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Wolfgang Lierz:

Maps from Stieler's Atlas in the 'Encyclopedia Britannica'

Cartographica Helvetica 29 (2004) 27–34


Up to now researchers in cartographic history had not yet uncovered the fact that some of the maps of the renowned Cambridge issue of the Encyclopedia Britannica from 1910–1911 came from the equally famous publishing house Justus Perthes in Gotha. The origin of 16 maps (from a total of 400) of the 9th edition of Stieler's Hand-Atlas could be verified.

These maps, however, bear English lettering. It is remarkable that besides maps of continents and a few of Anglo-American areas, also Carl Vogel's map of Switzerland at the scale 1:925,000 was chosen for the Encyclopedia Britannica. At the same time the color separation of the Hand-Atlas, carried out by Perthes, provided ideal conditions for this special project. The separation of the lettering in the Hand-Atlas, however, was not completed until decades later.

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