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Cartographica Helvetica

Camouflage codes of printing businesses of the Deutsche Heereskarte

see: Oehrli, Markus; Rickenbacher, Martin (collab.): Deutsche Kriegskarten der Schweiz 1939–1945: ein Vademecum. Murten: Cartographica Helvetica, 2014. (Cartographica Helvetica. Special issue 23). pp. 56–67.
Icon DOI: 10.5169/seals-1036770

Update (as of January 2024)

Note that all tables are in German only.

  • Table B1: Camouflage codes and decrypted clear names of printing businesses of army war maps
  • Table B2: Other printing businesses known as printers for army war maps
  • Table B3: Possible additional printing businesses of army war maps
Markus Oehrli () would be happy to receive further information.

Example: camouflage code D47

Camouflage code D47

Deutsche Heereskarte, printed in December 1944 by the printing business camouflage coded D47, i.e. Kunstanstalt Stengel & Co. GmbH in Dresden

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