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Cartographica Helvetica


Urs B. Leu:

The archaeological map of Avenches by Johann Caspar Hagenbuch (1731)

Cartographica Helvetica 29 (2004) 43–47


The famous antiques researcher Johann Caspar Hagenbuch from Zurich (1700–1763) left behind a voluminous, hand-written and printed heritage which is now at the Central Library in Zurich. Among the documents there is also an up to now unknown map of the Roman site in Avenches.

Hagenbuch's visit to Avenches in summer 1727 together with a few colleagues is described in a travel account by councilman and historian Johann Leu from Zurich. This archaeological map (29 x 22 cm) is one of the oldest of Avenches. It was produced by Hagenbuch in 1731 and contains a hand-written legend with 22 drawn and numbered objects. A map made in the same year by Johann Adam Riediger but not traced so far served as a base.

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