, 24; 42 (2010) 43; 43 (2011) 32–33, 38, 47; 46 (2012) 44–45

Mercator, Rumold (1545?–1599): 6 (1992) 5; 7 (1993) 14, 16; 10 (1994) 2, 17–18; 13 (1996) 32

Mercier, Louis-Sébastien (1740–1814): 18 (1998) 7

Merensky, Alexander (1837–1918): 30 (2004) 29–30

Merian, Andreas (1794–1880): 32 (2005) 25

Merian, Kaspar (1627–1686): 4 (1991) 32

Merian, Matthäus [I] (1593–1650): 4 (1991) 31–33; 11 (1995) 2; 12 (1995) 3–5, 10–11, 17; 15 (1997) 36; 18 (1998) 37; 33 (2006) 33; 34 (2006) 30, 32; 42 (2010) 22, 24; 43 (2011) 10, 18

Merian, Matthäus [II] (1621–1687): 4 (1991) 32

Merian, Peter (1795–1883): 11 (1995) 16–17; 38 (2008) 29–30, 32

Merveilleux, David-François de (1652–1712): 9 (1994) 3–4

Merwe, Johannes van der (1941–2016): 30 (2004) 51

Merz, Johann Ludwig (1772–1851): 8 (1993) 9, 13, 16, 20; 17 (1998) 9

Merz, Ludwig (1817–1881): 8 (1993) 9, 13, 16, 20

Messerschmidt, Daniel Gottlieb (1685–1735): 44 (2011) 24–25, 27

Messmer, Franz Anton (1766–1821): 16 (1997) 16, 19; 41 (2010) 8

Metellus, Johannes [Matal, Jean] (†1597): 5 (1992) 20; 6 (1992) 5

Meton [von Athen] Μέτων [5. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Mettel, Nikolaus (1739–1772?): 40 (2009) 39

Metzeroth, Carl [19. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 28

Meurer, Peter H. (1951–2020): 17 (1998) 39

Meuron, Maximilien de (1785–1868): 9 (1994) 8

Meurs, Jacob van (1619–1680): 42 (2010) 34

Meyer, Albrecht (*1643): 47 (2013) 36

Meyer, Conrad (1618–1689): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 21, 24; 10 (1994) 25, 32; 12 (1995) 3; 15 (1997) 23, 36; 22 (2000) 21; 35 (2007) 31; 43 (2011) 3, 11, 14–15

Meyer, Felix (1653–1713): 22 (2000) 23

Meyer, Hans (1858–1929): 28 (2003) 14; 30 (2004) 4, 6, 8; 40 (2009) 6, 16

Meyer, Georg Friedrich (1645–1693): 46 (2012) 4

Meyer, Johann Heinrich (1760–1832): 39 (2009) 12, 19

Meyer, Johann Heinrich (1802–1877): 13 (1996) 25

Meyer, Johann Rudolf [I] (1739–1813): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 17–18; 3 (1991) 2, 13; 7 (1993) 6, 8; 8 (1993) 10; 9 (1994) 4, 7; 11 (1995) 13; 13 (1996) 28, 30; 14 (1996) 12–13; 16 (1997) 23–30 (P); 17 (1998) 4; 18 (1998) 7; 19 (1999) 12; 21 (2000) 7; 29 (2004) 6, 9; 32 (2005) 18, 35; 36 (2007) 14; 38 (2008) 27; 41 (2010) 8

Meyer, Johann Rudolf [II] (1768–1825): 38 (2008) 27–29

Meyer, Johannes (1655–1712): 1 (1990) 2; 35 (2007) 33

Meynen, Emil (1902–1994): 28 (2003) 14

Michaelis, Ernst Heinrich (1794–1873): 1 (1990) 16; 3 (1991) 2–10, 13; 7 (1993) 3–6, 8–10; 14 (1996) 4; 22 (2000) 39; 27 (2003) 9, 12; 32 (2005) 37

Michal, Jacques de [18. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 3; 34 (2006) 17, 19–24, 26; 41 (2010) 25, 28, 32; 48 (2013) 20

Michel, ... [19. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 9; 14 (1996) 33

Micheli du Crest, Jacques-Barthélemy (1690–1766): 8 (1993) 10; 11 (1995) 21–34 (P); 13 (1996) 29–30; 16 (1997) 3, 10–11; 18 (1998) 6, 8, 12; 26 (2002) 33, 35, 37; 34 (2006) 3; 39 (2009) 12; 41 (2010) 7; 46 (2012) 3 (P)

Michell, Charles Cornwallis (1793–1851): 30 (2004) 25

Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo de [18. Jh.]: 47 (2013) 3, 7

Mieser, David (1588–1635): 19 (1999) 28

Miles [Ritter], Johannes (1510–1572): 45 (2012) 9

Miller, Konrad (1844–1933): 7 (1993) 35–36; 11 (1995) 19

Millo, Antonio [16. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 24

Mirani, Antonio Maria (1712–1778): 32 (2005) 23

Miscomini, Antonio di Bartolommeo [15. Jh.]: 20 (1999) 13, 16

Misrachi, Elia Mizraḥi, Eliyyahu

Mittelbach, Robert (1855–1916): 1 (1990) 33–35

Mizraḥi, Eliyyahu [Misrachi, Elia] מזרחי, אליהו ‎ (†1526): 4 (1991) 23, 26

Moggiol, Francesco [16. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 27–28

Mohammed bin Nassur [19. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 30, 34

Mohr, Ernst Rudolf (1821–1885): 3 (1991) 6, 8–9; 8 (1993) 20; 9 (1994) 10; 11 (1995) 14

Moisel, Max (1869–1920): 30 (2004) 7–9, 17–20, 44, 46; 40 (2009) 23, 26

Mol, Pieter [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 35

Moldelbe, Negrelli von Negrelli von Moldelbe, Luigi gen. Alois

Moll, Herman (1654?–1732): 3 (1991) 35

Moller, Bernhard [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32

Möllhausen, Balduin (1825–1905): 47 (2013) 19–20

Molyneux, Emery (†1598): 42 (2010) 44

Mommsen, Theodor (1817–1903): 29 (2004) 44

Monachus, Franciscus Franciscus

Monau, Jacob (1546–1603): 22 (2000) 4–5, 10

Moncalieri, Giovanni da (1579–1655): 21 (2000) 23–24

Montagu, Mary Wortley (1689–1762): 25 (2002) 38

Montargues, Peter von (1660–1733): 8 (1993) 40

Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel de (1740–1810): 18 (1998) 6

• Montreux: Corbaz: 38 (2008) 19

Morainville, Jean Louis de [18. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 23, 25

Morand, Conrad (1510?–1573): 15 (1997) 36

Moreau, Jean Victor (1763–1813): 27 (2003) 3–4 (P), 7, 11

Morell, Johann (1604–1672): 19 (1999) 28, 35–36

Morettini, Pietro (1662/63–1737): 1 (1990) 23

Moretus, Joannes [Jan] (1543–1610): 22 (2000) 3

Morgenstern, Wisner von Wisner von Morgenstern, Franz

Mortier, David (1673–1728?): 5 (1992) 17

Mortier, Pieter [I] (1661–1711): 17 (1998) 22; 35 (2007) 9; 44 (2011) 46

Morus, Thomas (1478–1535): 23 (2001) 7

Motte, Hacquet de la Hacquet de la Motte, Belsazar

Moynier, Gustave (1826–1910): 34 (2006) 37

Müller, August [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 33

Müller, Bernhard (1557–1630): 41 (2010) 22

Müller, Christian Friedrich (1776–1821): 36 (2007) 3

Müller, Hans Rudolf (1617–1701): 5 (1992) 21–22, 26, 28; 10 (1994) 28, 30

Müller, Joachim Eugen (1752–1833): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 17; 3 (1991) 2; 7 (1993) 6, 8; 8 (1993) 10; 9 (1994) 4; 11 (1995) 13; 13 (1996) 30; 14 (1996) 13; 16 (1997) 23 (P), 25–27; 17 (1998) 4; 18 (1998) 7; 19 (1999) 12; 21 (2000) 7; 29 (2004) 5–6, 9; 32 (2005) 18; 36 (2007) 14; 41 (2010) 8

Müller, Johann Christoph (1673–1721): 8 (1993) 42; 41 (2010) 42–44; 44 (2011) 45; 48 (2013) 17–18

Müller, Johann Jakob (1815–1869): 4 (1991) 4–10, 12, 14; 14 (1996) 5

Müller, Johann Rudolf (1746–1819): 1 (1990) 20; 36 (2007) 24

Müller, Johannes (1436–1476) Regiomontanus

Müller, Johannes (1733–1816): 5 (1992) 27, 29; 16 (1997) 13, 19

Müller, Josef Anton (1818–1881): 25 (2002) 24

Müller, Otto M. (1913–2002): 4 (1991) 34

Müllhaupt, Fritz (1846–1917): 45 (2012) 40

Müllhaupt, Heinrich (1820–1894): 1 (1990) 16, 33; 2 (1990) 28; 3 (1991) 3–4, 7, 12; 7 (1993) 21; 8 (1993) 17; 13 (1996) 6

• München: Deutscher Alpenverein: 35 (2007) 3

Münchow, Karl Dietrich von (1778–1836): 39 (2009) 21

Münster, Sebastian (1488–1552): 2 (1990) 2, 9, 11, 18; 3 (1991) 15–16, 18–20; 4 (1991) 17–20; 5 (1992) 5, 9, 31–33, 35–40; 6 (1992) 8, 12–13, 21–22, 25, 27; 7 (1993) 11–20 (P), 47–48; 9 (1994) 39; 10 (1994) 33; 11 (1995) 2; 13 (1996) 32, 35–36; 15 (1997) 24, 36; 16 (1997) 32, 34–36, 38; 19 (1999) 4, 6–7, 14; 23 (2001) 6, 11; 28 (2003) 37, 39–40; 32 (2005) 4–5, 13; 38 (2008) 3–4; 39 (2009) 31–32; 42 (2010) 15, 43; 43 (2011) 34; 45 (2012) 4, 9–12 (P), 17; 48 (2013) 32, 34

Münzer, Hieronymus (†1508): 6 (1992) 18

Muoss, Heinrich Ludwig (1657–1721): 4 (1991) 31

Murdoch, Patrick (†1774): 18 (1998) 24, 27

Murer, Abraham (1591–1679): 17 (1998) 3

Murer, Christoph (1558–1614): 15 (1997) 23, 36

Murer, Johannes (1556–1641): 15 (1997) 23; 17 (1998) 3

Murer, Jos (1530–1580): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 24, 26; 5 (1992) 5, 8–9; 6 (1992) 29; 13 (1996) 32; 15 (1997) 23–27 (P), 30, 32–37; 32 (2005) 4; 43 (2011) 3

Murer, Josias (1564–1630): 43 (2011) 3

Murray, Alexander Henry Hallam (1854–1934): 37 (2008) 26

Murray, John [III] (1808–1892): 37 (2008) 26–27

Murray, John [IV] (1851–1928): 37 (2008) 23, 26

Musinus, Bartholomäus [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34

Mylius, Arnold (1540–1604): 22 (2000) 5, 10

Månsson, Olof Magnus, Olaus


Naaman, Ludolph [Namens, Lütke] (1497–1574): 17 (1998) 20

Narváez, Juan de [18. Jh.]: 28 (2003) 11

Natterer, Johann (1787–1843): 28 (2003) 13

Nau, Anthony [19. Jh.]: 47 (2013) 5, 9

Naus, Joseph (1793–1871): 35 (2007) 3, 5

Née, François Denis (1732–1817): 18 (1998) 14

Nefe, Matthäus [16. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 9–13, 15, 17

Negges, Johann Simon (1726?–1792): 48 (2013) 23

Negrelli von Moldelbe, Luigi gen. Alois (1799–1858): 23 (2001) 35; 32 (2005) 25

Nell, Johann Peter (1672–1743): 35 (2007) 22

• Neuenburg: Delachaux & Niestlé: 20 (1999) 29

• Neustadt an der Aisch: Degener: 35 (2007) 10

Newberry, John S. (1822–1892): 47 (2013) 19–20

• New York: Gill: 29 (2004) 30

• New York: Johnston: 27 (2003) 33

• New York: Kraus: 9 (1994) 42

Nicholas Herford (†1393): 9 (1994) 17

Nichols, Robert Cradock (1824–1892): 37 (2008) 22–23, 25

Nicolai, Arnaud (1548–1596): 27 (2003) 49

Nicolai, Carl Heinrich (1739–1823): 10 (1994) 42, 48

Nicolaus [Germanus] [15. Jahrhundert]: 12 (1995) 27; 14 (1996) 42; 18 (1998) 46

Nicolay, Benedict de Vassallieu dit Nicolay, Benedict de

Nicolay, Nicolas de (1517–1583): 16 (1997) 32

Nigrinus, Franz [17. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 11

Nilson, Barbara (1758–1821?): 36 (2007) 3

Nilson, Johannes Esaias (1721–1788): 36 (2007) 3; 48 (2013) 20

Niño, Pedro Alonso (†1502?): 45 (2012) 15

Nobiling, Hermann [20. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 50

Nolin, Jean-Baptiste [I] (1657–1708): 2 (1990) 13; 28 (2003) 9; 35 (2007) 22, 24

Norden, Frederik Ludvig (1708–1742): 31 (2005) 30

Norden, John [I] (1548?–1625): 24 (2001) 9, 16

Norin, Erik (1895–1982): 46 (2012) 28

Nötzli, Johannes (1680–1753): 6 (1992) 33; 17 (1998) 3; 36 (2007) 16–17

Nötzli, Johann Caspar (1724–1790): 36 (2007) 24

Novellanus, Simon [16. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 4

Noviomagus, Johannes [Bronckhorst, Jan van] (1509?–1569): 42 (2010) 39, 42–47, 49–51, 53

Nunes Carvalho, Solomon (1815–1897): 47 (2013) 15–16, 22

• Nürnberg: Hoffmann: 35 (2007) 9–19

• Nürnberg: Homännische Erben: 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 4; 8 (1993) 35, 39–41; 12 (1995) 19–20, 22–23, 25; 18 (1998) 27; 21 (2000) 4, 28–31; 24 (2001) 40; 26 (2002) 13–14, 19, 21; 33 (2006) 9, 19, 34 (2006) 23; 41 (2010) 28, 39; 42 (2010) 7–8; 43 (2011) 44; 48 (2013) 20, 23

Nüscheler, Salomon (1709–1790): 29 (2004) 45


Oberreit, Jakob Andreas Hermann (1777–1856): 10 (1994) 48

Obrecht, Johann Christian (*1778): 14 (1996) 14; 23 (2001) 29, 35–36; 32 (2005) 20

Ochsenbein, Ulrich (1811–1890): 32 (2005) 26–27

Odeleben, Otto von (1777–1833): 10 (1994) 42–46

Odoricus [von Pordenone] (†1331): 13 (1996) 20; 45 (2012) 18

Oechsli, Wilhelm (1851–1919): 20 (1999) 22

Oehler, Eduard (1881–1941): 30 (2004) 6, 9

Oeri, Johann Georg (1780–1852): 1 (1990) 4, 13; 17 (1998) 7; 34 (2006) 10–11

Oeser, Adam Friedrich (1717–1799): 3 (1991) 34–35

Oettinger, Johann Friedrich [18. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 3

Ogier, Mathieu [18. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 23; 45 (2012) 12

Ogilby, John (1600–1676): 3 (1991) 35; 24 (2001) 16; 26 (2002) 20–21

Oinopides [von Chios] Οινοπίδης [5. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Ojeda, Alonso de (1466?–1515?): 6 (1992) 8–9

Olearius, Adam (1599–1671): 24 (2001) 26–27

Olgiati, Girolamo [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34

Opitz, Martin (1597–1639): 22 (2000) 5

Oporinus [Herbst], Johannes (1507–1568): 16 (1997) 34, 36; 32 (2005) 13; 37 (2008) 39

Oppikofer, Johannes (1783–1864): 32 (2005) 17–18, 23

Orell, Hans Conrad (1714–1785): 15 (1997) 37

Orellana, Francisco de (†1546): 13 (1996) 16; 43 (2011) 32

Orelli, Johann Caspar von (1787–1849): 29 (2004) 44

Ortelius, Abraham (1527–1598): 2 (1990) 12; 3 (1991) 20; 5 (1992) 4–5, 8, 37; 6 (1992) 4–5, 13; 7 (1993) 12, 14–18; 8 (1993) 37, 39; 10 (1994) 2; 11 (1995) 18–19; 13 (1996) 32–36; 17 (1998) 25–27, 30–31; 22 (2000) 3–4–5, 8, 10; 23 (2001) 6–7, 10; 24 (2001) 25–26; 27 (2003) 37–39, 47, 49, 51; 28 (2003) 37; 32 (2005) 4–5, 14–15; 34 (2006) 27; 38 (2008) 3; 39 (2009) 27, 34, 38; 40 (2009) 32; 43 (2011) 35–36

Österreich, Johann von Habsburg, Johann von

Österreicher, Tobias von (1831–1893): 46 (2012) 17

Osterrieth, Johann Daniel (1768–1839): 23 (2001) 28

Ostertag, Heinrich Jonas [18. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 23

Ostervald, Jean-Frédéric d' (1773–1850): 9 (1994) 3–4 (P), 6–12; 11 (1995) 11, 16–17; 14 (1996) 25; 18 (1998) 13; 29 (2004) 6, 9, 12–13; 32 (2005) 36; 36 (2007) 20–21; 41 (2010) 13

Ottens, Joachim (1663–1719?): 44 (2011) 46–47

Ottens, Josua (1704–1765): 5 (1992) 17; 44 (2011) 46

Ottens, Reinier [I] (1698–1750): 5 (1992) 17; 44 (2011) 46

Otth, Emanuel (1685–1708): 32 (2005) 20

Otth, Samuel (1687–1772): 1 (1990) 20; 32 (2005) 20

Otto [von Freising] (1114?–1158): 15 (1997) 34; 18 (1998) 45

Otto, Josef [18. Jh.]: 40 (2009) 34

Ottweiler, Emil Fritz Heinrich [20. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 48, 51

Otz, Henri-Louis (1820–1902): 9 (1994) 10, 12


Paccard, Michel-Gabriel (1757–1827): 39 (2009) 13

Packe, Christopher (1686–1749): 27 (2003) 21

Pagano, Matteo (1515?–1563): 16 (1997) 35

Palgrave, William Coates (1833–1897): 30 (2004) 36

Pallas, Peter Simon (1741–1811): 44 (2011) 31

Palma, Gaetano [19. Jh.]: 46 (2012) 23

Palmqvist, Erik (†1676?): 44 (2011) 18, 24

Papen, August (1799–1858): 21 (2000) 39–40

• Paris: Chardon: 3 (1991) 12

• Paris: Dépôt de la guerre: 41 (2010) 9–12; 48 (2013) 4

• Paris: Engelmann: 11 (1995) 14

Parmenides [von Elea] Παρμενίδης [4. Jh. BC]: 21 (2000) 17

Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662): 41 (2010) 3

Pascha, Jan (†1539): 23 (2001) 6

Pasumot, François (1733–1804): 21 (2000) 39; 39 (2009) 13; 39 (2009) 14–15

Paterson, William (1755–1810): 30 (2004) 37–38

Pauli, Georg Adam Joseph de [18. Jh.]: 48 (2013) 16

Pauli, Simon (1603–1680): 8 (1993) 44

Paulinus [Minorita, von Venedig] (†1344): 14 (1996) 36

Pauliny, Jakob Josef (1827–1899): 21 (2000) 41

Paulis, Albert (1875–1933): 19 (1999) 19 (P)

Paulitschke, Philipp (1854–1899): 30 (2004) 6; 40 (2009) 6, 16

Paur, Matthias [18. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 22, 24

Pausanias [Periegeta, von Lydien] Παυσανίας [2. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 41

Payer, Julius (1842–1915): 25 (2002) 15, 17; 28 (2003) 13

Payer, Richard (1836–1912?): 28 (2003) 13

Payne, Albert Henry (1812–1902): 37 (2008) 3, 14

Pellagot, ... [19. Jh.]: 41 (2010) 11

Pellegrino, Carlo Danti, Ignazio

Penck, Albrecht (1858–1945): 17 (1998) 37; 30 (2004) 6

Penskoj, Platon Ivanovič Пенской, Платон Иванович (1781–1849): 21 (2000) 8

Penther, Johann Friedrich (1693–1749): 15 (1997) 13

Perrenot de Granvelle, Antoine Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de

Perret, Jacques [17. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 21–22, 31

Perthes, Bernhard [II] (1858–1919): 40 (2009) 20–21, 23, 25

Perthes, Joachim (1889–1954): 40 (2009) 23; 46 (2012) 27–28

Pestalozzi, Heinrich (1790–1857): 1 (1990) 4, 7, 13; 2 (1990) 29; 8 (1993) 9–12; 14 (1996) 29, 31, 33; 17 (1998) 6; 23 (2001) 28–30, 35; 29 (2004) 14; 32 (2005) 19, 26

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (1746–1827): 8 (1993) 18; 14 (1996) 15; 20 (1999) 27

Pestalozzi, Karl (1825–1891): 1 (1990) 9

Petermann, August (1822–1878): 28 (2003) 13, 15; 30 (2004) 11–12, 38–40, 43–45; 40 (2009) 26; 45 (2012) 29–30, 32–36

Peters, Carl (1856–1918): 30 (2004) 14

Petersen, Hans (1866–1931): 17 (1998) 20

Pétis de la Croix, François (1653–1713): 44 (2011) 26

Petrarca, Francesco (1304–1374): 38 (2008) 10

Petreius, Johannes (1497?–1550): 16 (1997) 36

Petri, Adam und Heinrich Henricpetri, Adam und Heinrich

Petri, Isaak Jakob von (1705–1776): 10 (1994) 44

Petroschi, Giovanni (1715–1766): 21 (2000) 25

Petzold, Karl Wilhelm (1848–1897): 20 (1999) 29

Peucker, Karl (1859–1940): 15 (1997) 9; 21 (2000) 42–46

Peuerbach, Georg (1423–1461): 12 (1995) 30; 42 (2010) 50

Peutinger, Konrad (1465–1547): 16 (1997) 45; 18 (1998) 41, 44; 39 (2009) 31; 48 (2013) 25

Peyer, Heinrich (1621–1690): 4 (1991) 9; 6 (1992) 37; 22 (2000) 21–23 (P), 25, 27–29

Peyer, Johann Ludwig (1780–1842): 15 (1997) 13; 22 (2000) 26

Peypus, Friedrich (1485–1534): 39 (2009) 32–33

Pez, Georg [18. Jh.]: 19 (1999) 29

Pfändler, Ludwig (1831–1903): 4 (1991) 5, 14

Pfann, Hans (1873–1958): 28 (2003) 17

Pfeffel, Johann Andreas [I] (1674–1748): 34 (2006) 23; 41 (2010) 27–28; 48 (2013) 15–24 (P)

Pfeffel, Johann Andreas [II] (1715–1768): 48 (2013) 23

Pfeil, Johann (†1521?): 48 (2013) 25

Pfister zu Burgdorf, Karl von (1724–1800): 42 (2010) 22, 25

Pfyffer von Wyher, Franz Ludwig (1716–1802): 11 (1995) 30; 13 (1996) 28, 30; 16 (1997) 23–24; 18 (1998) 3–9 (P), 11–17 (P); 26 (2002) 31–39; 33 (2006) 3–4 (P), 6–10; 39 (2009) 12–13

• Philadelphia: Johnston: 27 (2003) 33

Philolaos [von Kroton] Φιλόλαος [5. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Picard, Jean (1620–1682): 11 (1995) 26, 32; 12 (1995) 19; 41 (2010) 3

Piccolomini, Enea Silvio de (1405–1464): 11 (1995) 39

Pickaerdt, Pieter (1668–1732): 44 (2011) 19–20

Pickel, Konrad Celtis, Konrad

Picot, Georges Georges-Picot, François

Picquet, Charles (1771–1827): 27 (2003) 5

Pictet, Marc-Auguste (1752–1825): 2 (1990) 16, 17

Pigafetta, Antonio [16. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 35

Pike, Zebulon Montgomery (1779–1813): 47 (2013) 5–9 (P)

Pina, Ruy de (1440?–1522): 11 (1995) 40

Pingeling, Thomas Albrecht (1727–1803): 3 (1991) 33–34

Pini, Ermenegildo (1739–1825): 39 (2009) 12

Pintz, Johann Georg (1697–1767?): 48 (2013) 15

Pinzón, Martín Alonso (†1493): 11 (1995) 39

Pinzón, Vicente Yáñez [15. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8–9, 11; 45 (2012) 15

Pirckheimer, Willibald (1470–1530): 16 (1997) 36; 45 (2012) 17; 47 (2013) 44–45, 47

Pīrī ibn Ḥāǧǧī Maḥmūd, Aḥmad Muḥī ʿd-Dīn [Piri ibn Hacı Mehmet, Ahmet Muhittin] أحمد محي الدين پيري ابن حاجي محمود ‎ (1470?–1554): 11 (1995) 36, 38–41; 15 (1997) 39; 24 (2001) 3–7

Pīrī Reʿīs Pīrī ibn Ḥāǧǧī Maḥmūd, Aḥmad Muḥī ʿd-Dīn

Piso, Willem (1611–1678): 8 (1993) 44, 46

Pius II. Piccolomini, Enea Silvio de

Pizarro, Francisco (†1541): 43 (2011) 32

Pizzigano, Domenico [14. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8; 12 (1995) 35

Pizzigano, Zuane [15. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 2

Placidus [von Sainte-Helène] (1649?–1734): 2 (1990) 13

Plantijn, Christoffel (†1589): 10 (1994) 4, 8–10, 12; 13 (1996) 36

Planudes, Maximus Maximos [Planudes, von Nikomedia]

Platen, August von (1796–1835): 18 (1998) 5

Platon [von Athen] Πλάτων (427?–347?): 5 (1992) 13; 21 (2000) 17; 24 (2001) 3

Platter, Felix (1536–1614): 10 (1994) 33

Platz, Ernst (1867–1940): 30 (2004) 4

Pleninger, Andreas (1555–1607): 4 (1991) 27–28, 30

Plepp, Joseph (1595–1642): 1 (1990) 20; 12 (1995) 3–13 (P), 16–17

Plettenberg, Joachim van (1739–1793): 30 (2004) 38

Plinius [Gaius Plinius Secundus] (23?–79): 12 (1995) 35

Plutarch [von Chaironeia] Πλούταρχος [1. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 11, 13–14; 11 (1995) 44, 47; 12 (1995) 35

Pococke, Richard (1704–1765): 25 (2002) 38

Podiani, Prospero (†1615): 10 (1994) 14

Pohl, Johann Emanuel (1782–1834): 28 (2003) 13

Poitevin, Casimir (1772–1829)

Polatta, Francesco [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 23, 25

Polo, Marco (1254–1324): 6 (1992) 2; 9 (1994) 14–15; 11 (1995) 39–40; 12 (1995) 33–35; 13 (1996) 20; 17 (1998) 26; 18 (1998) 41–42, 45; 45 (2012) 18; 47 (2013) 44

Pomponius Mela Mela, Pomponius

Pope, Alexander (1688–1744): 25 (2002) 37–38

Porcacchi, Tommaso [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 34; 15 (1997) 40

Portner, Franz B. [18. Jh.]: 46 (2012) 22

Post, Frans Janszoon (1612–1680): 6 (1992) 14, 16; 8 (1993) 44, 46

Post, Pieter Janszoon (1608–1669): 8 (1993) 44

Postel, Guillaume (1510–1581): 23 (2001) 10; 24 (2001) 25

Pouillard de Sainte-Flore, Pierre Jean (*1724): 41 (2010) 4

Pradès de La Ramière, Pierre (1668–1754): 1 (1990) 23

Praetorius, Johann (1630–1680): 35 (2007) 11

Preuschen, August Gottlieb (1734–1803): 36 (2007) 27–28

Prideaux, Humphrey (1648–1724): 41 (2010) 39

Probst, Georg Balthasar (1732–1801): 8 (1993) 32; 25 (2002) 3–5; 35 (2007) 24

Probst, Georg Matthäus (1754–1788): 25 (2002) 5

Probst, Johann Balthasar [I] (1689–1750): 25 (2002) 4; 35 (2007) 24

Probst, Johann Balthasar [II] (1757–1797): 25 (2002) 5

Probst, Johann Friedrich (1721–1781): 25 (2002) 4; 35 (2007) 24–26, 28–30; 41 (2010) 38

Probst, Johann Georg (1759–1809): 25 (2002) 4

Probst, Johann Konrad (1762–1820): 25 (2002) 4–5

Probst, Johann Michael [I] (1727–1776): 8 (1993) 32, 35; 25 (2001) 2–3–6, 8, 10; 26 (2002) 23–24; 35 (2007) 24–26; 41 (2010) 38

Probst, Johann Michael [II] (1757–1809): 25 (2002) 4, 8–9

Ptolemaeus, Claudius [Ptolemaios, Klaudios] Πτολεμαίος, Κλαύδιος [2. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 19; 5 (1992) 4, 13, 31–32, 37; 6 (1992) 3–4, 6, 12; 7 (1993) 34, 38, 41–42; 8 (1993) 28, 31, 37; 9 (1994) 15; 10 (1994) 3, 5; 11 (1995) 36; 12 (1995) 24, 27, 29–31, 34–35; 16 (1997) 45; 20 (1999) 15; 23 (2001) 19; 24 (2001) 22–23, 25; 28 (2003) 33, 35; 38 (2008) 8; 40 (2009) 3; 41 (2010) 20; 42 (2010) 39–41, 43–44, 46, 50; 43 (2011) 33; 45 (2012) 16; 46 (2012) 39–44; 47 (2013) 33–34, 38, 40; 48 (2013) 36–37, 39

Puissant, Louis (1769–1843): 9 (1994) 11

Püntener, Josef Anton (1663–1731): 6 (1992) 33, 36

Purtscheller, Ludwig (1849–1900): 30 (2004) 4

Puteanus, Erycius [Put, Hendrik van] (1574–1646): 11 (1995) 45–49

Putsch, Johannes [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 36; 23 (2001) 10

Putte, Bernaerd van den (1528–1580): 10 (1994) 3–4, 18; 13 (1996) 34; 43 (2011) 32

Pythagoras [von Samos] Πυθαγόρας [6. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13


Qres [?], Yaʿaqov [Jakob] קרס [?], יעקב ‎ [?]: 4 (1991) 24

Quad, Matthias (1557–1613): 24 (2001) 14

Quentel, Peter (†1546): 40 (2009) 31

Quesnel, François (1542–1619): 33 (2006) 31–32

Quételet, Adolphe (1796–1874): 27 (2003) 24


Raccord, J. [18. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 45

Radziwiłł, Mikołaj Krzysztof (1549–1616): 8 (1993) 38

Rahn, Hans Heinrich (1622–1676): 22 (2000) 21, 27–28

Rahn, Hans Heinrich (1709–1786): 29 (2004) 45

Rahn, Hans Heinrich (1726–1801): 36 (2007) 11

Rahn, Hans Jakob (1728–1802): 36 (2007) 11

Raimondi, Antonio (1826–1890): 28 (2003) 14, 18

Raisz, Erwin J. (1893–1968): 38 (2008) 18

Ramsden, Jesse (1735–1800): 29 (2004) 35; 34 (2006) 3, 6, 8; 36 (2007) 12–13, 22; 41 (2010) 8

Ramusio, Giovanni Battista (1485–1557): 8 (1993) 25, 28; 9 (1994) 14; 28 (2003) 38; 47 (2013) 38

Randegger, Johannes (1830–1900): 8 (1993) 19–20; 15 (1997) 5–6; 20 (1999) 27

Raschi Šelomo ben Yiṣḥaq (Raš"i)

Raspe, Gabriel Nikolaus (1712–1785): 35 (2007) 10

Ratdolt, Erhard (1447?–1527?): 20 (1999) 13

Rath, Johannes (1816–1903): 30 (2004) 40–41

Ratzel, Friedrich (1844–1904): 30 (2004) 6; 40 (2009) 20, 23

Rauch, Johann Andreas [17. Jh.]: 19 (1999) 28, 35–36; 41 (2010) 27; 41 (2010) 32

Rauen, Servas [17. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 14, 18

Rauner, Johann Thomas von (1659–1735): 41 (2010) 27

Rauscher, Andreas [16. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 33–34

Rauw, Johannes (†1600): 28 (2003) 40

Ravenstein, August (1809–1881): 21 (2000) 39–40

Ravenstein, Hans (1866–1934): 1 (1990) 35

Raymann, Otho (1939–2010): 10 (1994) 41 (P)

Raymond, Jean-Baptiste (1766–1830): 29 (2004) 9, 14

Read, Herbert (1861–1935): 37 (2008) 26

Read, Samuel (1815?–1883): 37 (2008) 26–27

Réaumur, René-Antoine Ferchault de (1683–1757): 11 (1995) 21; 38 (2008) 23

Reber, Peter (1780–1859): 36 (2007) 3

Rebmann, Johann Rudolf (1566–1605): 11 (1995) 25

Rebmann, Johannes (1820–1876): 30 (2004) 3, 6, 11; 45 (2012) 27–28 (P), 30, 32–34

Recknagel, Blasius (1648–1679): 35 (2007) 12–14, 16, 18

Reelant, Adriaan (1676–1718): 24 (2001) 27

Regiomontanus [Müller, Johannes] (1436–1476): 42 (2010) 39–40; 47 (2013) 45

Reich, Erhard [16. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 20; 16 (1997) 35; 39 (2009) 32

Reichard, Christian Gottlieb (1758–1837): 43 (2011) 19–24, 26–27

Reichenbach, Georg von (1771–1826): 1 (1990) 6–7

Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von (1766–1820): 19 (1999) 12; 21 (2000) 5–6; 22 (2000) 40

Reimann, Friedrich August [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 16

Reinel, Jorge [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13, 15; 18 (1998) 47

Reinel, Pedro [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 13, 15

Reiner, Wenzel Lorenz (1689–1743): 41 (2010) 44

Reinhard, Walter (*1883): 17 (1998) 38

Reinhardt, Johann Valentin (1712?–1769): 40 (2009) 31, 34–36, 38–39

Reinhardt, Joseph (1749–1824): 18 (1998) 5, 7; 33 (2006) 3

Reʿīs, Pīrī Pīrī ibn Ḥāǧǧī Maḥmūd, Aḥmad Muḥī ʿd-Dīn

Reisch, Gregor (†1525): 12 (1995) 34

Reland, Adriaan Reelant, Adriaan

Remezov, Semën Ulʹjanovič Ремезов, Семён Ульянович (*1642): 44 (2011) 24

Renat, Johan Gustaf (1682–1744): 44 (2011) 27, 30

Rengger, Albrecht (1764–1835): 18 (1998) 26

Renlin, Philipp (†1598): 19 (1999) 28

Rennell, James (1742–1830): 24 (2001) 27

Renni, Roman Egorovič Ренни, Роман Егорович [Rennie, Robert] (1778–1832): 21 (2000) 8

Renou de Chauvigné-Jaillot, Jean Baptiste Michel (1710–1780): 36 (2007) 28

Reuwich, Erhard [Rewich, Erhaert] [15. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 6

Reyher, Ferdinand Julius [19. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 43, 46

Reymann, Gottlob Daniel (1759–1837): 8 (1993) 39–40; 27 (2003) 18

Rheticus, Georg Joachim (1514–1574): 39 (2009) 32

Ribeiro, Diogo (†1533): 8 (1993) 23, 25, 28

Riccioli, Giovanni Battista (1598–1671): 5 (1992) 13–14; 11 (1995) 44–45, 48–49

Richardus [von Haldingham] (†1312): 3 (1991) 31; 7 (1993) 41

Richter, Heinrich Wenzel (1653–1696): 28 (2003) 8

Richter, Johann Heinrich (1799–1847): 30 (2004) 41

Riddell, Robert Andrew [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 16, 18, 26

Riediger, Johann Adam (1680–1756): 1 (1990) 18, 20; 2 (1990) 22; 25 (2002) 3; 29 (2004) 45–46

Riedl, Adrian von (1746–1809): 26 (2002) 21

Riedmatten, Adrian [I] von (1478–1548): 45 (2012) 3–5 (P), 10–11

Riegel, Christoph (1648–1714): 17 (1998) 22

Rihel, Wendel (†1555): 16 (1997) 33

Rimskij-Korsakov, Aleksandr Michajlovič Римский-Корсаков, Александр Михайлович (1753–1840): 21 (2000) 3, 9, 11, 14

Ringmann, Matthias (1482–1511): 6 (1992) 4; 28 (2003) 33–34, 40; 45 (2012) 16

Risler, Peter (1706–1761): 29 (2004) 45

Ritter, Carl (1779–1859): 8 (1993) 20; 20 (1999) 19, 23; 21 (2000) 39–40; 25 (2002) 15; 27 (2003) 23; 39 (2009) 14–16, 18, 26; 40 (2009) 4

Ritter, Erasmus (1726–1805): 29 (2004) 47

Rittershus, Nicolas (1597–1670): 35 (2007) 11

Ritz, Raphael (1829–1894): 1 (1990) 4

Rivaz, Pierre de (1711–1772): 32 (2005) 20

Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio (1736–1814): 27 (2003) 21

Robert de Vaugondy, Didier (1723–1786): 8 (1993) 39; 26 (2002) 28

Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles (1688–1766): 2 (1990) 13

Robijn, Jacobus (*1649): 44 (2011) 20

Robinson, H.A. [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 29

Rochlitz, Franz Joseph (1778–1853): 9 (1994) 35

Rode, Bernhard (1725–1797): 27 (2003) 25

Rogel, Hans (†1592?): 15 (1997) 36

Rogg, Gottfried (1669–1742): 25 (2002) 3

Rolewinck, Werner (1425–1502): 40 (2009) 31

Romer, Eugeniusz (1871–1954): 21 (2000) 43

Roselli, Francesco (1445–1513?): 11 (1995) 40; 18 (1998) 46; 42 (2010) 20

Rosier, William (1856–1924): 20 (1999) 29–30, 32–33

Rössler, Michael (1705–1777): 40 (2009) 34, 39

Rostovcev, Aleksej Ivanovič Ростовцев, Алексей Иванович [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 20

Rotenhan, Sebastian von (1478?–1534): 3 (1991) 20; 7 (1993) 15–17; 16 (1997) 33, 36–37

Roth, Matthäus (*1728): 8 (1993) 32

Röthlisberger, Emil (1853–1938): 46 (2012) 9–11

Rothstein, Hugo (1810–1865): 32 (2005) 37

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712–1778): 13 (1996) 25; 18 (1998) 6

Rouvier, Abraham [18. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 31

Rouvier, Charles (1848–1912): 40 (2009) 13

Roy, William (1726–1790): 34 (2006) 3, 6; 36 (2007) 12

Rucellai, Buonaccorso (1472–1546): 13 (1996) 17

Ruchamer, Jobst [16. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 44; 28 (2003) 37

Rücker, Carl Gottlieb (1778–1856): 8 (1993) 42

Rudolph, Friedrich (*1815): 27 (2003) 26

Ruge, Walther (1865–1943): 11 (1995) 19; 27 (2003) 47; 43 (2011) 29

Rugell, Christian [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 19

Rugendas, Johann Lorenz (1730–1799): 25 (2002) 7

Rughalm, Benedictus [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 21, 23; 9 (1994) 39; 48 (2013) 34

Rumpf, Hieronymus [19. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 42–44

Russ, Karl (1779–1843): 25 (2002) 14

Russworm, Johann Heinrich (†1730): 44 (2011) 24

Rüst, Hans [15. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 37, 39

Rux, Willy [20. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 50

Ruysch, Johannes (†1533): 6 (1992) 12; 12 (1995) 33; 18 (1998) 47; 47 (2013) 39–40

Ryff, Andreas (1550–1603): 19 (1999) 5, 7, 9, 14–15

Ryhiner, Johann Friedrich von (1732–1803): 18 (1998) 16; 41 (2010) 38


Sabine, Edward (1788–1883): 27 (2003) 32–33

Sachs, Hans (1494–1576): 6 (1992) 25

Sadeler, Ägidius [II] (1570?–1629): 22 (2000) 4

Saint-Non, Jean Claude Richard de (1727–1791): 27 (2003) 30, 32

Salamanca, Antonio (1478–1562): 32 (2005) 4–5

Salomo ben Isaak (Raschi) Šelomo ben Yiṣḥaq (Raš"i)

Salvetti, Camillo [19. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 36, 38

Sambucus, Johannes [Zsámboki, János] (1531–1584): 7 (1993) 18; 27 (2003) 52

Sandler, Christian (1858–1912): 24 (2001) 40; 25 (2002) 2–3

Sandrart, Jakob von (1630–1708): 33 (2006) 17, 20; 48 (2013) 15

Sandtner, Jacob [16. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 21

Sanson, Adrien (1639–1718): 12 (1995) 38

Sanson, Guillaume (1633–1703): 12 (1995) 38; 35 (2007) 9, 12, 15–18

Sanson, Nicolas-Antoine (1756–1824): 36 (2007) 21

Sanson d'Abbeville, Nicolas [I] (1600–1667): 2 (1990) 13; 8 (1993) 38–39; 12 (1995) 19, 38; 24 (2001) 27; 34 (2006) 31; 35 (2007) 9; 43 (2011) 16

Santa Cruz, Alonso de (1505?–1567?): 16 (1997) 31, 36

Sanuto, Livio (†1576): 13 (1996) 36

Sanuto, Marino [14. Jh.]: 18 (1998) 45–46; 24 (2001) 24; 39 (2009) 38

Sartain, Samuel (1830–1906): 47 (2013) 22

Sauerbeck, Johann (1798–1861): 32 (2005) 26

Saur, Abraham (1545–1593): 13 (1996) 36

Saussure, Horace Bénédict de (1740–1799): 1 (1990) 30; 2 (1990) 18; 11 (1995) 16–17, 30; 13 (1996) 25, 29; 18 (1998) 8, 12; 25 (2002) 12; 39 (2009) 12–13, 20

Sauter, Johann Baptist (1737–1795): 15 (1997) 14

Savary, Claude (†1655?): 8 (1993) 5–7

Savoia, Luigi Amadeo di (1873–1933): 31 (2005) 6, 8

Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1548–1616): 8 (1993) 5

Schadow, Gottfried (1764–1850): 27 (2003) 23

Schäfer, Johann Jakob (1749–1823): 46 (2012) 4

Schalbetter, Johann [16. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 31, 33, 35–40; 16 (1997) 36; 19 (1999) 6–7, 14; 45 (2012) 10–12

Schäppi, Jakob [18. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 12, 15–17 (P)

Scharfe, Wolfgang (1942–2003): 17 (1998) 37; 22 (2000) 39

Scharffenberg, Crispin (†1576): 24 (2001) 10

Schauenburg, Alexis-Balthasar-Henri-Antoine de (1748–1831): 1 (1990) 18 (P); 11 (1995) 13; 34 (2006) 7

Schedel, Hartmann (1440–1514): 6 (1992) 18; 13 (1996) 10, 32, 37; 38 (2008) 3, 37; 42 (2010) 19; 43 (2011) 34

Schellenberg, Johann Ulrich (1709–1795): 2 (1990) 6

Schenk, Petrus (1660–1711): 1 (1990) 29; 5 (1992) 17; 8 (1993) 38; 17 (1998) 21–22; 19 (1999) 6

Scherer, Heinrich (1628–1704): 28 (2003) 3–4; 33 (2006) 20

Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob [II] (1672–1733): 1 (1990) 2–3, 20, 29–31; 2 (1990) 3–6, 14, 18, 22, 25; 7 (1993) 21; 11 (1995) 25–26; 13 (1996) 25; 14 (1996) 26, 33; 15 (1997) 34; 18 (1998) 11; 19 (1999) 3, 7, 9–11, 14; 21 (2000) 4; 25 (2002) 12; 26 (2002) 38; 29 (2004) 9, 14; 32 (2005) 17; 34 (2006) 3; 38 (2008) 23; 41 (2010) 5; 43 (2011) 15; 45 (2012) 12; 48 (2013) 19

Scheuermann, Johann Jakob (1771–1844): 3 (1991) 2; 16 (1997) 4, 28; 18 (1998) 28, 30; 29 (2004) 9; 38 (2008) 28

Scheurmann, Johann Jakob Scheuermann, Johann Jakob

Schevenhuysen, Ambrosius [17. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 16

Schick, Conrad (1822–1901): 34 (2006) 38

Schickard, Wilhelm (1592–1635): 24 (2001) 26

Schiller, Friedrich von (1759–1805): 4 (1991) 32; 39 (2009) 12–13

Schilling, Albert (1904–1987): 48 (2013) 12

Schindler, Konrad (1757–1841): 14 (1996) 14, 16; 23 (2001) 28

Schinz, Johann Heinrich (1725–1800): 29 (2004) 46

Schirmer, Johann [17. Jh.]: 24 (2001) 12–17

Schlagintweit, Adolf (1829–1857): 25 (2002) 16, 18

Schlagintweit, Hermann von (1826–1882): 25 (2002) 16, 18

Schleich, Johann Carl (1759–1842): 42 (2010) 22

Schliemann, Heinrich (1822–1890): 25 (2002) 33, 38–39, 42–43, 45–46

Schlumpf, Jakob (1857–1916): 20 (1999) 28, 32

Schluop, Jakob [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 25

Schmid, Franz (1796–1851): 8 (1993) 14, 16; 16 (1997) 15, 19

Schmid von Grünegg, Christoph (1671–1730): 5 (1992) 17, 20

Schmidt, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich (*1739): 9 (1994) 33–34, 37

Schmidt, Johann Marius Friedrich (1776–1849): 27 (2003) 26

Schmidt, Peter [16. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 18

Schmitt, Fritz (1905–1986): 35 (2007) 3

Schmitt, Johann Heinrich von (1743–1805): 7 (1993) 6

Schneider, Benjamin Gottlieb [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 24

Schneider, Erwin (1906–1987): 28 (2003) 14, 18, 21

Schneider, Johann Rudolf (1804–1880): 32 (2005) 17, 25–27, 31

Schneider, Karl (1886–1979): 29 (2004) 20 (P); 31 (2005) 10; 38 (2008) 16; 48 (2013) 11–12

Schnitzer, Eduard [Mehmet Emin Paşa] (1840–1892): 40 (2009) 7

Schoedinger, F. [19. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 28

Schöffer, Peter [I] (†1502?): 39 (2009) 31

Schön, Erhard (1491?–1542): 39 (2009) 33

Schöner, Johannes (1477–1547): 12 (1995) 33–35; 28 (2003) 35–36, 40; 45 (2012) 17; 47 (2013) 44–45, 47; 48 (2013) 25, 32

Schönert, Carl [19. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 4–5, 9, 19

Schöninger, Leo (1811–1879): 3 (1991) 12

Schoonebeek, Adriaan (1661?-1705): 44 (2011) 19–20

Schöpf, Thomas (1520–1577): 2 (1990) 23–26; 4 (1991) 35; 5 (1992) 5, 8–9; 10 (1994) 33–35, 38–39; 12 (1995) 13, 16; 13 (1996) 32; 19 (1999) 5–6, 14; 22 (2000) 35; 25 (2002) 22–23; 32 (2005) 4; 43 (2011) 10, 18; 47 (2013) 27–29, 32–36

Schott, Johannes (1477–1548): 20 (1999) 14; 45 (2012) 17; 47 (2013) 43

Schouani, Rodolphe (†1809): 31 (2005) 22

Schouten, Willem Corneliszoon (†1625): 28 (2003) 37

Schraembl, Franz Anton (1751–1803): 3 (1991) 35; 36 (2007) 5–6

Schrautenbach, Balthasar (†1529): 6 (1992) 17

Schreiber, Heinrich [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 27; 24 (2001) 10

Schroffen, Franciscus von Wech, Josephus

Schropp, Simon (1751–1817): 27 (2003) 16, 25

Schröter, Karl (1855–1939): 19 (1999) 21

Schrötter, Friedrich Leopold von (1743–1815): 8 (1993) 40; 27 (2003) 16–18

Schubarth, Matthäus von (†1758): 8 (1993) 41

Schübler, Gustav (1787–1834): 17 (1998) 12

Schultes, Johann [II] (1583–1667?): 8 (1993) 3, 6

Schultes, Joseph August (1773–1831): 25 (2002) 14

Schultz, Bartholomäus und Jonas und Tobias Scultetus, Bartholomaeus und Jonas und Tobias

Schulz, R.A. Pauliny, Jakob Josef

Schulze, W. [19. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 33

Schumacher, Heinrich Christian (1780–1850): 1 (1990) 16

Schünemann, ... [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 20

Schürer, Thomas (1563–1615): 25 (2002) 35

Schuster, ... [18. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 12–13

Schütz, Fritz (1917–1975): 16 (1997) 11

Schuurman, Dirk [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 35

Schwaiger, Albin (1758–1824): 19 (1999) 29

Schwaller, Joseph (1760–1838): 11 (1995) 13

Schweblin, Conrad Morand, Conrad

Schwenck, Caspar Carl (†1797): 42 (2010) 15

Schwenck, Johannes (1699–1765): 42 (2010) 14–15

Schwendimann, Caspar Joseph (1721–1786): 19 (1999) 11

Scotti, Ranuccio (1597–1661): 19 (1999) 36

Scultetus [Schultz], Bartholomaeus (1540–1614): 22 (2000) 9

Scultetus [Schultz], Jonas (1603–1664): 8 (1993) 39–41; 22 (2000) 9

Scultetus [Schultz], Tobias (1565?–1620): 22 (2000) 3–6 (P), 8–10

Seeger, Carl Christian Gottlob von (1773–1858): 31 (2005) 16

Seiler, Johann Georg (1663–1740): 9 (1994) 3

Seiner, Franz (1874–1929): 40 (2009) 6, 16

Seitz, Johann Baptist (1786–1850): 35 (2007) 5

Seld, Georg (1448?–1527): 15 (1997) 36

Seljan, Mirko (1871–1913): 31 (2005) 31–37 (P)

Seljan, Stjepan [Stevo] (1875–1936): 31 (2005) 31–33 (P), 36–37

Sella, Vittorio (1859–1943): 31 (2005) 5–6

Sellier, Louis (*1757): 3 (1991) 9–10

Šelomo ben Yiṣḥaq (Raš"i) [Salomo ben Isaak (Raschi)] שלמה בן יצחק [רש״י]  ‎ (1040–1105): 4 (1991) 23–24, 26

Selter, Johann Christian (1767–1826): 27 (2003) 15, 25

Seltzlin, David (1535?–1608?): 7 (1993) 15–17; 13 (1996) 33, 35; 17 (1998) 35; 24 (2001) 12, 14–15

Semler, Christian Gottlob (1715–1782): 43 (2011) 20

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (†65): 5 (1992) 12

Senefelder, Alois (1771–1834): 3 (1991) 8; 20 (1999) 14; 26 (2002) 28; 32 (2005) 37; 36 (2007) 33

Sengre, Henri [17. Jh.]: 42 (2010) 13–15

Sernigi, Girolamo (*1453): 18 (1998) 43

Serres du Pradel, Jacques de [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 23

Seutter, Albrecht Carl (1722–1762): 21 (2000) 32–33; 25 (2002) 3–5; 26 (2002) 24; 35 (2007) 25

Seutter, Georg Matthäus (*1710): 21 (2000) 25–26–27; 25 (2002) 3, 10; 35 (2007) 10

Seutter, Johann Gottfried (1717–1799): 25 (2002) 10

Seutter, Matthäus (1678–1757): 2 (1990) 4, 18; 8 (1993) 32–35; 9 (1994) 4; 17 (1998) 22; 18 (1998) 27; 21 (2000) 25–29, 31–32; 24 (2001) 38; 25 (2002) 2–10 (P); 26 (2002) 23–24; 27 (2003) 30; 34 (2006) 19–22; 35 (2007) 21–25; 41 (2010) 32, 38; 48 (2013) 19–21

Severus Sebokt (†667?): 23 (2001) 19

Sevin, Pierre (1650–1710): 1 (1990) 23

Seyfried, Johann Heinrich (1640?–1715): 35 (2007) 11

Sgrooten, Christian (1525?–1603): 2 (1990) 10–11; 5 (1992) 8; 7 (1993) 17; 13 (1996) 34–35; 23 (2001) 6

Shuckburgh, George (1751–1804): 39 (2009) 13

Sickinger, Gregor (1558–1631): 15 (1997) 24

Siegfried, Hermann (1819–1879): 2 (1990) 36; 4 (1991) 12; 7 (1993) 21; 8 (1993) 15; 13 (1996) 3; 15 (1997) 3–4; 17 (1998) 11; 29 (2004) 18; 39 (2009) 3; 46 (2012) 5; 48 (2013) 4–6

Sievers, Wilhelm (1860–1921): 28 (2003) 14

Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph (1748–1836): 13 (1996) 25

Silbereisen, Andreas (1673–1766): 25 (2002) 3; 48 (2013) 21

Silberschlag, Johann Esaias [III] (1721–1791): 39 (2009) 12, 14

Silvano, Bernardo [16. Jh.]: 12 (1995) 27, 30; 20 (1999) 14, 17

Silvester II. Gerbertus [von Aurillac]

Silvestro [von Panicale] [17. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 23

Simen, Johann [18. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17

Simler, Josias (1530–1576): 2 (1990) 11; 5 (1992) 33; 32 (2005) 5, 7, 15; 41 (2010) 40

Simmler, Josias Simler, Josias

Simon, Simon (1857–1925): 15 (1997) 5; 45 (2012) 45

Simonel, Pierre (1760–1810): 31 (2005) 22, 25

Simony, Friedrich (1813–1896): 21 (2000) 41–42, 44; 25 (2002) 14; 18

Sinner, Rudolf Samuel Gottlieb von (1779–1799): 2 (1990) 22–23

Sintra, Pedro de [15. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 15–16, 20–22

Smart, Henry [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 25

Smesmann, Abraham [16. Jh.]: 22 (2000) 4

Smidt, Abraham de (1829–1908): 30 (2004) 27–28

Smith, Charles [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 22–23

Smith, L. [19. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 14

Smith, William (1769–1839): 38 (2008) 22

Smunck, Frans Franciscus

Smyth, James Carmichael (1779–1838): 30 (2004) 25

Solar, Gustav (1916–1997): 29 (2004) 5

Soldner, Johann Georg (1776–1833): 14 (1996) 4

Soleri, Guillermo [14. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 8

Solinus, Gaius Iulius [4. Jh.]: 47 (2013) 41

• Solothurn: Jent & Gassmann: 11 (1995) 17

Sommer, Adolf (1868–1951): 31 (2005) 10

Sonklar, Karl von (1816–1885): 21 (2000) 41, 44; 25 (2002) 11, 14–19

Sophianos, Nikolaos Σοφιανός, Νικόλαος [16. Jh.]: 7 (1993) 15–16, 18; 16 (1997) 35, 37; 37 (2008) 41

Sōshiya Kyube 草紙屋九兵 [17. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 22

Sosigenes [von Alexandria] Σωσιγένης [1. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13

Sotzmann, Daniel Friedrich (1754–1840): 27 (2003) 15–18; 36 (2007) 5–6

Spangenberg, Cyriacus (1528–1604): 13 (1996) 34

Sparke, Michael (†1653): 5 (1992) 17

Sparrman, Anders (1748–1820): 30 (2004) 37

Sparwenfeld, Johan Gabriel (1655–1727): 44 (2011) 22

Specklin, Daniel (1536–1589): 13 (1996) 32, 35; 42 (2010) 21

Speke, John Hanning (1827–1864): 30 (2004) 11; 45 (2012) 35–36

Sperling, Hieronymus (1695–1777): 41 (2010) 44

Sperling, Johann Christian (1689–1746): 41 (2010) 40

Spitteler, Sigmund (1732–1805?): 16 (1997) 18–21

Spix, Johann Baptist von (1781–1826): 28 (2003) 22

Spon, Jacob (1647–1685): 25 (2002) 38

Sporer, Hans [15. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 37, 39

Spratt, Thomas Abel (1811–1888): 25 (2002) 38–39, 45

Sprecher von Bernegg, Fortunat (1585–1647): 5 (1992) 17–19; 22 (2000) 35

Sprecher von Bernegg, Theophil (1850–1927): 21 (2000) 6

Sprengel, Matthias Christian (1746–1803): 3 (1991) 36

Sprigade, Paul (1863–1928): 30 (2004) 7–9, 17–18, 44, 46, 48, 50; 40 (2009) 23, 26

Stabius [Stöberer], Johannes (†1522): 12 (1995) 27; 42 (2010) 40

Staden, Hans (†1576): 28 (2003) 38

Stagnon, Giacomo [18. Jh.]: 2 (1990) 14; 29 (2004) 9

Stam, Willem Janszoon [17. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 5

Stampfer, Simon (1790–1864): 25 (2002) 19

Stanford, Edward [I] (1827–1904): 30 (2004) 28, 30; 37 (2008) 21–22, 25–26

Stanford, Edward [II] (1856–1917): 37 (2008) 21–24, 26–27

Stanford, Edward [III] Fraser (1885–1944): 37 (2008) 27

Stanford, William (1871–1931): 37 (2008) 26

Stanger, William (1811–1854): 30 (2004) 29

Stanley, Henry Morton (1841–1904): 31 (2005) 31; 40 (2009) 5

Stapf, Johann Ulrich [I] (1642?–1706): 42 (2010) 29, 32–34, 35

Stapf, Johann Ulrich [II] (1668?–1724): 42 (2010) 33, 35

Stapf, Johann Ulrich [III] (*1693): 42 (2010) 33

Stapfer, Philipp Albert (1766–1840): 34 (2006) 8; 36 (2007) 15; 41 (2010) 8–9, 12; 46 (2012) 3

Starke, Adolph [19. Jh]: 25 (2002) 19

Staude, Johannes (1585–1650): 44 (2011) 25

Steale, R.W. [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 27

Stecker, Anton (1855–1888): 40 (2009) 6

Steger, Ernst (*1869): 17 (1998) 37

Steger, Karl [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Stegmann, Johann Gottlieb (1725–1795): 26 (2002) 36, 39

Stein, Johann (1679–1738): 35 (2007) 10

Steinberg, Gottfried von (†1782): 21 (2000) 30

Steinberger, Johann Christoph (1680–1727): 35 (2007) 22–23; 48 (2013) 24

Steinberger, Georg Baptist [18. Jh.]: 48 (2013) 20

Steinhauser, Anton (1802–1890): 21 (2000) 40–43

Steinmann, Johann Georg (1824–1885): 3 (1991) 6–8; 4 (1991) 8–9; 48 (2013) 5

Steitmann, Richard August (*1867): 37 (2008) 17, 20

Stella, Tilemann (1525–1589): 4 (1991) 30; 7 (1993) 19; 17 (1998) 38; 20 (1999) 8, 10; 23 (2001) 6

Stempelmann, Johann Heinrich (1835–1887): 1 (1990) 16; 7 (1993) 21; 13 (1996) 6

Stengel, Johann Rudolf (1824–1857): 9 (1994) 10; 16 (1997) 4–6, 11–12; 32 (2005) 19, 30

Stenger, Johann (1767–1802): 19 (1999) 12

Sterneck, Robert von (1839–1910): 40 (2009) 7, 10

Stetten, Paul [II] von (1731–1808): 25 (2002) 3; 26 (2002) 27; 35 (2007) 21–22; 41 (2010) 37; 48 (2013) 18

Steudner, Johann Philipp (1652?–1732): 41 (2010) 38

Steur, Jacobus de [17. Jh.]: 15 (1997) 21

Stieler, Adolf (1775–1836): 1 (1990) 32; 20 (1999) 26, 29; 21 (2000) 39; 40 (2009) 4

Stier, Martin (1620?–1669): 37 (2008) 42

Stöberer, Johannes Stabius, Johannes

Stobnicza, Johannes [Jan] ze [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 12; 28 (2003) 34

Stockdale, John (1750–1814): 42 (2010) 22

Stöckli, Lucas [16. Jh.]: 41 (2010) 23–24

Stöffler, Johannes (1452–1531): 6 (1992) 21; 9 (1994) 39; 48 (2013) 34–39

Stolz, Burghauss zu Burghauss zu Stolz, Sigismund von

Stopp, Klaus (1926–2006): 35 (2007) 15, 22, 28–29; 36 (2007) 10

Strabon [von Amaseia] Στράβων (63? BC–23? AD): 7 (1993) 43; 12 (1995) 35; 25 (2002) 38; 28 (2003) 37; 37 (2008) 41; 46 (2012) 40

Strahlenberg [Tabbert], Philipp Johann von (1677–1747): 44 (2011) 17, 22–27, 30–31

• Strassburg: Bureau topographique français de l'Helvétie: 41 (2010) 10–11

Streck, Engelbert (1673–1708): 35 (2007) 10

Streffleur, Valentin von (1808–1870): 21 (2000) 41–42, 44; 25 (2002) 17

Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm (1772–1839): 43 (2011) 27

Streulin, Johann Heinrich (1661–1742): 23 (2001) 10

Stridbeck, Johann [I] (1640?–1716): 17 (1998) 22; 26 (2002) 23; 35 (2007) 21, 28; 41 (2010) 38

Stridbeck, Johann [II] (1665–1714): 35 (2007) 28; 41 (2010) 38–39

Strub, Emil (1858–1909): 45 (2012) 43

Strubicz, Mateusz [Maciej] [16. Jh.]: 8 (1993) 38

Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von (1793–1864): 8 (1993) 42; 9 (1994) 33

Stryieński, Alexandre [Stryjeński, Aleksandr] (1804–1875): 13 (1996) 3–5; 48 (2013) 3

Stübel, Alphons (1835–1904): 28 (2003) 14

Stuchs, Georg (†1520): 18 (1998) 43

Stuchs, Johann (†1556): 39 (2009) 33

Studer, Bernhard (1794–1887): 8 (1993) 10; 38 (2008) 30–35

Studer, Gottlieb Sigmund (1761–1808): 13 (1996) 29

Studer, Hans (1852–1909): 45 (2012) 43–44

Stuhlmann, Franz (1863–1928): 30 (2004) 14–15

Stülpnagel, Friedrich von (1786–1865): 45 (2012) 36

Stumpf, Johann Rudolf (1530–1592): 45 (2012) 7

Stumpf, Johannes (1500–1577/78): 2 (1990) 2, 9, 11; 5 (1992) 36–38; 10 (1994) 33, 38; 15 (1997) 24, 36; 17 (1998) 3; 19 (1999) 6, 14, 34–35; 32 (2005) 4; 45 (2012) 3–12 P

Sturzenegger, Hugo (1888–1975): 29 (2004) 21 (P), 26

Sulzberger, Johann Jakob (1802–1855): 3 (1991) 2; 8 (1993) 20; 17 (1998) 3–13 (P), 15, 17

Sulzer, Johann Jakob (1781–1828): 6 (1992) 30

Supan, Alexander (1847–1920): 46 (2012) 26

Susato, Tylman [16. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 48–49

Suvorov, Aleksandr Vasilʹevič Суворов, Александр Васильевич (1729–1800): 18 (1998) 6; 21 (2000) 3, 5–12 (P), 14, 16

Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688–1772): 44 (2011) 22–23

Swardt, Dirck Cornelis [17. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17

Sykes, Mark (1879–1919): 19 (1999) 18

Sylvanus, Bernardus Silvano, Bernardo

Sylvius, Christian Sylvius, Christoph

Sylvius, Christoph [16. Jh.]: 38 (2008) 10

Szék, Teleki von Teleki von Szék, Samuel


Tallis, Frederick [19. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 32

Tallis, John [II] (1817–1876): 4 (1991) 32

Tannstetter [Collimitius], Georg (1482–1535): 37 (2008) 35, 37

Tarade, Jacques de (1640?–1722): 1 (1990) 23, 25–26, 28

Tardieu, Pierre Antoine (1784–1869): 3 (1991) 9

Tassaert, Jean Joseph François (1765–1835): 9 (1994) 4

Tatiščev, Vasilij Nikitič Татищев, Василий Никитич (1686–1750): 44 (2011) 21–23

Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste (1605–1689): 35 (2007) 11

Tavernier, Melchior [II] (1594–1665): 5 (1992) 18

Techtermann, Wilhelm (1551–1618): 10 (1994) 33, 35 (P), 38–40; 12 (1995) 13

Teixeira, Domingos [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 14

Teixeira, Luís [16. Jh.]: 6 (1992) 14

Teleki, Pál (1879–1941): 19 (1999) 17, 19–21 (P), 23–24

Teleki von Szék, Samuel (1845–1916): 30 (2004) 3–4; 31 (2005) 32; 40 (2009) 6

Terbruggen, Hendrik [16. Jh.]: 43 (2011) 36, 38

Ter Hoernen, Arnold (†1483?): 40 (2009) 31

Tessing, Jan (†1701): 17 (1998) 22–23; 44 (2011) 18–19

Testevuide, Dominique (1735–1798): 31 (2005) 22

Teucher, Daniel (1691–1754): 6 (1992) 33–34, 36

Thales [von Milet] Θαλής [6. Jh. BC]: 5 (1992) 13; 42 (2010) 46

Theodulfus [von Orléans] (†821): 7 (1993) 41

Thompson, George (1796–1889): 30 (2004) 24, 38

Thompson von Rumford, Benjamin (1753–1814): 42 (2010) 22

Thomson, John (1778–1840): 39 (2009) 22–23

Thornton, Richard (1838–1863): 30 (2004) 3–4

Thurneysen, Johann Jakob [II] (1754–1803): 36 (2007) 28

Tillemon de Tralage, Nicolas Tralage, Jean-Nicolas de

Tillier, Benjamin Anton (1709–1759): 32 (2005) 20, 23

Tirion, Isaak (1705?–1765): 44 (2011) 27

Tissot, Nicolas-Auguste (1824–1907): 8 (1993) 47

Tobler, Titus (1806–1877): 34 (2006) 36, 38

Tobler, Waldo R. (1930–2018): 17 (1998) 36, 39; 43 (2011) 47

Tochtermann, Tobias (1716–1787): 35 (2007) 25

Tolʹ, ... Толь, ... [Toll, ...] [19. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 8

Tolʹ, Karl Fedorovič Толь, Карл Фёдорович [Toll, Karl Friedrich von] (1777–1842): 21 (2000) 8–9

Tondu, Achille (1760–1787): 25 (2002) 45

Tooley, Ronald Vere (1898–1986): 27 (2003) 38

Topolnicki von Sass, Ignaz (*1829): 25 (2002) 17

Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo (1397–1482): 6 (1992) 2; 11 (1995) 40

Tralage, Jean-Nicolas du (†1699): 28 (2003) 9

Tralles, Johann Georg (1763–1822): 1 (1990) 3–4; 9 (1994) 4, 7; 11 (1995) 29; 16 (1997) 3–4, 11, 23, 25–27; 18 (1998) 12–14; 21 (2000) 11; 23 (2001) 36; 29 (2004) 6, 9, 35; 32 (2005) 18–19; 34 (2006) 3–10 (P), 13; 36 (2007) 12–15, 17, 20–22, 24–25; 39 (2009) 15; 41 (2010) 7–10, 12

Trautweiler, Alexander (1854–1920): 45 (2012) 41–43

Traux, Maximilian de (1766–1817): 46 (2012) 22

Trechsel, Friedrich (1776–1849): 1 (1990) 4; 16 (1997) 4, 10; 29 (2004) 35–37 (P); 32 (2005) 17–19, 21; 34 (2006) 12; 36 (2007) 22; 41 (2010) 12–13

Tregele, Augustin (1695–1770): 15 (1997) 14

Trendelenburg, Theodor [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Trezel, Camille Alphonse (1780–1860): 41 (2010) 11

Tribelhorn, Johann (1804–1877): 10 (1994) 33

Trithemius [Heidenberg], Johannes (1462–1516): 39 (2009) 31

Troll, Carl (1899–1975): 28 (2003) 14, 17–18

Troschel, Franz Hugo Otomar [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Troye, Gustav Arthur (1860–1930): 30 (2004) 30–32

Truschet, Olivier [16. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 23, 27

Tschudi, Aegidius (1505–1572): 2 (1990) 2, 9; 3 (1991) 16, 18; 4 (1991) 32, 34; 5 (1992) 5–6, 32–33, 35, 38; 7 (1993) 17; 10 (1994) 33–34; 15 (1997) 33; 16 (1997) 36–37; 25 (2002) 11, 36; 27 (2003) 49; 32 (2005) 3–15 (P); 45 (2012) 6–8

• Tübingen: Cotta: 3 (1991) 4, 35; 7 (1993) 3–4, 8

Tuckett, Francis Fox (1834–1913): 37 (2008) 26–27

Tulla, Johann Gottfried (1770–1828): 14 (1996) 4, 14; 23 (2001) 29–30, 33, 35–36; 27 (2003) 7; 29 (2004) 14; 32 (2005) 19, 23–24; 36 (2007) 3

Turmair, Johannes Aventinus, Johannes

Türst, Konrad (1450?–1503): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 2; 5 (1992) 32–33, 35; 10 (1994) 33; 16 (1997) 39, 42; 17 (1998) 37; 19 (1999) 3, 5–6, 14; 32 (2005) 4; 48 (2013) 37


Uhlig, Carl (1872–1938): 30 (2004) 6, 15–17, 19

Ulbrich, Karl (1905–1987): 17 (1998) 36, 39

Ulhart, Johann Anton [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 35; 24 (2001) 12

Ullrich, Heinrich (1567–1621): 24 (2001) 12–14, 16, 18

Ulrich, Johann Jakob [II] (1798–1877): 15 (1997) 4

Unterberger, Leopold von (1734–1818): 26 (2002) 26

Ursinus [Behr], Benjamin (1587–1633): 22 (2000) 5

Usodimare, Antoniotto [15. Jh.]: 45 (2012) 15

Ussher, James (1581–1656): 15 (1997) 32

Usteri, Heinrich (1752–1802): 18 (1998) 24

Usteri, Paul (1746–1814): 29 (2004) 6, 9

Usteri, Paulus (1768–1831): 13 (1996) 25–26


Vadianus [von Watt], Joachim (1484–1551): 3 (1991) 23, 25, 27

Valck, Gerard (1651–1726): 5 (1992) 17; 19 (1999) 6

Valegio, Francesco [17. Jh.]: 5 (1992) 17–18

Valkenburg, Gerard (1538?–1578): 22 (2000) 5

Vandermaelen, Philippe (1795–1869): 17 (1998) 20

Vanosino, Giovanni Antonio [16. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 17

Varenius, Bernhard (1622–1650): 28 (2003) 40

Varese, Vanosino da Vanosino, Giovan Antonio

Varicourt, Johann Lambert von (1766–1846): 1 (1990) 20

Varthema, Lodovico de (†1517): 7 (1993) 19; 45 (2012) 18

Vassallieu dit Nicolay, Bénédict de [17. Jh.]: 33 (2006) 23–25, 27, 31–32

Vauban, Sébastien Le Prestre de (1633–1707): 1 (1990) 20, 22–23, 25–28; 10 (1994) 25; 18 (1998) 11; 34 (2006) 17, 40

Vaugondy, Robert de Robert de Vaugondy, Didier und Gilles

Vavassore, Giovanni Andrea [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 33; 39 (2009) 38–39; 43 (2011) 32

• Venedig: Giunta: 16 (1997) 36

Vergil [Publius Vergilius Maro] (70–19 BC): 25 (2002) 37

Verne, Jules (1828–1905): 5 (1992) 15–16

Verrazzano, Giovanni da (1485–1528): 12 (1995) 32–33; 13 (1996) 11, 17

Verrazzano, Girolamo da [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 16; 28 (2003) 37

Vesconte, Pietro [14. Jh.]: 9 (1994) 15, 25; 18 (1998) 46; 24 (2001) 24; 39 (2009) 38

Vespucci, Amerigo (1454–1512): 6 (1992) 3–4, 7–10, 12–13; 12 (1995) 34; 28 (2003) 33–35 (P), 37; 45 (2012) 15

Vetter, Christian [17. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 10

Vetter, Isaak (1692–1747): 15 (1997) 14

Vetter, Johann Georg (1681–1745): 41 (2010) 40–41

Vetter, Johann Leonhard (1728–1807): 15 (1997) 11–12, 14, 16, 18–19

Vierordt, Karl Christian (1744–1812): 31 (2005) 16

Vignon, Eustache (1530–1588): 7 (1993) 14

Viladestes, Mecia de [15. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 21

Villemin, Joseph (1889–1940): 46 (2012)

Vingboons, Johannes (1617?–1670): 8 (1993) 46

Virga, Albertin de [15. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 18–21; 14 (1996) 42

Visscher, Claes Janszoon [II] (1587?–1652): 5 (1992) 17–18; 11 (1995) 19

Visscher, Nicolaes [I] (1618–1679): 8 (1993) 38

Visscher, Nicolaes [II] (1649–1702): 17 (1998) 21–22

Vogel, Carl (1828–1897): 29 (2004) 30; 37 (2008) 22; 40 (2009) 21, 23, 25

Vogel, Johann Jakob [17. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 12–15

Vögeli, Johann Konrad (1765–1828): 29 (2004) 46–47

Vogtherr, Heinrich (1490–1556): 5 (1992) 36; 45 (2012) 7

Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior (1848–1910): 34 (2006) 38

Vohsen, Ernst (1853–1919): 30 (2004) 15

Volckmer, Tobias (1586–1659): 42 (2010) 21, 23

Volderthurn, Ygl von Ygl von Volderthurn, Warmund

Volkamer, Johann Christoph (1644–1720): 33 (2006) 18

Volta, Alessandro (1745–1827): 18 (1998) 17

Voltaire [Arouet, François Marie] (1694–1778): 27 (2003) 28

Völter, Daniel (1814–1865): 25 (2002) 29

Vopel, Caspar (1511–1561): 7 (1993) 15–17; 10 (1994) 4; 13 (1996) 32, 34–35; 16 (1997) 32, 35; 39 (2009) 38; 42 (2010) 41–43, 50–51; 43 (2011) 32–33, 35, 38; 47 (2013) 32, 36

Voss, Julius von (1768–1832): 27 (2003) 21

Vossius, Isaac (1618–1689): 11 (1995) 47

Vötter, Johannes Jakob [18. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 31

Vrients, Jan Baptista (1552–1612): 37 (2003) 37


• Wabern: Eidgenössische Landestopographie; Bundesamt für Landestopographie: 44 (2011) 35, 38; 48 (2013) 9–13

Wacker von Wackenfels, Johann Matthäus (1550–1619): 22 (2000) 4

Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon (1534?–1606?): 13 (1996) 36; 17 (1998) 37

Wägmann, Hans Heinrich (1557–1628): 2 (1990) 20–25 (P); 48 (2013) 9

Wagner, Adalbert (1887–1970): 2 (1990) 21–23

Wagner, Ernst (*1855): 30 (2004) 8

Wagner, Friedrich David (1825–1869): 29 (2004) 40

Wagner, Gabriel (1789–1830): 16 (1997) 4

Wagner, Hermann (1840–1929): 17 (1998) 37, 39; 18 (1998) 33; 40 (2009) 25–26, 30

Wagner, Johann Jakob (1641–1695): 4 (1991) 26

Wagner, Richard (1813–1883): 40 (2009) 18, 20

Wahlberg, Johan August (1810–1856): 30 (2004) 41

Walch, Adolf (1815–1886): 26 (2002) 28

Walch, Friedrich Johannes Adolf (1854–1932): 26 (2002) 28

Walch, Johann Sebastian Lorenz (1787–1840): 26 (2002) 23–24, 27–28; 36 (2007) 3, 8–9

Walch, Johannes (1757–1815): 25 (2002) 8–9; 26 (2002) 23–27 (P); 36 (2007) 3–9; 44 (2011) 48

Walcher, Joseph (1718–1803): 8 (1993) 47

Waldkirch, Konrad von (1549–1616?): 22 (2000) 4

Waldseemüller, Martin (1472/75–1520): 3 (1991) 16, 18–19; 6 (1992) 3–4, 7, 11–13, 20–21, 25; 9 (1994) 39; 10 (1994) 33; 12 (1995) 29, 34; 13 (1996) 11; 16 (1997) 32; 18 (1998) 47; 20 (1999) 13–14, 16; 28 (2003) 33–36, 40; 32 (2005) 4; 39 (2009) 37; 45 (2012) 16–22; 47 (2013) 38, 40, 43–45; 48 (2013) 26, 28, 30, 34–39

Walker, Emery (1851–1933): 29 (2004) 27, 33

Walker, J.W. [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 24

Walker, Urs Josef (1800–1855): 3 (1991) 2; 11 (1995) 11–14 (P), 16–17

Walser, Gabriel (1695–1776): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 4–7, 15, 18; 8 (1993) 9; 11 (1995) 13; 18 (1998) 11; 19 (1999) 10, 14; 21 (2000) 4–6; 33 (2006) 8–9; 36 (2007) 28

Walsperger, Andreas [15. Jh.]: 14 (1996) 42

Walther, Alfred (1886–1955): 48 (2013) 12

Walther, Johann Georg (1640–1697): 17 (1998) 22

Wapowski, Bernard (1450–1535): 7 (1993) 18; 8 (1993) 37–38; 39 (2009) 38

Warren, Gouverneur Kemble (1830–1882): 47 (2013) 18

Waser, Heinrich [18. Jh.]: 29 (2004) 45

• Washington, DC: Army Corps of Topographical Engineers: 47 (2013) 15, 18–19

• Washington, DC: Army Map Service: 46 (2012) 30, 33

Watt, Joachim von Vadianus, Joachim

Wattenwyl, Beat Ludwig von (1741–1825): 1 (1990) 20

Weber, Ernst von (1830–1902): 40 (2009) 18

Wech, Josephus [Schroffen, Franciscus von] (1702–1761): 15 (1997) 14, 17

Wechel, Christian (1495–1554): 23 (2001) 10

Wechlin, Hans [16. Jh.]: 20 (1999) 13

Weck, Anton (1623–1680): 35 (2007) 11

Wegelin, Georg (1558–1627): 19 (1999) 32

Weiditz, Christoph [16. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 51–53

Weigel, Christoph [I] (1654–1725): 41 (2010) 38, 40

Weigel, Christoph [II] (1704–1777): 17 (1998) 22; 35 (2007) 28

Weigel, Hans [I] (†1577): 20 (1999) 4; 38 (2008) 38–40

Weiland, Karl Ferdinand (1782–1847): 8 (1993) 9

• Weimar: Geographisches Institut: 28 (2003) 13; 39 (2009) 24

• Weimar: Landes-Industrie-Comptoir: 18 (1998) 27; 43 (2011) 19

Weiner, Peter (†1583): 17 (1998) 32, 34

Weinhart, Ignaz von (1705–1787): 19 (1999) 37–38, 40–41, 43, 45

Weinhöppel, J. [19. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 3

Weis, ... [18. Jh.]: 35 (2007) 22

Weiss, Johann Heinrich (1758–1826): 1 (1990) 2; 2 (1990) 17; 3 (1991) 2; 7 (1993) 6, 8; 8 (1993) 10; 9 (1994) 4, 7; 11 (1995) 13, 16–17; 13 (1996) 30; 14 (1996) 13; 16 (1997) 23, 25–27; 17 (1998) 4; 18 (1998) 7; 19 (1999) 12; 21 (2000) 7; 29 (2004) 9; 32 (2005) 18, 35–37; 36 (2007) 14, 21; 41 (2010) 8, 11

Weissenbach, Johann Caspar (1633–1678): 4 (1991) 33

Wellisch, Siegmund (1864–1938): 20 (1999) 5–9

Welser, Marcus (1558–1614): 13 (1996) 37

Wendelen, Govaert [Wendelin, Godefroi] (1580–1667): 11 (1995) 45, 47

Wenng, Carl Friedrich (1812–1854): 42 (2010) 23, 27

Wepfer, Georg Michael (1591–1659): 15 (1997) 20

Werdmüller, Johann Conrad (1826–1849): 13 (1996) 3–8

Werner, Abraham Gottlob (1749–1817): 9 (1994) 33, 36; 38 (2008) 26–27

Werner, Friedrich Bernhard (1690–1776): 35 (2007) 24

Werner, Johannes (1468–1522): 12 (1995) 27, 29

Westermann, Friedrich (1840–1907): 37 (2008) 12

Westermann, George [I] (1810–1879): 37 (2008) 5–6, 8–10, 12–13, 19–20

Westermayr, Konrad (1765–1834): 31 (2005) 15

Westphalen, H. [18. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 23

Wetli, Kaspar (1822–1889): 1 (1990) 9; 2 (1990) 28

Wettstein, Heinrich (1831–1895): 20 (1999) 27

Wheler, George (1651–1724): 25 (2002) 38

Whewel, William (1794–1866): 27 (2003) 33

Whymper, Edward (1840–1911): 37 (2008) 27

Whymper, Josiah Wood (1813–1903): 37 (2008) 27

Wickenburg, Eduard (1866–1936): 30 (2004) 6; 40 (2009) 6

Wiebeck, Georg [20. Jh.]: 17 (1998) 38

Wieland, Johann Wolfgang (†1736): 8 (1993) 41; 41 (2010) 44

• Wien: Artaria & Co.: 21 (2000) 40–42

• Wien: Bannwarth: 40 (2009) 13

• Wien: Beck'sche Universitätsbuchhandlung: 25 (2002) 15

• Wien: Braumüller: 25 (2002) 15–16

• Wien: Freytag & Berndt: 21 (2000) 43; 40 (2009) 12

• Wien: Hölzel: 25 (2002) 16

Wieser, Franz von (1848–1923): 13 (1996) 21; 28 (2003) 34

Wietlisbach, Johann Baptist (1822–1887): 46 (2012) 4

Wikar, Hendrik Jacob (*1752): 30 (2004) 38

Wikman, Peter [18. Jh.]: 44 (2011) 20

Wild, Heinrich (1833–1902): 29 (2004) 39–40

Wild, Johannes (1814–1894): 1 (1990) 5, 7–9 (P), 13, 16; 2 (1990) 27–29 (P), 31, 36–38; 4 (1991) 4, 12; 6 (1992) 29–30; 7 (1993) 21; 8 (1993) 14, 17, 22; 15 (1997) 3; 17 (1998) 11; 25 (2002) 16; 31 (2005) 3; 34 (2006) 10–11 (P), 13; 39 (2009) 3

Wildberger, Robert (1847–1923): 39 (2009) 7–8

Wilkinson, James (1757–1825): 47 (2013) 5

Will, Johann Martin (1727–1806): 25 (2002) 7–8; 26 (2002) 23–25 (P), 27; 36 (2007) 3

Willading, Johannes (1630–1698): 1 (1990) 20; 12 (1995) 4

Willer, Georg [I] (1514?–1593?): 13 (1996) 31–33, 35–36

Wilson, Charles William (1836–1905): 34 (2006) 38–40

Wilson, Joseph [19. Jh.]: 39 (2009) 16

Wily, William Henry [19. Jh.]: 30 (2004) 24–25

Wimmersberger, Jakob (1815–1860): 1 (1990) 9; 6 (1992) 31

Windter, Johann Wilhelm (1696?–1765): 24 (2001) 37–38; 41 (2010) 41

Winterfeld, H.F.D. von [18. Jh.]: 3 (1991) 33

• Winterthur: Wurster Randegger & Cie.; Topographische Anstalt J. Schlumpf; Kartographia Winterthur AG: 2 (1990) 29; 8 (1993) 17, 22; 15 (1997) 3, 5, 7; 20 (1999) 21, 23, 25, 27–28, 30, 32–33; 30 (2004) 31–32

Wirsén, Carl Einar Thure af (1875–1946): 19 (1999) 19 (P)

Wirz, Salomon (1740–1815): 16 (1997) 13

Wisner von Morgenstern, Franz (1804–1878): 28 (2003) 13

Wissenburg, Wolfgang (1496–1575): 16 (1997) 33, 37

Wissmann, Hermann von (1853–1905): 30 (2004) 14

Wit, Frederick de (1630–1706): 8 (1993) 38; 44 (2011) 46–47

Witsen, Nicolaas (1641–1717): 44 (2011) 18, 24, 27

Wittel, Philipp [17. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 34

Wocher, Marquard (1760–1830): 36 (2007) 31, 34

Woensam, Anton (†1541): 16 (1997) 34, 37; 39 (2009) 31; 40 (2009) 31; 42 (2010) 46, 49

Woerl, Joseph Edmund (1803–1865): 32 (2005) 33, 35–38

Wolf, Johannes (1564–1627): 45 (2012) 9

Wolf, Rudolf (1816–1893): 1 (1990) 5–6, 13; 18 (1998) 35; 29 (2004) 37, 39–40; 34 (2006) 10–11 (P), 13; 41 (2010) 14

Wolf, Salomon (1716–1779): 15 (1997) 37

Wolff, Carl R. [19. Jh.]: 21 (2000) 40

Wolff, Jeremias (1663–1724): 8 (1993) 32; 17 (1998) 22–23; 25 (2002) 3–5; 35 (2007) 21–26 (P), 29; 48 (2013) 18

Wolff, Johann Christoph (1679–1754): 33 (2006) 19

Wolfgang, Georg Andreas (1631–1716): 41 (2010) 40

Wolgemut, Michael (1434–1519): 42 (2010) 19

Wolkenstein, David (1534–1592): 7 (1993) 13, 16, 18, 20

Wolmuet, Bonifaz (†1579): 20 (1999) 4

Wood, Robert [18. Jh.]: 25 (2002) 37–40

Wrede, Christian Friedrich von (1702–1764): 8 (1993) 40

Wurstemberger, Johann Ludwig (1783–1862): 8 (1993) 10; 17 (1998) 9; 19 (1999) 13; 34 (2006) 10

Wurster, Johann Ulrich (1814–1880): 8 (1993) 17–18

Wurstisen, Christian (1544–1588): 15 (1997) 24

Wyher, Pfyffer von Pfyffer von Wyher, Franz Ludwig

Wyld, James [I] (1790–1836): 39 (2009) 22–24

Wyld, James [II] (1812–1887): 30 (2004) 28, 30

Wynegg, Guler von Guler von Wynegg, Johannes Peter [III]

Wyss, Samuel [17. Jh.]: 1 (1990) 20

Wyttenbach, Jacob Samuel (1748–1830): 39 (2009) 12


Yaʿaqov ben Avraham [Jakob ben Abraham; Zaddik] יעקב בן אברהם [צדיק]  ‎ [17. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 26

Yaron, Reuven ירון ראובן ‎ (1924–2014): 3 (1991) 26–27

Yatton, Roger (†1418): 9 (1994) 20

Yelin, Johann Andreas Friedrich (1724–1781): 26 (2002) 15, 19, 21–22

Ygl von Volderthurn, Warmund (1564?–1611): 2 (1990) 11; 25 (2002) 11; 34 (2006) 27; 35 (2007) 5; 37 (2008) 42

Yiṣḥaq ben Šemuʾel Bašan [Isaak ben Samuel Bassan] יצחק בן שמואל בשן  ‎ [15. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 25

Yosef ben Yaʿaqov [Josef ben Jakob] י׀סף בן יעקב ‎ [15. Jh.]: 4 (1991) 25

Yvoy [van Hangest-Genlis d'Yvoy], Maximilien (1621–1686): 1 (1990) 23


Zach, Franz Xaver von (1754–1832): 36 (2007) 13; 43 (2011) 19–23

Zacuto, Abraham Avraham ben Šemuʾel Zakkut

Zallinger zum Thurn, Franz Seraphin von (1743–1828): 19 (1999) 40

Zaltieri, Bolognino [16. Jh.]: 13 (1996) 32, 34

az-Zarqālī, Abū Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyā an-Naqqāš [Arzachel] أبو إبراهيم ابن يحيى النقاش الزرقالي ‎ [11. Jh.]: 23 (2001) 20

Zavoreo, Francesco (1749–1822): 46 (2012) 22–23

Zehender, Ludwig Emanuel (1720–1799): 1 (1990) 20

Zeiller, Martin (1589–1661): 4 (1991) 31; 35 (2007) 11

Zell, Christoph (†1544): 16 (1997) 32, 36; 39 (2009) 30–34, 38, 42

Zell, Heinrich (†1564): 8 (1993) 37; 13 (1996) 34; 16 (1997) 33, 36–37; 39 (2009) 31–32, 42; 43 (2011) 34

Zell, Ulrich (†1507): 39 (2009) 31

Zell, Urban (†1540): 39 (2009) 32

Zellweger, Johann Kaspar (1768–1855): 14 (1996) 25–33 (P)

Zeno, Antonio [14. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 18

Zeno, Niccolò [14. Jh.]: 10 (1994) 18

Zenoni, Domenico [16. Jh.]: 32 (2005) 4

Ziegler, Jakob Melchior (1801–1883): 8 (1993) 9, 16–22 (P); 15 (1997) 6, 10; 20 (1999) 23, 25; 21 (2000) 44

Ziegler, Leonhard (1749–1800): 16 (1997) 14

Zimmermann, Karl (1813–1889): 8 (1993) 20

Zimmermann, Michael [16. Jh.]: 37 (2008) 37

Zingg, Adrian (1734–1816): 10 (1994) 42, 48; 38 (2008) 24; 44 (2011) 3–4

• Zofingen: Ringier: 38 (2008) 18–19

Zöller, Christian Ernst (1767–1818): 36 (2007) 20

Zöller, Hugo (1852–1933): 40 (2009) 17, 29

Zollinger, Albrecht (1630–1694): 12 (1995) 13

Zollinger, Edwin (1857–1938): 20 (1999) 32

Zollmann, Johann Wilhelm (1697–1749): 15 (1997) 15

Zorzi, Zuan [Giovanni] Domenico [16. Jh.]: 16 (1997) 32

Zsámboki, János Sambucus, Johannes

Zschokke, Emil (1808–1889): 41 (2010) 14

Zschokke, Heinrich (1771–1848): 16 (1997) 28

Zschokke, Hermann (1838–1920): 34 (2006) 36

Zschokke, Olivier (1826–1898): 46 (2012) 5

Zubler, Leonhard (1563–1609): 5 (1992) 23; 15 (1997) 13

Zubov, Aleksej Fëdorovič Зубов, Алексей Фёдорович (*1682): 44 (2011) 21

Zülow, Louis von [19. Jh.]: 27 (2003) 26

Zunggo, Giovanni Antonio (1686–1771): 21 (2000) 30–31

Zuppinger, Walter (1814–1889): 1 (1990) 9

• Zürich: Conzett & Huber: 38 (2008) 15–20

• Zürich: Froschauer; Bodmersche Druckerei; Heidegger & Co.; Orell & Co.; Füssli & Co.; Orell Gessner & Co.; Orell Gessner Füssli & Co.; Orell Füssli & Co.; Artistisches Institut Orell Füssli: 1 (1990) 15; 3 (1991) 22, 25; 13 (1996) 25, 29; 15 (1997) 5, 23–24, 27, 30, 32, 37; 17 (1998) 11, 15; 18 (1998) 24, 29; 20 (1999) 30, 32–33; 38 (2008) 19, 28

• Zürich: Grimminger: 2 (1990) 34

• Zürich: Hofer & Burger; Hofer & Co.: 7 (1993) 30; 15 (1997) 5; 20 (1999) 22; 39 (2009) 9

• Zürich: Lehrmittelverlag: 20 (1999) 30, 32

• Zürich: Matthieu: 15 (1997) 34–35, 37

• Zürich: Papierfabrik an der Sihl: 2 (1990) 34

• Zürich: Ziegler & Söhne: 18 (1998) 23

Zurkirchen, Joseph Bartholomäus (1703–1777): 19 (1999) 10–11, 14

Zurla, Placido (1769–1834): 9 (1994) 13–14

Zurlauben, Beat Fidel Anton (1720–1799): 18 (1998) 4, 14; 33 (2006) 10

Zürner, Adam Friedrich (1679–1742): 44 (2011) 12

Technische Hinweise (FAQ)

Welche Namen sind in diesem Index zu finden?

Dieser Index enthält Kartenschaffende im weitesten Sinne (vgl. dazu Bonacker, Wilhelm: Kartenmacher aller Länder und Zeiten. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1966. S. 7), Wissenschaftler, Künstler, Schriftsteller und weitere Gelehrte. Nicht aufgenommen wurden Personen mit geringer Bedeutung für das Verständnis des Textes (z.B. Adlige, Politiker, Verwandte). Es fehlen ebenfalls noch lebende Personen sowie Namen aus bibliographischen Anmerkungen.

Körperschaften sind unter dem Ortsnamen eingereiht und mit einem • gekennzeichnet (z.B. den Verlag Perthes suche man unter • Gotha).

Wie sind die Namen sortiert?

Umlaute und weitere diakritische Zeichen haben keinen Einfluss auf die alphabetische Ordnung. Die Schreibweise der Namen in diesem Index kann von jener in den Artikeln abweichen. Im Zweifelsfall suche man unter einer weiteren Namensform (z.B. Nikolaus von Kues Cusanus, Nicolaus; Sacrobosco, Johannes Johannes [von Sacrobosco]).

Sind die Lebensdaten zuverlässig?

In Referenzwerken genannte Lebensdaten widersprechen sich fallweise, was hier entsprechend vermerkt sein kann (z.B. 1645/46, 1650?, 17. Jh.).

Was bedeuten die Abkürzungen und Zeichen?

nach Christus
vor Christus

Technical remarks (FAQ)

Which names are included in this index?

For this index the following groups of people were taken into consideration: map-makers in the widest sense (cf. Bonacker, Wilhelm: Kartenmacher aller Länder und Zeiten. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1966. p. 7), scholars and scientists, artists, writers, and other learned persons. People with little significance for the understanding of the text (e.g. nobles, politicians, relatives) were not included. Still living persons as well names occurring within bibliographical notes were omitted as well.

Corporate bodies are indexed under the place and marked with • (e.g. for Bartholomew see under • Edinburgh).

How are the names sorted?

Diacritical marks do not influence the alphabetical order. The spelling of a specific name in this index can differ from the one used in the article. In case of doubt please see under another variant (e.g. Nikolaus von Kues Cusanus, Nicolaus; Sacrobosco, Johannes Johannes [von Sacrobosco]).

How reliable are the birth and death dates given?

Dates found in reference works are sometimes contradictory which may be marked accordingly (e.g. 1645/46, 1650?, 17. Jh.).

What is the meaning of the abbreviations and symbols?

Anno Domini
before Christ
corporate body

Remarques techniques (FAQ)

Quels sont les noms qu'on trouve dans cet index?

Cet index ne contient que les cartographes au sens très large (cf. Bonacker, Wilhelm: Kartenmacher aller Länder und Zeiten. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1966. p. 7), des scientifiques, artistes, écrivains et d'autres savants. Les personnes peu importantes pour la compréhension de l'article (p.ex. des nobles, des politiciens, des proches) n'ont pas été incluses. Tous les personnes encore vivants sont également exclus, ainsi que les noms mentionnés dans les notes bibliographiques.

Les sociétés se trouvent sous le nom de lieu. Ils sont marqués avec le symbole • (p.ex. l'éditeur Chardon voir sous • Paris).

Comment les noms sont-ils triés?

Les signes diacritiques n'influencent pas l'ordre alphabétique. La forme d'un nom spécifique dans cet index peut différer de celle utilisée dans l'article. En cas de doute voir sous une autre forme du nom (p.ex. Nikolaus von Kues Cusanus, Nicolaus; Sacrobosco, Johannes Johannes [von Sacrobosco]).

Est-ce que les dates de naissance et de mort sont fiables?

Les dates trouvées dans des encyclopédies sont parfois contradictoires. Ils sont marquées ici comme suit: 1645/46, 1650?, 17. Jh.

Quelle est la signification des abréviations et des symboles?

après Jésus-Christ
avant Jésus-Christ

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