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Cartographica Helvetica


Michael Ritter:

The map publishing house of Johannes Walch in Augsburg

Cartographica Helvetica 26 (2002) 23–29


The imperial city of Augsburg was a leading center of map production for Central Europe in the 18th century. Many of the resident copper engravers such as Johann Stridbeck and Gabriel Bodenehr, and the art publishers Matthäus Seutter and his successors Tobias Conrad Lotter and Johann Michael Probst were specialized in the publication of cartographica and topographica.

The gradual economic recession of Augsburg left its mark on the once flourishing printing and publishing business. Only Johann Martin Will and especially Johannes Walch (1757–1815) prevented the complete disappearance of map production at the end of the 18th century.

The continuity of the Walch publishing house up until the present time, however, does not guarantee extensive archives for writing a detailed history of a German map publisher. The publishing house burned down during World War II and most of the written and printed documents were destroyed.

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