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Petra Gäbler:

Eduard Gaebler (1842–1911), the editor and his atlases

Cartographica Helvetica 37 (2008) 3–20


Comparatively little is known about Eduard Gaebler's work as a copper engraver, printer, cartographer and editor. This is the case even more so for his biography. Leipzig's publishing world was strongly influenced by Gaebler through the production of geographic maps and atlases between 1870 and 1911. From 1873 to 1879 Gaebler was the director of the publishing firm Westermann. Beginning in 1882 he was the proprietor of his own geographic-artistic institute while still maintaining business contacts with Westermann. After Gaebler's death in 1911 the geographic institute – including a printing shop and a cartographic institution – survived the period between the wars and World War II with variable success. In 1949 the firm went bankrupt.

Gaebler became known for using the "Pantatypie" method to make zinc-etched relief printing plates for producing large editions of map sheets. His success and the reputation of his institute were founded on his collaboration with Carl Schönert and others for producing the public school atlas by Liechtenstern and Lange as well as his affiliation with Carl Diercke and George Westermann.

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