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Cartographica Helvetica


Willi Beck:

The 1:50,000 topographic map of the Grand Duchy of Baden

Cartographica Helvetica 14 (1996) 3–9


The topographic surveys for the map of the Grand-Duchy of Baden, Germany, were carried out between 1824 and 1844 in the scale 1:25,000. The density of the surveyed spot heights, six to eight heights per km², was rather unusual for that time. In addition, the terrain was represented with contour lines, making Baden renowned for having produced the first such map. The original map sheets 1:25,000 (68% of the country's surface), however, were never published but reduced to the scale 1:50,000, engraved in stone, and the contours replaced by hachures. Great emphasis was placed on the true representation of the entire hydrographic network. Furthermore, eight different kinds of vegetation and agricultural zones were shown. The last of the 55 sheets was published in 1854 and the map included a sheet index, a legend, and further comments.

Bibliographic note

  • Edited version of: Der Topographische Atlas 1:50 000 von Baden. Erläuterungen. Stuttgart, 1985.

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